教案 (理论课用) 学科名称 授课内容 Pediatric dentistry (章节)题目 adolescence 授课教师姓名 Jinhua wang 职称 授课对象 2014 grade under graduate students stomatology teaching "Ped iatric 授课时间 23,Nov,2017 教材版本 dentistry" fourth edition 教学目的与要求: Objective and request: To grasp: clinical classification,diagnositic evidence,therapeutic principle and method of Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence. To be familiar: Predilection age and type of Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence.Tracing and restoratior evaluation of traumatic teeth. To know: Incidence of anterior teeth trauma. 授课内容(要点)及时间分配: Sectionon:general introduction 35 minutes 1.preface(introduction) 2 minutes 2.outline request 3minutes 3.definition of dental trauma 2 minutes 4.epidemiology 8minutes 5.classification of dental trauma 5 minutes 6.history and examination: 15 minutes (dental history.clinical examination,radiographic examination) section two:diagnosis and treatment of young permanent dentition 65 minutes 1.enamel infraction and crown fracture 15 minutes (1)merely enamel fracture 5minutes (2)enamel fracture with dentin exposed 5minutes (3)crown fracture with pulp exposed 5minutes
1 教 案 (理论课用) 学科名称 “ Pediatric dentistry ” 授课内容 (章节)题目 “Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence ” 授课教师姓名 Jinhua wang 职称 vice professor 授课 方式 theory course 授课 时数 three 授课对象 2014 grade under graduate students stomatology teaching 授课时间 23 ,Nov ,2017 教材版本 “Pediatric dentistry” fourth edition 教学目的与要求: Objective and request: To grasp: clinical classification,diagnositic evidence,therapeutic principle and method of Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence. To be familiar: Predilection age and type of Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence.Tracing and restoration evaluation of traumatic teeth. To know: Incidence of anterior teeth trauma. 授课内容(要点)及时间分配: Section one : general introduction 35 minutes 1. preface(introduction) 2 minutes 2. outline request 3 minutes 3.definition of dental trauma 2 minutes 4.epidemiology 8 minutes 5.classification of dental trauma 5 minutes 6.history and examination: 15 minutes (dental history,clinical examination,radiographic examination) section two: diagnosis and treatment of young permanent dentition 65 minutes 1.enamel infraction and crown fracture 15 minutes (1) merely enamel fracture 5minutes (2) enamel fracture with dentin exposed 5minutes (3) crown fracture with pulp exposed 5minutes
2.crown-root fracture 10 minutes 3.root fracture 10 minutes 15 minutes 5.tooth avulsion 15minutes Section three:injuries to the primary dentition 10 minutes Section four:dental injuries prevention 5 minutes Summary 5 minutes 讲授重点和难点 1.the definision of the Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence. 2.incidence of the Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence. 3.classification to the Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence. 4.clinical diagnosis to the Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence 5.typing.manifestation and reatment of toothfracture. 6.manifestation and treatment of toothdisplacement 7.dental iniuries prevention 授课中加强以下内容的举措 1.如何加强基础与临床的联系 First give case examples to elucidates the Operation,then introduce the importance of basic theory,next describes the clinical use of basic theory;finally emphasis clinical reatment derived from the basic theory 2采用专业英语词汇: Concussion震荡,subluxation半脱位,luxation脱位,dentition牙列,prognosis预后, epidemiology流行病学,avulsion脱位,pulpal牙髓的,dento-alveolar牙槽骨的,tetanus破伤风 prophyaxis预防,vomiting呕吐,amnesiai记忆缺失,periodontium牙周组织congenital先天性的 endodontie牙随的,necrotic坏死的,allergies变态反应,mandibular下领骨的,deviation偏 斜,dislocation错位,脱位gingiva齿想,abnormalities异常,occlusion咬合,displacement移位, percussion诊,mobility动度,contralateral对侧的,palatal腭的,thermal test热试验,apical根尖 的,periapical根尖周的,orthopantomogram正位全景体层摄影照片,extraction摘除术extirpatio 摘除,obturation充填,coronal冠,non-vital无活性的,cotton bud,.棉签,gazc纱布swab擦
