公共管理学院研究生课程教学大纲 授课教师:张胜,公管学院科技政策与管理硏究所 课程名称(中文):战略理论与产业发展战略 学分数:2 课程名称(英文): Strategy Theory 开课学院:公共管理学院 and Industrial Development Strategy 课内学时数 上机时数:0 课外学时数: 开课学期:2005秋(下) 教学方式:理论讲授、案例讨论 教学要求: 战略理论是一个涉及经济学、管理学、政治学与社会学等学科的交叉性学科, 是管理专业的核心理论之一,核心问题是回答组织(包括企业、NGO、政府、 产业、区域、国家等)竞争优势的源泉。本课程集中于基本理论、集中于产业发 展中的政府作用。课程没有标准教材,只有以英文为主的经典文献,要求学生每 周阅读100页的速度。课程以文献比较研究为基本授课方式,辅之以讲授、案例 讨论等方式,帮助学生掌握战略理论发展的基本脉络与理论框架,掌握战略领域 实证研究的基本技术( methodology)与技能(sk),提高个人参与、驾驭战略 管理的实践能力。 学生只有认真阅读文献、积极参与课堂讨论,并必须对各种理论 critical and analytical,才能掌握理论的要领。在阅读每一份材料时,应通过下述的一般性问 题来作出 review 1.作者的主要论点( argument)是什么?该论点强弱之处在哪里? 2.如果你不同意作者的论点,那什么解释能令你信服? 3.某论点的适用范围是什么?它在何种情况下适用于何种组织与环境? 4.应该做出哪些修正才能使该论点适用于其它实际领域? 5.这个论点与你已读到的其他论点有何区别?这些分歧能否通过经验验 证得到解决? 6.有没有另外的解释能够说明经验性的发现? 学生最大的获益应是学生之间、学生与老师之间能够进行建设性的讨论与辩 论。如果你觉得教师或其他学生提出的论点不令你信服,就请你就说出来!不必
公共管理学院研究生课程教学大纲 授课教师:张胜,公管学院科技政策与管理研究所 课程名称(中文):战略理论与产业发展战略 学分数:2 课程名称(英文):Strategy Theory 开课学院:公共管理学院 and Industrial Development Strategy 课内学时数:20 上机时数:0 课外学时数: 开课学期:2005 秋(下) 教学方式:理论讲授、案例讨论 教学要求: 战略理论是一个涉及经济学、管理学、政治学与社会学等学科的交叉性学科, 是管理专业的核心理论之一,核心问题是回答组织(包括企业、NGO、政府、 产业、区域、国家等)竞争优势的源泉。本课程集中于基本理论、集中于产业发 展中的政府作用。课程没有标准教材,只有以英文为主的经典文献,要求学生每 周阅读 100 页的速度。课程以文献比较研究为基本授课方式,辅之以讲授、案例 讨论等方式,帮助学生掌握战略理论发展的基本脉络与理论框架,掌握战略领域 实证研究的基本技术(methodology)与技能(skill),提高个人参与、驾驭战略 管理的实践能力。 学生只有认真阅读文献、积极参与课堂讨论,并必须对各种理论 critical and analytical,才能掌握理论的要领。在阅读每一份材料时,应通过下述的一般性问 题来作出 review。 1. 作者的主要论点(argument)是什么?该论点强弱之处在哪里? 2. 如果你不同意作者的论点,那什么解释能令你信服? 3. 某论点的适用范围是什么?它在何种情况下适用于何种组织与环境? 4. 应该做出哪些修正才能使该论点适用于其它实际领域? 5. 这个论点与你已读到的其他论点有何区别?这些分歧能否通过经验验 证得到解决? 6. 有没有另外的解释能够说明经验性的发现? 学生最大的获益应是学生之间、学生与老师之间能够进行建设性的讨论与辩 论。如果你觉得教师或其他学生提出的论点不令你信服,就请你就说出来!不必
迷信任何人的权威,真理的发现永远都是从挑战权威开始的。请每位学生挑战那 些你认为需要改进的思想,研究生阶段的学习正是每个人勃发 critical thinking 能力的黄金时期! 课程主要内容 1、概论:教学的一般理论(学生与教师的责任)、战略理论的发展脉络 2、赢利能力的决定因素 2.1、一般解释 22、贏利能力的决定因素(1):产业因素Vs.企业因素 23、贏利能力的决定因素(2):单产品竞争Vs.系统竞争 24、贏利能力的决定因素(3):组织能力Vs.比较优势 3、战略的资源能力观 4、产业发展与政府作用:工业案例研究 41、中国彩电工业发展中的政府作用 42、中国3G电信标准商业化中的政府作用 43、陕西省旅游产业发展与政府作用 5、政府、企业高层宫员讲座(若有时间) 参考文献:课程指定阅读文献 预修课程:《管理学基础》、《经济学(初级)》 适用专业:公共管理、工商管理、管理科学与工程 师生交流信箱: strategy-zs@l63com, password:yan2005
迷信任何人的权威,真理的发现永远都是从挑战权威开始的。请每位学生挑战那 些你认为需要改进的思想,研究生阶段的学习正是每个人勃发 critical thinking 能力的黄金时期! 课程主要内容: 1、概论:教学的一般理论(学生与教师的责任)、战略理论的发展脉络 2、赢利能力的决定因素 2.1、一般解释 2.2、赢利能力的决定因素(1):产业因素 Vs. 企业因素 2.3、赢利能力的决定因素(2):单产品竞争 Vs. 系统竞争 2.4、赢利能力的决定因素(3):组织能力 Vs. 比较优势 3、战略的资源/能力观 4、产业发展与政府作用:工业案例研究 4.1、中国彩电工业发展中的政府作用 4.2、中国 3G 电信标准商业化中的政府作用 4.3、陕西省旅游产业发展与政府作用 5、政府、企业高层官员讲座(若有时间) 参考文献:课程指定阅读文献 预修课程:《管理学基础》、《经济学(初级)》 适用专业:公共管理、工商管理、管理科学与工程 师生交流信箱:strategy-zs@163.com, password: yan2005
阅读文献: 1, General theory of teaching and learning (Obligation of Student and Silverberg, Gerald, Dosi, Giovanni, Oresnigo, Luigi, "Innovation, Diversity and Diffusion: A Self-Organisation Model", The Economic Journal, 1988, Vol. 98, Issue 393:1032-1054 Morrill, Richard L,"Waves of Spatial Diffusion", Journal of Regional Science 1968,Vol.8,No.1:1-18 2, Determinants of Profitability 2.1, Factors: Industry vs Firm Bain, Joe S,Relation of Profit Rate to Industry Concentration: American Manufacturing, 1936-1940", The quarterly Journal of Economics, 1951, Vol. 65, No 3:293-324 Porter, Michael E, Competitive Strategy, The Free Press, New York, 1980, BN\ 悦译,《竞争战略》[M],华夏出版社,1997,1。 