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对外经济贸易大学:《高级商务英语阅读》课程教学资源(授课教案)Chapter 1 The Long March


裢贵华经将贸墨去号 高级商务英语阅读 Chapter 1 The Long March 1.教学目的 通过本课程的学习使学生了解中国企业和产品正在经历的国际化进程,从只是为外国跨国公司 加工产品的“Made in China”到逐渐开始在国际市场上拥有自己的产品品牌,中国企业和品牌已开始 在国际市场上崛起,但在真正成功之前还需要进行一次“万里长征”,还面临各种挑战与困难。 作者撰文此文的目的是要提醒西方读者:注意中国企业的国际市场战略动态,如何借中国企业 希图打入海外市场之力,更为轻松地进入中国市场。 在语言文字方面,学生应当仔细阅读本文,熟悉掌握商务英语的特点,包括相关的商务词汇和 用语,增强用准确流利的语言表达商务专业内容的能力。 .教学计划 本课计划使用6课时完成:约1课时作课文背景知识介绍,进行与课文主题相关的问题讨论: 使用4个课时进行课文的串讲,注意力放在课文的重点和难点上,确保学生对文章内容的准确理解: 本课练习与课堂讨论需要1课时。 川.教学方法 课堂讲解与课堂练习相结合。 课堂讲解以教师口授为主:课堂练习以巩固知识和训练技能为目标。 讲解时突出重点词、句,着重解释难句难段。 课堂练习要充分调动学生的积极性,其形式和内容服从教学目的。 练习的主要形式是: Paraphrasing Summarizing Translation Questions and answers Discussion 第1页共11页

高级商务英语阅读 Chapter 1 The Long March I.教学目的 通过本课程的学习使学生了解中国企业和产品正在经历的国际化进程,从只是为外国跨国公司 加工产品的“Made in China”到逐渐开始在国际市场上拥有自己的产品品牌,中国企业和品牌已开始 在国际市场上崛起,但在真正成功之前还需要进行一次“万里长征”,还面临各种挑战与困难。 作者撰文此文的目的是要提醒西方读者:注意中国企业的国际市场战略动态,如何借中国企业 希图打入海外市场之力,更为轻松地进入中国市场。 在语言文字方面,学生应当仔细阅读本文,熟悉掌握商务英语的特点,包括相关的商务词汇和 用语,增强用准确流利的语言表达商务专业内容的能力。 II.教学计划 本课计划使用 6 课时完成:约 1 课时作课文背景知识介绍,进行与课文主题相关的问题讨论; 使用 4 个课时进行课文的串讲,注意力放在课文的重点和难点上,确保学生对文章内容的准确理解; 本课练习与课堂讨论需要 1 课时。 III.教学方法 课堂讲解与课堂练习相结合。 课堂讲解以教师口授为主;课堂练习以巩固知识和训练技能为目标。 讲解时突出重点词、句,着重解释难句难段。 课堂练习要充分调动学生的积极性,其形式和内容服从教学目的。 练习的主要形式是: Paraphrasing Summarizing Translation Questions and answers Discussion 第 1 页 共 11 页

