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复旦大学:《电子商务 E-business》课程课件_搜索引擎优化 Search Engine Optimization


搜索引擎优化 Search Engine optimization 赵卫东博土 复旦大学软件学院 2009-10-23 ebusiness

搜索引擎优化 Search Engine Optimization 赵卫东 博士 复旦大学软件学院 2009 ‐10 ‐23

It is not easy to design a good website? -user perspective search engine -Internet marketing ebusiness

It is not easy to design a good website? ‐user perspective ‐search engine ‐Internet marketing

search engine a web search engine has the following three components 1. Crawler/spider Find content 2. Indexer Make searching fast 3. Search Query Algorithm Interpret user intent Spider 國 SE Web SE rowser SE Search results ebusiness

A web search engine has the following three components... 1. Crawler/spider 2. Indexer 3. Search Query Algorithm Find content Make searching fast Interpret user intent search engine Indexing Web Algorithm Log Index SE Spider Search results Browser SE SE

What is seo? Search engine optimization seo )is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via natural" search results -Wikipedia, 2009 our site, which is most relevant to a users search query e on Make it easier for search engines to discover the content Chris Moore, 2009 ebusiness

“Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" search results.” —Wikipedia, 2009 “Make it easier for search engines to discover the content on our site,which is most relevant to a user’s search query.” —Chris Moore, 2009 What is SEO?

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The improvement of the search engines directly impacts the evolution of seo 993 △we 0o3 Info. com JumpStation oo!Search 1994 2005 MSN Search 1995 AltaVista Ask.com PentEx GoodSearch Magellan SearchMe 2006 Excite SAPO 1996 lAsk. com agile Live Search Chach Hot Bot Guruii.com 1997 2007 Northern G剑 Wikia Search 1998 Blackle.com 2008 Powerset Genieknows Viewzi Vivisimo 2000 Ba VADLO Exalead Perse! Search Duck Duck Go Searchme Bing ebusiness

The improvement of the search engines directly impacts the evolution of SEO

Crawling Indexing Searching YHoo! Google oing Baia百 Guides and hints about the algorithms SEO Rules Measure search Create web page Optimise page Measure impact of share results with SEO Professionals busIness

SEO Rules SEO Rules Guides and hints about the algorithms Guides and hints about the algorithms Crawling Indexing Searching SEO Professionals

Goog dIe Relevance Degree to which the content matches what the user query intention and terms The relevance is higher if the terms appear multiple times and if they show up in the title or other important sections of the page Popularity pageRank) This is a measure of the relative importance of a page Importance of a page is measured by number of, and importance of the pages linking to it ebusiness

Training Relevance • Degree to which the content matches what the user query intention and terms. • The relevance is higher if the terms appear multiple times, and if they show up in the title or other important sections of the page. Popularity ( PageRank) • This is a measure of the relative ‘importance’ of a page • Importance of a page is measured by number of, and importance of the pages linking to it

Google intemet connection problems Search Page 1 don High PageRank Page 5 m当 wrlh FIFA we Evre fau support microsof com kb/14095-Smiar-B9 up的6bm Troubleshooting Internet Connectors df this section is to gme ge problems- Windaws Vista Networking. displayed and AOL Nepear DG834G. No internet connection problems. AVForums. com are n ncladng the internet boh ad Video results for intermet connection problems intenet connextionproblem waw youtube com Appe. Siopod-DisQIssions. 10.5.7 Internet connection. problems Emal tp uploads Windows XP: Troubleshooting network co d DHCP server cn the SPs t aD=20194715· Casher-im-⊙B www.microsoicomwindowsxpusno..troubleshootmspx.cxhed-simtar-x eInternet Connection Troubleshooting your High Speed Internet connec problems Did this How d you fix internet connection problems?-Yahnol Answers helpme att netviewiet s/ds correctrvtyfindexsm dSm+②图x Internet connection problems blem is that mry bunch of things. Frst how Internet Connection Problems. t of 3 m②x help. This is the place to start to diagnose and nection Problem-vistla Lower PageRank relating to internet conne back a few papas UDA NI.V们RTY

Page 1 High PageRank Page 5 Lower PageRank

Algorithms are a SECRet Domain authority TAHOO! Relevance oing Trust rank Baidu百度 Browse rank Google PageRank ebusiness

Algorithms are a SECRET PageRank Browse Rank Trust Rank Relevance Domain Authority



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