Porter, Michael E, Competitive Advantage, The Free Press, New York, 1985, Pk 小悦译,《竞争优势》[M],华夏出版社,1997,1 Porter, Michael E, The Competitive Advantage of the Nations, The Free Press New York,1990,李明轩、邱如美译,《国家竞争优势》,华夏出版社,2002.1。 Rumelt, Richard T,"How Much Does Industry Matter", Strategic Management Journal,1991,Vol.12,No.3:167-185 Porter, Michael M,"The contributions of Industrial Organization to Strategi Management", The Academy of management Review, 1981, Vol 6, No 4: 609-620 Demsetz, Harlod, " Industry Structure, Market Rivalry, and Public policy Journal of law and Economics, 1973, Vol 16, No. 1: 1-9 Buzzell, Robert D, Gale, Bradley T, and Sultan, Ralph G M,"Market Share-a Key to Profitability", Harvard Business Review, 1975, Vol. 53, Issue 1: 97-106
阅读文献: 1, General theory of teaching and learning(Obligation of Student and Teacher) Silverberg, Gerald, Dosi, Giovanni, Oresnigo, Luigi, “Innovation, Diversity and Diffusion: A Self-Organisation Model”, The Economic Journal, 1988, Vol. 98, Issue 393: 1032-1054. Morrill, Richard L., “Waves of Spatial Diffusion”, Journal of Regional Science, 1968, Vol. 8, No. 1: 1-18. 2, Determinants of Profitability 2.1, Factors: Industry vs. Firm Bain, Joe S., “Relation of Profit Rate to Industry Concentration: American Manufacturing, 1936-1940”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1951, Vol. 65, No. 3: 293-324. Porter, Michael E., Competitive Strategy, The Free Press, New York, 1980, 陈小 悦译,《竞争战略》[M],华夏出版社,1997,1。 Porter, Michael E., Competitive Advantage, The Free Press, New York, 1985, 陈 小悦译,《竞争优势》[M],华夏出版社,1997,1。 Porter, Michael E., The Competitive Advantage of the Nations, The Free Press, New York, 1990,李明轩、邱如美译,《国家竞争优势》,华夏出版社,2002. 1。 Rumelt, Richard T., “How Much Does Industry Matter”, Strategic Management Journal, 1991, Vol. 12, No. 3: 167-185. Porter, Michael M., “The contributions of Industrial Organization to Strategic Management”, The Academy of Management Review, 1981, Vol. 6, No. 4: 609-620. Demsetz, Harlod, “Industry Structure, Market Rivalry, and Public Policy”, Journal of Law and Economics, 1973, Vol. 16, No. 1: 1-9. Buzzell, Robert D., Gale, Bradley T., and Sultan, Ralph G.M., “Market Share – a Key to Profitability”, Harvard Business Review, 1975, Vol. 53, Issue 1:97-106
Schmalensee. Richard. "Do Markets Differ Much?". American Economic review 1985,Vol.75,No.3:341-351 Hansen, Gary S, Wernerfelt, Birger,"Determinants of Firm Performance: The Relative Importance of Economic and Organizational Factors", Strategic Management Journal,1989,Vol.10,No.5:399-411 Montgomery, Cynthia A, Wernerfelt, Birger, "Sources of Superior Performance Market Share versus Industry Effects in the U.S. Brewing Industry", Management Science. 1991. Vol 37. No 8: 954-959 McGahan, Ania M, Porter, Michael M."How Much Does Industry Matter Really? " Strategic Management Journal, 1997, Vol. 17(Summer Special Issue 15-30 Roquebert, Jaime A, Philips, Robert L, Westfall, Peter A,"Markets vs Management: What Drives' Profitability?, Strategic Management Journal, 1996, Vol.17,No.8:653-664 Nelson, RichardR, "Why do Firms Differ and How Does it Matter? ", Strategic management Journal, Vol. 12(Winter Special Issue): 61-74 Brush, Thomas H, James, Constance R, Bromiley, Philip,"Comparing Alternative Methods to Estimate Corporate and Industry Effects", Krannert Graduate School of Management Working Paper, 1998, No 1118 Mauri, Alfredo J, Michaels, Max P,"Firm and Industry Effects within Strategic Management: An Empirical Examination,, Strategic Management Journal, 1998, Vol 19No.3:211-219 Further readings: Rumelt vs. Brush Brush, Thomas H, Bromiley, Philip, "What Does a Small Corporate Effect Mean? A Variance Components Simulation of Corporate and Business Effects", Strategic Management Journal, 1997, Vol. 18, No. 10: 825-835 Brush, Thomas H, Bromiley, Philip, The Relative Influence of Industry and Corporation on Business Segment Performance: An Alternative Estimate", Strategic Management Journal. 1999. Vol 20. No 6: 519-547
Schmalensee, Richard, “Do Markets Differ Much?”, American Economic Review, 1985, Vol. 75, No. 3: 341-351. Hansen, Gary S., Wernerfelt, Birger, “Determinants of Firm Performance: The Relative Importance of Economic and Organizational Factors”, Strategic Management Journal, 1989, Vol. 10, No. 5: 399-411. Montgomery, Cynthia A., Wernerfelt, Birger, “Sources of Superior Performance: Market Share versus Industry Effects in the U.S. Brewing Industry”, Management Science, 1991, Vol. 37, No. 8: 954-959. McGahan, Ania M., Porter, Michael M., “How Much Does Industry Matter Really?”, Strategic Management Journal, 1997, Vol. 17 (Summer Special Issue): 15-30. Roquebert, Jaime A., Philips, Robert L., Westfall, Peter A., “Markets vs. Management: What ‘Drives’ Profitability?”, Strategic Management Journal, 1996, Vol. 17, No. 8: 653-664. Nelson, Richard R., “Why do Firms Differ and How Does it Matter?”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 12(Winter Special Issue): 61-74. Brush, Thomas H., James, Constance R., Bromiley, Philip, “Comparing Alternative Methods to Estimate Corporate and Industry Effects”, Krannert Graduate School of Management Working Paper, 1998, No. 1118. Mauri, Alfredo J., Michaels, Max P., “Firm and Industry Effects within Strategic Management: An Empirical Examination”, Strategic Management Journal, 1998, Vol. 19, No. 3: 211-219. Further Readings: Rumelt vs. Brush Brush, Thomas H., Bromiley, Philip, “What Does a Small Corporate Effect Mean? A Variance Components Simulation of Corporate and Business Effects”, Strategic Management Journal, 1997, Vol. 18, No. 10: 825-835. Brush, Thomas H., Bromiley, Philip, “The Relative Influence of Industry and Corporation on Business Segment Performance: An Alternative Estimate”, Strategic Management Journal, 1999, Vol. 20, No. 6: 519-547
2.2, Factors: Single Product Competition VS System Competition Katz, Michael L, Shapiro, Carl, "Systems Competition and Network Effect Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1994, VoL 8, No. 2: 93-115 Farrell, Joseph, Monroe, Hunter K, Saloner, Garth, The Vertical Organization Of Industry: Systems Competition versus Component Competition, Journal of Economics Management Strategy, 1998, Vol 7, No. 2: 143-182 Farrell, Joseph, Saloner, Garth, Converters, Compatibility, and the Control of Interfaces", The Journal of Industrial Economics, 1992, Vol. 40, No. 1: 9-35 Stango, Victor,"The Economics of Standards Wars", Review of Network Economics. March 2004. Vol3. Issue 1: 1-19 Farrell, Joseph, Saloner, Garth, "Installed Base and Compatibility: Innovation Product Preannouncements and Predation". The American Economic Review. 1986 Vol.76.No.5:940-955 Katz, Michael L, Shapiro, Carl,"Network Externalities, Competition, and Compatibility, The American Economic Review, Vol. 75, No. 3: 424-440 Economides, Nicholas, Salop, Steven C,"Competition and Integration Among Complements, and Network Market Structure", The Journal of Industrial Economics, 1992,Vol.40,No.1:105-123 2.3, Factors: e Organizational capabilities vs Comparative advantage Krugman, Paul, "The Myth of Asia's Miracle", Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec 1994 Vol.73.No.6:62-88 林毅夫,蔡昉,李周,对赶超战略的反思,《线略与管理》,1994年第6期: 1-12。 林毅夫,蔡昉,李周,对赶超战略的再反思及可供替代的比较优势战略,《线 略与管理》,1995年第3期:1-10。 林毅夫,发展战略,自生能力与经济收敛,《经济学季形》,2002,Vol.1, No.2:1-32
2.2, Factors: Single Product Competition Vs. System Competition Katz, Michael L., Shapiro, Carl, “Systems Competition and Network Effects”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1994, Vol. 8, No.2: 93-115. Farrell, Joseph, Monroe, Hunter K., Saloner, Garth, “The Vertical Organization Of Industry: Systems Competition versus Component Competition”, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 1998, Vol. 7, No. 2: 143-182. Farrell, Joseph, Saloner, Garth, “Converters, Compatibility, and the Control of Interfaces”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 1992, Vol. 40, No.1: 9-35. Stango, Victor, “The Economics of Standards Wars”, Review of Network Economics, March 2004, Vol.3, Issue 1: 1-19. Farrell, Joseph, Saloner, Garth, “Installed Base and Compatibility: Innovation, Product Preannouncements, and Predation”, The American Economic Review, 1986, Vol. 76, No. 5: 940-955. Katz, Michael L., Shapiro, Carl, “Network Externalities, Competition, and Compatibility”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 75, No. 3: 424-440. Economides, Nicholas, Salop, Steven C., “Competition and Integration Among Complements, and Network Market Structure”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 1992, Vol. 40, No.1: 105-123. 2.3, Factors: e Organizational Capabilities Vs. Comparative Advantage Krugman, Paul, “The Myth of Asia's Miracle”, Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec 1994, Vol. 73, No. 6: 62-88. 林毅夫,蔡昉,李周,对赶超战略的反思,《战略与管理》,1994年第6期: 1-12。 林毅夫,蔡昉,李周,对赶超战略的再反思及可供替代的比较优势战略,《战 略与管理》,1995年第3期:1-10。 林毅夫,发展战略,自生能力与经济收敛,《经济学季刊》,2002,Vol. 1, No.2: 1-32
林毅夫,李永军,比较优势、竞争优势与发展中国的经济发展,《管理世界》, 2003年第7期:21-31。 江小涓,利用外资对产业发展的促进作用—以发展中国家爱为背景的理论 分析,《中国工业经济》,1999年第2期:11-15 江小涓,中国的外资经济对增长、结构升级和竞争力的贡献,《中国社会科 学》,2002年第6期:4-14 Linsu Kim, "Building Technological Capability for Industrialization: Analytical Framework and Korean Experience", Industrial and Corporate Change, Mar 1999 Vol.8.No.1:11l-136 Kim, Linsu, "Technology Policies and Strategies for Developing Countries Lessons from the Korean Experience", Technology Analysis Strategic Management Sep998,vol.10,No.3:311-323 Katrak, Homi, Developing Countries' Imports of Technology, in-house Technological Capabilities and Efforts: an Analysis of the Indian Experience Journal of Development Economics, 1997, Vol 53: 67-83 Patel, Pari, Pavitt, Keith, "The Technological Competencies of the Worlds Largest Firms: Complex and Path-Dependent, but not Much Variety", Re searc Policy,1997,Vol.26:14l-156 Lee, Keun, Lim, Chaisung, Technological Regimes, Catching-Up and Leapfrogging: Findings from the Korean Industries', Research Policy, 2001, Vol 30:459483 路风,慕玲,本土创新、能力发展和竞争优势中国激光视盘播放机工业 的发展及其对政府作用,《管理世界》,2003年第12期:57-82。 路风,中国大型飞机发展战略研究报告,《商务周形》,2005年3月,第20 期:29-49 3, Resources/Capabilities-based view of strategy 3.1, Resources school Wernerfelt, Birger, " A Resource-Based View of the Firm", Strategic
林毅夫,李永军,比较优势、竞争优势与发展中国的经济发展,《管理世界》, 2003年第7期:21-31。 江小涓,利用外资对产业发展的促进作用——以发展中国家爱为背景的理论 分析,《中国工业经济》,1999年第2期:11-15。 江小涓,中国的外资经济对增长、结构升级和竞争力的贡献,《中国社会科 学》,2002年第6期:4-14。 Linsu Kim, “Building Technological Capability for Industrialization: Analytical Framework and Korean Experience”, Industrial and Corporate Change; Mar 1999, Vol. 8, No. 1: 111-136. Kim, Linsu, “Technology Policies and Strategies for Developing Countries: Lessons from the Korean Experience”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management; Sep 1998, Vol. 10, No. 3: 311-323. Katrak, Homi, “Developing Countries’ Imports of Technology, in-house Technological Capabilities and Efforts: an Analysis of the Indian Experience”, Journal of Development Economics, 1997, Vol. 53: 67-83. Patel, Pari, Pavitt, Keith, “The Technological Competencies of the World’s Largest Firms: Complex and Path-Dependent, but not Much Variety”, Research Policy, 1997, Vol. 26: 141-156. Lee, Keun, Lim, Chaisung, “Technological Regimes, Catching-Up and Leapfrogging: Findings from the Korean Industries”, Research Policy, 2001, Vol. 30:459–483. 路风,慕玲,本土创新、能力发展和竞争优势——中国激光视盘播放机工业 的发展及其对政府作用,《管理世界》,2003年第12期:57-82。 路风,中国大型飞机发展战略研究报告,《商务周刊》,2005年3月,第20 期:29-49。 3, Resources/Capabilities-based View of Strategy 3.1,Resources School Wernerfelt, Birger, “A Resource-Based View of the Firm”, Strategic
Management Journal, 1984, Vol 5, Issue 2: 171-180 Dierickx, Ingemar, Cool, Karel, "Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competitive Advantage, Dec. 1989, Management Science, Vol 35, No. 12 1504-1511 Barney, Jay, "Strategic Factor Markets: Expectations, Luck, and Busines Strategic", Management Science, Oct 1986, Vol 32, Issue 10: 123 1-1242 Barney, Jay, Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage", Journal of Management, 1991, Vol 17, No. 1: 99-120 Peteraf, Margaret A, " The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 3: 179-191 3.2, Capabilities School Prahalad, C.K., Gary Hamel. 1990. The Core Competence of the Corporation Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp 79-91 Cohen, Wesley M, Levinthal, Daniel A,Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective On Learning And Innovation", Administrative Science Quarterly; Mar 1990,Vo.35, Issue 1:128-152 Leonard-Barton, Dorothy, Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development, Strategic Management Journal, Summer 1992, Vol 13: Special Issue: 111-125 Teece, David, Pisano, Gary, Shuen, Amy, " Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management, Strategic Management Journal, 1997, Vol 18, No. 7, 509-533 3.3, Environments and capabilities Tushman, Michael, Anderson, Philip, Technological Discontinuities and Organizational Environments", Administrative Science Quarterly, 1986, Vol 31 439-465 Henderson, Rebecca M, Clark, Kim B, "Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms'", Administrative Science quarterly, 1990, Vol 35: 9-30
Management Journal, 1984, Vol. 5, Issue 2: 171-180. Dierickx, Ingemar, Cool, Karel, “Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competitive Advantage”, Dec. 1989, Management Science, Vol. 35, No. 12: 1504-1511. Barney, Jay, “Strategic Factor Markets: Expectations, Luck, and Business Strategic”, Management Science, Oct. 1986, Vol. 32, Issue 10: 1231-1242. Barney, Jay, “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Management, 1991, Vol. 17, No. 1: 99-120. Peteraf, Margaret A., “The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 3: 179-191. 3.2,Capabilities School Prahalad, C.K., Gary Hamel. 1990. “The Core Competence of the Corporation.” Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp. 79-91. Cohen, Wesley M.; Levinthal, Daniel A., “Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective On Learning And Innovation”, Administrative Science Quarterly; Mar 1990, Vol. 35, Issue 1: 128-152. Leonard-Barton, Dorothy, “Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development”, Strategic Management Journal, Summer 1992, Vol. 13: Special Issue: 111-125. Teece, David, Pisano, Gary, Shuen, Amy, “Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management”, Strategic Management Journal, 1997, Vol. 18, No. 7, 509-533. 3.3, Environments and Capabilities Tushman, Michael, Anderson, Philip, “Technological Discontinuities and Organizational Environments”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1986, Vol. 31: 439-465. Henderson, Rebecca M., Clark, Kim B., “Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1990, Vol. 35: 9-30
4, Industry Development and Government role: Industry research 4.1, The government Roles in the development of Tv sets Industry in China 4.2. The Government roles in the commercialization of 3g Standard in China 4.3, The government roles in the development of Tourism Industry in Shaanxi 5, Seminar with Senior Officials from Government and Firm (if having time)
4,Industry Development and Government Role: Industry Research 4.1, The Government Roles in the Development of TV sets Industry in China 4.2, The Government Roles in the Commercialization of 3G Standard in China 4.3, The Government Roles in the Development of Tourism Industry in Shaanxi 5, Seminar with Senior Officials from Government and Firm(if having time)