碰类科样降父多大号 高级商务英语阅读 IV.教学要求 学完本课文后,学生应: 掌握课文中的重要商务词汇和术语: 能正确分析并理解课文中的长句和难句: 在正确理解的基础上能将相关句子和段落译成规范的汉语: 能比较流畅地表述课文中所学的商务知识和内容。 V.背景知识 1.China's economic development in 2003 The year of 2003 was important yet unusual for China in its development,in which China achieved a great deal in the reform and opening up drives.China overcame all the difficulties caused by the outbreak of SARS epidemic and other severe natural disasters,and maintained a high economic growth of 9.1 per cent averaged for the year. GNP readings in that year rose over USD 1,400 billion,ranking the 6th of the world's largest economies,and its per capita GDP was past the milestone of USD 1,000. The national financial institutes registered a remarkable growth.Export and import increased substantially with a combined total of more than USD 850 billion,up by 37.1%over the same period of the previous year.And the same figure eased China into the 4th largest trader in the world, with a growth of 34.6 per cent in export and 39.9 per cent in import. China's import from the rest of the Asian region increased by 42.2 per cent,including Japan (38.7 %)India(51.0%),South Korea (87%)and the ASEAN countries and regions (51.7 %) respectively.China is now a main trade partner with other Asian countries and regions. An accumulated total of USD 53.5 billion in foreign direct investment was channeled for actual use in the year of 2003.By the end of that same year the outstanding balance of foreign exchange reserves stood at USD 403.3 billion and Renminbi remained stable.These achievements point to the all-time high in the national strength and capability. 2.课文的相关资料 本文发表在香港出版的《远东经济评论》(Far East Economic Review)上,是封面文章,亦即重头 第2页共11页

高级商务英语阅读 IV. 教学要求 学完本课文后,学生应: 掌握课文中的重要商务词汇和术语; 能正确分析并理解课文中的长句和难句; 在正确理解的基础上能将相关句子和段落译成规范的汉语; 能比较流畅地表述课文中所学的商务知识和内容。 V. 背景知识 1.China’s economic development in 2003 The year of 2003 was important yet unusual for China in its development, in which China achieved a great deal in the reform and opening up drives. China overcame all the difficulties caused by the outbreak of SARS epidemic and other severe natural disasters, and maintained a high economic growth of 9.1 per cent averaged for the year. GNP readings in that year rose over USD 1,400 billion, ranking the 6th of the world’s largest economies, and its per capita GDP was past the milestone of USD 1,000. The national financial institutes registered a remarkable growth. Export and import increased substantially with a combined total of more than USD 850 billion, up by 37.1% over the same period of the previous year. And the same figure eased China into the 4th largest trader in the world, with a growth of 34.6 per cent in export and 39.9 per cent in import. China’s import from the rest of the Asian region increased by 42.2 per cent, including Japan (38.7 %), India (51.0%), South Korea (87%) and the ASEAN countries and regions (51.7 %), respectively. China is now a main trade partner with other Asian countries and regions. An accumulated total of USD 53.5 billion in foreign direct investment was channeled for actual use in the year of 2003. By the end of that same year the outstanding balance of foreign exchange reserves stood at USD 403.3 billion and Renminbi remained stable. These achievements point to the all-time high in the national strength and capability. 2. 课文的相关资料 本文发表在香港出版的《远东经济评论》(Far East Economic Review)上,是封面文章,亦即重头 第 2 页 共 11 页

链典4矮降贸多大 高级商务英语阅读 文章。 标题是the Long March,作者在此借红军的长征来比喻中国企业和产品国际化的过程,属于修辞上 的“典故”用法。诚如媒体共识:中国企业要想在全球市场上参与竞争,“万里长征”尚在初级阶段,争 取把“中国制造”的产品打造成全球性的知名品牌,还需要经历许多的竞争、挫折、甚至失败,到达目 的地之前“还有很长的路要走”。 本文作者名叫Trish Saywell,,成文之前他到广州和上海旅行采访,故在署名栏写着:Trish Saywell in Guangzhou and Shanghai,文章发表后不久调往新加坡任职。 国际商务桥网站在其“论文与观点:[国际企业与管理]”栏目下发表了对外经济贸易大学王健教授“谈对 中国企业迎接全球化挑战的认识”一文,王健教授在接受《国际商报》世纪刊记者采访时,从其海外 经历谈到了中国企业走向国际化的各种问题及解决方案。读者可以参看。 《北京青年报》2003年06月19日发表了该报记者陈玉明采写的长篇报道,题目是“日本还是不是 我们的老师”。文章中的一些观点很有见地,对于我们理解本文以及进一步关注同一议题,具有极大 的参考价值。 人所共知,“中国制造”的弱点或者说软肋在研发方面。“没有核心技术”,是对中国家电业的普遍责备。 比如,代表未来大屏幕彩电发展方向的等离子电视,其关键部件一等离子显示屏的生产,全部掌 握在6家日韩企业手中。至于中国的DVD企业被人家索取高额专利使用费的事,就不必再说了。但 事实上,中国家电业比核心技术更缺乏的是竞争战略。或者我们换一个说法:中国家电业并非没有 战略,问题是大家的“战略”是趋同的,企业缺乏自己独特的竞争战略。这种趋同的“战略”就是规模二 字。上规模,一直是中国家电企业的主流竞争战略。这源于中国家电业是在短缺经济时代起步的, 那时候,谁产得多,谁就卖得多,谁赚的钱也就多,用不着什么“战略”这套,使劲儿干就是了。 但事物的发展都有个度。当产量的增长己经大于现实需求的时候,我们的企业却没有转过弯来,仍 然惯性地把市场占有率作为经营目标,当了“大王”还想当“霸王”,期望以此把对手挤出行业。但由于 体制的原因,中国的很多企业实际上是没有退路的。于是,大家越苦越斗,越斗越苦。国内22家家 电类上市公司,1999年的净利润总额是35.6亿元,2000年还有10.4亿元,到2001年就是亏损28.4 亿元了。这表明,中国家电业长期以来所依赖的简单复制式的规模化发展之路,作为一个行业,己 第3页共11页

高级商务英语阅读 文章。 标题是 the Long March,作者在此借红军的长征来比喻中国企业和产品国际化的过程,属于修辞上 的“典故”用法。诚如媒体共识:中国企业要想在全球市场上参与竞争,“万里长征”尚在初级阶段,争 取把“中国制造”的产品打造成全球性的知名品牌,还需要经历许多的竞争、挫折、甚至失败,到达目 的地之前“还有很长的路要走”。 本文作者名叫 Trish Saywell,成文之前他到广州和上海旅行采访,故在署名栏写着:Trish Saywell in Guangzhou and Shanghai,文章发表后不久调往新加坡任职。 国际商务桥网站在其“论文与观点:[国际企业与管理]”栏目下发表了对外经济贸易大学王健教授“谈对 中国企业迎接全球化挑战的认识”一文,王健教授在接受《国际商报》世纪刊记者采访时,从其海外 经历谈到了中国企业走向国际化的各种问题及解决方案。读者可以参看。 《北京青年报》2003 年 06 月 19 日发表了该报记者陈玉明采写的长篇报道,题目是“日本还是不是 我们的老师”。文章中的一些观点很有见地,对于我们理解本文以及进一步关注同一议题,具有极大 的参考价值。 人所共知,“中国制造”的弱点或者说软肋在研发方面。“没有核心技术”,是对中国家电业的普遍责备。 比如,代表未来大屏幕彩电发展方向的等离子电视,其关键部件——等离子显示屏的生产,全部掌 握在 6 家日韩企业手中。至于中国的 DVD 企业被人家索取高额专利使用费的事,就不必再说了。但 事实上,中国家电业比核心技术更缺乏的是竞争战略。或者我们换一个说法:中国家电业并非没有 战略,问题是大家的“战略”是趋同的,企业缺乏自己独特的竞争战略。这种趋同的“战略”就是规模二 字。上规模,一直是中国家电企业的主流竞争战略。这源于中国家电业是在短缺经济时代起步的, 那时候,谁产得多,谁就卖得多,谁赚的钱也就多,用不着什么“战略”这套,使劲儿干就是了。 但事物的发展都有个度。当产量的增长已经大于现实需求的时候,我们的企业却没有转过弯来,仍 然惯性地把市场占有率作为经营目标,当了“大王”还想当“霸王”,期望以此把对手挤出行业。但由于 体制的原因,中国的很多企业实际上是没有退路的。于是,大家越苦越斗,越斗越苦。国内 22 家家 电类上市公司,1999 年的净利润总额是 35.6 亿元,2000 年还有 10.4 亿元,到 2001 年就是亏损 28.4 亿元了。这表明,中国家电业长期以来所依赖的简单复制式的规模化发展之路,作为一个行业,已 第 3 页 共 11 页

碰男将贸多大是 高级商务英语阅读 经走到尽头了。日本式的“标准化大规模生产”将逐步为“个性化大规模定制”所取代。 竞争战略趋同导致的另一个结果是产品的严重同质化。由于大家提供的是使用价值近乎相同的产品, 消费者只好在价格上作出选择。消费者这种“不良”的消费取向,导致生产者的利润水平不断降低:利 润的降低又导致企业失去了通过价值方面的努力改变这一状况的能力。这与日本企业的质量和成本 的同时改善一样,都像是“既要马儿跑得好,又要马儿不吃草”,显然是一种难以持续的经营战略。 3.China's biggest brands by Forbes(10.20.03) Many Chinese manufacturers have little choice but to go global.Fierce competition at home means future profits lie in selling branded goods in rich countries,just as Japanese and South Korean firms found.It will require a combination of attractive products,good service and first-rate technology.Top Chinese companies are now getting into the branding game.The following are China's top 15 brands to watch: 1.Haier:Home appliances 2.CIMC(China International Marine Containers-Shenzhen):Freight containers 3.Tsingtao:Beer 4.Tong Ren Tang:Traditional medicines 5.Yanjing:Beer 6.Pearl River:Pianos 7.Legend/Lenovo:PCs 8.Ancai(Anyang,Henan):TV tubes 9.Shanghai Zhenhua:Container cranes and port machinery 10.Erdos:Cashmere 11.Wanxiang Qianchao (Hanzhou,Zhejiang):Automotive parts 12.NCPC(North China Pharmaceutical Group Corp.-Shijiazhuang,Hebei):Pharmaceuticals 13.FAW(First Automotive Works-Changchun,Jielin):cars 14.Broad(Beijing):Air-conditioning 15.COSCO(China Ocean Shipping--Beijing):Shipping 4.Grey China 第4页共11页

高级商务英语阅读 经走到尽头了。日本式的“标准化大规模生产”将逐步为“个性化大规模定制”所取代。 竞争战略趋同导致的另一个结果是产品的严重同质化。由于大家提供的是使用价值近乎相同的产品, 消费者只好在价格上作出选择。消费者这种“不良”的消费取向,导致生产者的利润水平不断降低;利 润的降低又导致企业失去了通过价值方面的努力改变这一状况的能力。这与日本企业的质量和成本 的同时改善一样,都像是“既要马儿跑得好,又要马儿不吃草”,显然是一种难以持续的经营战略。 3. China’s biggest brands by Forbes (10.20.03) Many Chinese manufacturers have little choice but to go global. Fierce competition at home means future profits lie in selling branded goods in rich countries, just as Japanese and South Korean firms found. It will require a combination of attractive products, good service and first-rate technology. Top Chinese companies are now getting into the branding game. The following are China’s top 15 brands to watch: 1. Haier: Home appliances 2. CIMC (China International Marine Containers-Shenzhen): Freight containers 3. Tsingtao: Beer 4. Tong Ren Tang: Traditional medicines 5. Yanjing: Beer 6. Pearl River: Pianos 7. Legend/Lenovo: PCs 8. Ancai (Anyang, Henan): TV tubes 9. Shanghai Zhenhua: Container cranes and port machinery 10. Erdos: Cashmere 11. Wanxiang Qianchao (Hanzhou, Zhejiang): Automotive parts 12. NCPC (North China Pharmaceutical Group Corp.—Shijiazhuang, Hebei): Pharmaceuticals 13. FAW (First Automotive Works—Changchun, Jielin): cars 14. Broad (Beijing): Air-conditioning 15. COSCO (China Ocean Shipping--Beijing): Shipping 4. Grey China 第 4 页 共 11 页

碰男华经海贸多大学 高级商务英语阅读 Grey China Advertising Ltd.,located in Beijing.It is a partner company of Grey Worldwide,a subsidiary of Grey Global Group. Grey Worldwide: Grey Worldwide,our global advertising agency,is one of the ten largest advertising agencies in the world,with offices in over 90 countries.It has one overriding focus:to produce truly great creative work,to produce work that soars,makes us proud and fosters the brand relationship with consumers-work that helps our clients prosper.GreyWorldwide provides highly creative services including brand ideas and strategies,brand planning,creative development and production.Our agency is organized into four geographical units:North America;Europe,Middle East Africa (EMEA),Asia-Pacific and Latin America. In 2000,when Grey Global Group(formerly Grey Advertising)became a holding company of many partner companies,each focused in a different marketing communications business discipline,we separated our largest business-advertising-into a single new agency:Grey Worldwide. Worldwide Headquarters: 777 Third Avenue New York,NY 10017 (212)546-2000 Ed Meyer,CEO Grey Global Group Grey Global Group: Grey Global Group has a celebrated history of excellence and innovation.Our success story began more than 85 years ago... In 1917,Grey was a one-man,one-room shop.The one man was Larry Valenstein,who borrowed $100 from his mother to start a direct mail company,which he called Grey Studios. By 1925,he had already hired an ambitious assistant named Arthur Fatt and had acquired enough consumer accounts to necessitate a name change to Grey Advertising.They had no money,no 第5页共11页

高级商务英语阅读 Grey China Advertising Ltd., located in Beijing. It is a partner company of Grey Worldwide, a subsidiary of Grey Global Group. Grey Worldwide: Grey Worldwide, our global advertising agency, is one of the ten largest advertising agencies in the world, with offices in over 90 countries. It has one overriding focus: to produce truly great creative work, to produce work that soars, makes us proud and fosters the brand relationship with consumers—work that helps our clients prosper. GreyWorldwide provides highly creative services including brand ideas and strategies, brand planning, creative development and production. Our agency is organized into four geographical units: North America; Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), Asia-Pacific and Latin America. In 2000, when Grey Global Group (formerly Grey Advertising) became a holding company of many partner companies, each focused in a different marketing communications business discipline, we separated our largest business—advertising—into a single new agency: Grey Worldwide. Worldwide Headquarters: 777 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 (212) 546-2000 Ed Meyer, CEO Grey Global Group Grey Global Group: Grey Global Group has a celebrated history of excellence and innovation. Our success story began more than 85 years ago… In 1917, Grey was a one-man, one-room shop. The one man was Larry Valenstein, who borrowed $100 from his mother to start a direct mail company, which he called Grey Studios. By 1925, he had already hired an ambitious assistant named Arthur Fatt and had acquired enough consumer accounts to necessitate a name change to Grey Advertising. They had no money, no 第 5 页 共 11 页

碰男将多大是 高级商务英语阅读 connections,no advanced education and no experience in the advertising business.They trusted their native wit,intelligence and street-smart savvy to generate ideas that would build business for their clients and,as a result,for them. Today,Grey has evolved from a one-client,one-room agency to an $12 billion communications powerhouse.Grey Global Group is the 7th largest communications company in the world,and each of its partner companies is focused on being best in class in its particular specialty.The entrepreneurial spirit and vitality that defined Grey's beginnings continues to characterize the steps we are taking to meet the demands of the new century. 5.Kearney History Since 1926 we've been providing high-value management consulting services-that's more than 75 years filled with significant growth and geographic expansion,and long-term relationships with major companies across the globe. For our first 35 years,we stayed true to our Chicago roots until establishing an additional location in 1961.Three years later,we opened our first non-U.S.office in Dusseldorf and went on to create a presence in other parts of Europe,North America,South America,Asia and Africa. In 1995,we joined forces with EDS,a leader in global technology services.Today we are an independent subsidiary consisting of 4000 employees based in more than 60 cities and 35 countries From our consulting roots in operations and the manufacturing industry,we have expanded our service offerings to meet the needs of a changing business world,technological environment and global marketplace.With over three-quarters of a century of experience,a solid ever-growing base of intellectual capital and many meaningful business relationships behind us,we're looking forward to an even bigger future. 第6页共11页

高级商务英语阅读 connections, no advanced education and no experience in the advertising business. They trusted their native wit, intelligence and street-smart savvy to generate ideas that would build business for their clients and, as a result, for them. Today, Grey has evolved from a one-client, one-room agency to an $12 billion communications powerhouse. Grey Global Group is the 7th largest communications company in the world, and each of its partner companies is focused on being best in class in its particular specialty. The entrepreneurial spirit and vitality that defined Grey’s beginnings continues to characterize the steps we are taking to meet the demands of the new century. 5. Kearney History Since 1926 we’ve been providing high-value management consulting services — that’s more than 75 years filled with significant growth and geographic expansion, and long-term relationships with major companies across the globe. For our first 35 years, we stayed true to our Chicago roots until establishing an additional location in 1961. Three years later, we opened our first non-U.S. office in Düsseldorf and went on to create a presence in other parts of Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa. In 1995, we joined forces with EDS, a leader in global technology services. Today we are an independent subsidiary consisting of 4000 employees based in more than 60 cities and 35 countries. From our consulting roots in operations and the manufacturing industry, we have expanded our service offerings to meet the needs of a changing business world, technological environment and global marketplace. With over three-quarters of a century of experience, a solid ever-growing base of intellectual capital and many meaningful business relationships behind us, we’re looking forward to an even bigger future. 第 6 页 共 11 页

碰男降贸多大是 高级商务英语阅读 Overview Who are we? We are one of the largest high value management consulting firms in the world.We have a broad range of capabilities and expertise in all major industries and we offer a full spectrum of services, including strategy and organization,operations,business technology solutions,enterprise services transformation and executive search. What do we do? Our firm focuses on CEO-level concerns-traditional issues such as leadership,globalization, enterprise transformation and product strategy,especially focusing on the challenges of a difficult economy.Only A.T.Keamney combines high value management consulting,expanded capabilities and proven solutions that deliver tangible results. What is out mission? Our mission describes the value we intend to deliver to our clients,now and into the future.We are dedicated to acheiving profound,tangible results for our clients as a management consulting firm. What do we promise? We deliver tangible results.Our clients receive a high return on their consulting investment.We bring new intellectual content and solutions that work.Our officers are actively involved in every engagement.A.T.Kearney is known for its ability to provide practical,concrete recommendations and support clients right through implementation.We do this in an environment that encourages a "working partnership." General information Staff 4000 employees worldwide,approximately two-thirds are consultants;our people have broad industry experience and come from leading business schools.We staff client teams with the best 第7页共11页

高级商务英语阅读 Overview Who are we? We are one of the largest high value management consulting firms in the world. We have a broad range of capabilities and expertise in all major industries and we offer a full spectrum of services, including strategy and organization, operations, business technology solutions, enterprise services transformation and executive search. What do we do? Our firm focuses on CEO-level concerns—traditional issues such as leadership, globalization, enterprise transformation and product strategy, especially focusing on the challenges of a difficult economy. Only A.T. Kearney combines high value management consulting, expanded capabilities and proven solutions that deliver tangible results. What is out mission? Our mission describes the value we intend to deliver to our clients, now and into the future. We are dedicated to acheiving profound, tangible results for our clients as a management consulting firm. What do we promise? We deliver tangible results. Our clients receive a high return on their consulting investment. We bring new intellectual content and solutions that work. Our officers are actively involved in every engagement. A.T. Kearney is known for its ability to provide practical, concrete recommendations and support clients right through implementation. We do this in an environment that encourages a “working partnership.” General information Staff 4000 employees worldwide, approximately two-thirds are consultants; our people have broad industry experience and come from leading business schools. We staff client teams with the best 第 7 页 共 11 页

碰男将多大是 高级商务英语阅读 people throughout the A.T.Kearney world Industry specialties Aerospace defense Automotive Communications media Consumer industries retail Financial institutions Government High tech electronics Pharmaceuticals/health care Process industries Transportation travel Utilities Service practices Strategy consulting Business Technology Operations consulting Enterprise Services Transformation Client satisfaction From surveys conducted in the first half of 2004,96.9%said they would use A.T.Keamey in the future.Over 98%rated our consultants as good to excellent. Heritage Founded in 1926;delivering meaningful results to clients for more than 75 years Parent company A.T.Kearney is an independent subsidiary of global services leader EDS. 第8页共11页

高级商务英语阅读 people throughout the A.T. Kearney world Industry specialties Aerospace & defense Automotive Communications & media Consumer industries & retail Financial institutions Government High tech & electronics Pharmaceuticals/health care Process industries Transportation & travel Utilities Service practices Strategy consulting Business Technology Operations consulting Enterprise Services Transformation Client satisfaction From surveys conducted in the first half of 2004, 96.9% said they would use A.T. Kearney in the future. Over 98% rated our consultants as good to excellent. Heritage Founded in 1926; delivering meaningful results to clients for more than 75 years Parent company A.T. Kearney is an independent subsidiary of global services leader EDS. 第 8 页 共 11 页

碰剥经悔贸昌大是 高级商务英语阅读 EDS EDS provides a broad portfolio of business and technology solutions to help its clients worldwide improve their business performance.EDS'core portfolio comprises information-technology, applications and business process services,as well as information-technology transformation services.EDS'A.T.Kearney subsidiary is one of the world's leading high-value management consultancies. We support the world's leading companies and governments in 60 countries. Employees:more than 120,000 2003 revenues:more than $20 billion Ranked 87th on the Fortune 500 VM.课文讲解 1.which is image-driven(p.1) image指品牌形象,driven“受..驱使”,image-driven,adj,形象驱动的:化妆品等产品受品牌 形象的影响很大。全句是讲,消费者在购买化妆品这类产品时,很大程度上看重品牌的知名度。 2.joint venture (p.2) venture一词的含义是:a business enterprise involving some risk in expectation of gain,即“追 求利润但有某些风险的企业",因此joint venture在此是指“合资企业"。 3.distribution channels(p.2) distribution channel the set of firms and individuals that take title,or assist in transferring tite,to the particular product or service as it moves from the producer to the consumer(在产品和 服务从生产商向消费者转移的过程中取得这些产品或服务的所有权或者帮助转移所有权的企业和个 人)。实际上它指的就是我们平常所说的middlemen(中间商),主要包括批发商(wholesaler)和零售 商(retailer)。 4.premium brands(p.2) 第9页共11页

高级商务英语阅读 EDS EDS provides a broad portfolio of business and technology solutions to help its clients worldwide improve their business performance. EDS' core portfolio comprises information-technology, applications and business process services, as well as information-technology transformation services. EDS' A.T. Kearney subsidiary is one of the world's leading high-value management consultancies. We support the world's leading companies and governments in 60 countries. Employees: more than 120,000 2003 revenues: more than $20 billion Ranked 87th on the Fortune 500 VI. 课文讲解 1.which is image-driven (p. 1) image 指品牌形象,driven“受……驱使”,image-driven, adj., 形象驱动的;化妆品等产品受品牌 形象的影响很大。全句是讲,消费者在购买化妆品这类产品时,很大程度上看重品牌的知名度。 2.joint venture (p.2) venture 一词的含义是:a business enterprise involving some risk in expectation of gain, 即“追 求利润但有某些风险的企业”,因此 joint venture 在此是指“合资企业”。 3. distribution channels (p.2) distribution channel 是指 the set of firms and individuals that take title, or assist in transferring title, to the particular product or service as it moves from the producer to the consumer(在产品和 服务从生产商向消费者转移的过程中取得这些产品或服务的所有权或者帮助转移所有权的企业和个 人)。实际上它指的就是我们平常所说的 middlemen(中间商),主要包括批发商(wholesaler)和零售 商(retailer)。 4. premium brands (p. 2) 第 9 页 共 11 页

链费降贸多大是 高级商务英语阅读 这里指的是products regarded as superior in quality and sold at a higher price,高档品牌的商 品。 5.status-conscious domestic consumers(p.2) 对社会地位十分敏感的国内消费者,也就是,为了满足虚荣心、显示自己的社会地位或表明自己 属于社会上层而不惜大把花钱买高价商品或进口商品的人。 6.Meidi(p.2) 广东美的电器公司,在澳大利亚、加拿大、欧洲、中国香港、南美,和美国等地设立了办事处。 现已将其英语名称改为Midea。 7.white goods(p.3) 白色家电,如冰箱,洗衣机,微波炉,消毒碗柜等。另还有灰色家电(gray goods)的说法,主 要指录像机(VCR),影碟机(VCD),摄像机(VC)等。 8.ABN Amro Securities (p.4) 荷兰银行所属证券部 9.Unilever(p.4) 英荷联合利华跨国公司,是世界上第二大消费者用品公司。联合利华现在中国有11个合资企业, 1个控股公司(holding company),2个全资公司(fully owned company)。公司主要经营下列4种 产品:食品、洗涤剂用品、个人护肤品和专用化学品。在中国比较著名的品牌产品有:旁氏(Pods), 凡士林(Vaseline),珍珠膏(Pears),美加净(Maxam),洁诺(Signal)等洗发、护肢、口腔护理 等用品。 10.Laocai(p.5) 老蔡酱油,中国台湾品牌,现己被联合利华公司收购。 11.Coty (p.5) 美国科蒂化妆品公司 第10页共11页

高级商务英语阅读 这里指的是 products regarded as superior in quality and sold at a higher price,高档品牌的商 品。 5. status-conscious domestic consumers (p.2) 对社会地位十分敏感的国内消费者,也就是,为了满足虚荣心、显示自己的社会地位或表明自己 属于社会上层而不惜大把花钱买高价商品或进口商品的人。 6.Meidi (p. 2) 广东美的电器公司,在澳大利亚、加拿大、欧洲、中国香港、南美,和美国等地设立了办事处。 现已将其英语名称改为 Midea。 7. white goods (p. 3) 白色家电,如冰箱,洗衣机,微波炉,消毒碗柜等。另还有灰色家电(gray goods)的说法,主 要指录像机(VCR),影碟机(VCD),摄像机(VC)等。 8. ABN Amro Securities (p. 4) 荷兰银行所属证券部 9. Unilever (p. 4) 英荷联合利华跨国公司,是世界上第二大消费者用品公司。联合利华现在中国有 11 个合资企业, 1 个控股公司(holding company),2 个全资公司(fully owned company)。公司主要经营下列 4 种 产品:食品、洗涤剂用品、个人护肤品和专用化学品。在中国比较著名的品牌产品有:旁氏(Ponds), 凡士林(Vaseline),珍珠膏(Pears),美加净(Maxam),洁诺(Signal)等洗发、护肢、口腔护理 等用品。 10. Laocai (p. 5) 老蔡酱油,中国台湾品牌,现已被联合利华公司收购。 11. Coty (p. 5) 美国科蒂化妆品公司 第 10 页 共 11 页



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