●●●●● ●●●● ●●● Unit iNsurance ●●● Field work Reading a Reading b Simulated writing ● Listening Speaking Presentation
Unit 7 Insurance ⚫ Field Work ⚫ Reading A ⚫ Reading B ⚫ Simulated Writing ⚫ Listening ⚫ Speaking ⚫ Presentation
● ●●●●●● ●●● Field work Search the library or the Internet for information about personnel management o Make a list of questions and use them to interview people about business ethics o Write a report about what you have found and prepare for an in-class presentation
Field Work ⚫ Search the library or the Internet for information about personnel management. ⚫ Make a list of questions and use them to interview people about business ethics. ⚫ Write a report about what you have found and prepare for an in-class presentation
●●●● ●●●● Reading A ●●● o Pre-reading Activities ● In-reading Activities Difficult Language Points Post-reading Activities e Consolidating Exercises
Reading A ⚫ Pre-reading Activities ⚫ In-reading Activities ⚫ Difficult Language Points ⚫ Post-reading Activities ⚫ Consolidating Exercises
● ●●● ●●●● Pre-reading Activities ●●● e Brainstorm a list of topic-related words claim, cover, insurable, insure, policy, holder, coverage, peril
Pre-reading Activities ⚫ Brainstorm a list of topic-related words claim, cover, insurable, insure, policy, holder, coverage, peril…
● ●●● ●●●● In-reading Activities ●●● e Individual work: finding out the difficulties o Pair work: reviewing the expressions Group work getting the ideas
In-reading Activities ⚫ Individual work: finding out the difficulties ⚫ Pair work: reviewing the expressions ⚫ Group work: getting the ideas
● Post-reading Activities ●●● ●●●● insurable risks 保单持有人 the insured 保单 surer 投保人 premium 承保人 policy 保费 coverage 绝对免赔额 claim 可保风险 policy holder 索赔 the deductible 险种
Post-reading Activities insurable risks 保单持有人 the insured 保单 insurer 投保人 premium 承保人 policy 保费 coverage 绝对免赔额 claim 可保风险 policy holder 索赔 the deductible 险种
Consolidating Exercises ●●●●●●● Reading A Individual work. dictation ● Match wor
Consolidating Exercises ⚫ Individual work: dictation ⚫Match work Reading A
● Difficult points in Reading a ●● esult from deliberate actions of (Paragraph 2): be caused by deliberate actions of e.g. Nothing has resulted from his efforts excludes loss caused by. (Paragraph 2) does includes loss caused by e.g. They excluded people under 18 from joining the club
Difficult points in Reading A - result from deliberate actions of… (Paragraph 2): be caused by deliberate actions 0f… e.g. Nothing has resulted from his efforts - excludes loss caused by…(Paragraph 2): does includes loss caused by… e.g. They excluded people under 18 from joining the club
● be subject to the same peril. ( Paragrapl ●●● 3): Be under the power or situation of the same perl e.g. All citizens in this nation are subject to the law The perils must be likely to affect. ( Paragraph 4 ) The perils must be likely to have an effect on e.g. The slight change of weather can affect her delicate health
- be subject to the same peril. (Paragraph 3): Be under the power or situation of the same peril… e.g. All citizens in this nation are subject to the law. - The perils must be likely to affect…(Paragraph 4): The perils must be likely to have an effect on… e.g. The slight change of weather can affect her delicate health
● ●●● ●●●● Reading B ●●● Individual work finding out the difficulties o Pair work: reviewing the expressions Group work: getting the ideas
Reading B ⚫ Individual work: finding out the difficulties ⚫ Pair work: reviewing the expressions ⚫ Group work: getting the ideas