2 2.crown-root fracture 10 minutes 3.root fracture 10 minutes 4.tooth luxation injuries 15 minutes 5.tooth avulsion 15 minutes Section three: injuries to the primary dentition 10 minutes Section four: dental injuries prevention 5 minutes Summary 5 minutes 讲授重点和难点 1.the definision of the Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence. 2. incidence of the Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence. 3. classification to the Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence. 4. clinical diagnosis to the Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence. 5. typing, clinical manifestation and treatment of tooth fracture. 6. typing, clinical manifestation and treatment of tooth displacement. 7. dental injuries prevention 授课中加强以下内容的举措 1.如何加强基础与临床的联系: First give case examples to elucidates the Operation;then introduce the importance of basic theory;next describes the clinical use of basic theory;finally emphasis clinical treatment derived from the basic theory. 2.采用专业英语词汇: Concussion 震荡,subluxation 半脱位,luxation 脱位,dentition 牙列,prognosis 预后, epidemiology流行病学, avulsion脱位,pulpal牙髓的,dento-alveolar 牙槽骨的,tetanus破伤风 prophylaxis预防, vomiting呕吐,amnesia记忆缺失, periodontium牙周组织congenital 先天性的 endodontic牙髓的,necrotic 坏死的, allergies变态反应, mandibular 下颌骨的,deviation偏 斜,dislocation错位,脱位gingiva齿龈,abnormalities异常,occlusion咬合,displacement 移位, percussion叩诊,mobility动度,contralateral 对侧的, palatal腭的,thermal test热试验,apical根尖 的,periapical 根尖周的,orthopantomogram正位全景体层摄影照片,,extraction 摘除术,extirpation 摘除,obturation 充填,coronal 冠,non-vital 无活性的, cotton bud,棉签,gauze纱布 swab擦
去,buccally向频地,intrapupal牙髓内的,pulpectomy牙随摘除,syringei冲洗,calcium hydroxide cement氢氧化钙水门订,pulpotomy活萄切断术,splinting夹板疗法gingivoplasty银成形,cervical 颈部的,radicular根的,hook牵引钩,traction牵引,ligament韧带,reposition复位,inflammatory炎症 性的,内部的and exteral外部的,extirpation摘除,切除,移植,lamina dura硬 骨板。 3.启示学生思维方面: How to refer literature;and how to deal with dental trauma in childhood and adolescence.and so on. 4.指导学生自学方面: First indirect students to access to relevant information. Next grasp the Development of the discipline. After that give Appropriate cases Finally Organize panel discussions. 5.介绍学科进展内容: New methods of treatment to splint traumatized teeth and so on 教具准备(请打√) 挂图投影√幻灯√ 录像CAI课件其他( 备课主要参考书目、文献: 1.Paediatric Dentistry"Oxford University Press,Third Edition,2005. 2."Pediatric Dentistry:Infancy Through Adolescence",Saunders;5th Revised edition,2012
3 去,buccally向颊地, intrapulpal牙髓内的, pulpectomy牙髓摘除, syringe冲洗,calcium hydroxide cement氢氧化钙水门汀, pulpotomy活髓切断术,splinting夹板疗法, gingivoplasty 龈成形,cervical 颈部的,radicular根的, hook牵引钩,traction牵引, ligament韧带, reposition复位, inflammatory炎症 性的,internal内部的 and external外部的, extirpation摘除,切除,reimplantation移植,lamina dura.硬 骨板。 3.启示学生思维方面: How to refer literature; and how to deal with dental trauma in childhood and adolescence.and so on. ` 4.指导学生自学方面: First indirect students to access to relevant information. Next grasp the Development of the discipline. After that give Appropriate cases. Finally Organize panel discussions. 5.介绍学科进展内容: New methods of treatment to splint traumatized teeth and so on 教具准备(请打√) 挂图 投影√ 幻灯√ 录像 CAI 课件 其他( ) 备课主要参考书目、文献: 1. Paediatric Dentistry”Oxford University Press,Third Edition,2005. 2. “Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy Through Adolescence” , Saunders; 5th Revised edition,2012
思考题、复习提纲或测试题: Test questions 1.definition of dental trauma. 2.clinical classification,diagnositic evidence,therapeutic principle and method of Dental trauma ir childhood 3.how to deal with permanent tooth avulsion? 授课教师对此次授课的自我评价: Combination of theory and clinical,and give example:pictures,cases,and highlights The contest that should grasp.So students can better understand what they learned. 教研室主任意见:
4 思考题、复习提纲或测试题: Test questions 1. definition of dental trauma. 2. clinical classification,diagnositic evidence,therapeutic principle and method of Dental trauma in childhood and adolescence. 3. how to deal with permanent tooth avulsion? 授课教师对此次授课的自我评价: Combination of theory and clinical,and give example: pictures, cases;and highlights The contest that should grasp.So students can better understand what they learned. 教研室主任意见: