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《耕作学 Cropping System》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第一章 基本概念 Several concepts

一、有关的基本概念 Several related concepts; 二、农作制度的功能 Role of farming systems; 三、中国农作制度的特点 Features of farming systems in China。

都作学 Cropping System

耕作学 Cropping System

教-学方法 互动、参与式 研究型 不要死学、学死,要掌握实质,灵活运用。 要求预习 ·授鱼-教渔协调,教-学双方配合 建立学习小组

教 - 学方法 • 互动、参与式 • 研究型 • 不要死学、学死,要掌握实质,灵活运用。 • 要求预习 • 授鱼-教渔协调,教-学双方配合 • 建立学习小组

第一课 有关的基本概念 Several related concepts 农作制度的功能 Role of farming systems 中国农作制度的特点 Features of farming systems in China

第一课 有关的基本概念 Several related concepts; 农作制度的功能 Role of farming systems; 中国农作制度的特点 Features of farming systems in China

基本概念 Several concepts

基本概念 Several concepts

Farming system农作制度 The farming system is defined as a unique and reasonably stable arrangement of farming enterprises that the household manages according to well defined practices in response to physical, biological and socio-economic environments and in accordance with the households goals, preferences and resources. These factors combine to influence the output and production methods (Shaner(1982)in Merrill-Sands, 1986) 是农户按照其基于物理、生物和社会-经济环境而精 心设计的生产措施,与其目的、优先选择和资源状况协 调一致的对农业生产的独特的、相对稳定的安排

The farming system is defined as: A unique and reasonably stable arrangement of farming enterprises that the household manages according to well￾defined practices in response to physical, biological and socio-economic environments and in accordance with the household’s goals, preferences and resources. These factors combine to influence the output and production methods.” (Shaner (1982) in Merrill-Sands, 1986) 是农户按照其基于物理、生物和社会-经济环境而精 心设计的生产措施,与其目的、优先选择和资源状况协 调一致的对农业生产的独特的、相对稳定的安排。 Farming system 农作制度

農業生產制度( Agricultural System) Transitory agricultural Systems Nomadic pastoralism游牧; Shifting cultivation遊墾 Settled agriculture 農耕 Arable systems; 畜牧 Pastoral Systems; 大田農耕 Plantation agriculture; 小農農耕Farm- Houshold( Small-farm) Agriculture; 農漁牧混合制度 Mixed Farming systems; Urban agriculture都會農耕(包括市民農園、屋頂菜園等)

Transitory Agricultural Systems: Nomadic pastoralism游牧; Shifting Cultivation遊墾 Settled Agriculture: 農耕 Arable Systems; 畜牧 Pastoral Systems; 大田農耕 Plantation Agriculture; 小農農耕 Farm-Houshold (Small-farm) Agriculture; 農漁牧混合制度 Mixed Farming Systems; Urban Agriculture 都會農耕 (包括市民農園、屋頂菜園等) 農業生產制度 (Agricultural System)

Understand complexity of small holder farming A farming system is more than just the production of crops and rearing of animals. It includes other resources, the activities and inputs of all members of the household. Therefore, farming systems anal ysis must helps us understand how rural households use all their natural resources to make a living. Farming systems analysis includes collecting fuel wood, building materials and other biological products, e.g. traditional medicine .lt also includes non-farm activities like basket weaving or brick making, and offfarm activities like wood collecting and labouring. In the past, the interactions between farm enterprises, and between on-farm and off-farm activities were ignored. Farming systems analysis looks at all enterprises all species cultured or captured and all agroecological niches utilized by the household regardless of resource access regime .In doing this it recognises that farm households do a lot more than grow crops and tend animals!

•A farming system is more than just the production of crops and rearing of animals. It includes other resources, the activities and inputs of all members of the household. Therefore, farming systems analysis must helps us understand how rural households use all their natural resources to make a living. Farming systems analysis includes collecting fuel wood, building materials and other biological products, e.g. traditionalmedicine. •It also includes non-farm activities like basket weaving or brick making, and off-farm activities like wood collecting and labouring. In the past, the interactions between farm enterprises, and between on-farm and off-farm activities were ignored. Farming systems analysis looks at: ➢ all enterprises, ➢ all species cultured or captured and ➢ all agroecological niches utilized by the household regardless of resource access regime. •In doing this it recognises that farm households do a lot more than grow crops and tend animals! Understand complexity of small holder farming

Different focus .Enterprise Focus, Interest in increasing food supplies through improving the productivity of crops and animals resulted in a focus on particular enterprises. Although scientists used a systems perspective they focused on a predetermined enterprise Cattle Beans Cassava Goat Crops Livestock Homestead

•Enterprise Focus, Interest in increasing food supplies through improving the productivity of crops and animals resulted in a focus on particular enterprises. Although scientists used a systems perspective, they focused on a predetermined enterprise. Different focus

Problem focus Interest in poor adoption of modern technologies gave rise to a focus on farmers problems with low yield and poor crop and livestock productivity Scientists used systems diagnostic perspective with a farmer problem focus crop←一一一一七[ Livestock Problem Trees He ome stead

Problem Problem focus Interest in poor adoption of modern technologies gave rise to a focus on farmers problems with low yield and poor crop and livestock productivity. Scientists used systems diagnostic perspective with a farmer problemfocus

Natural resources focus Interest in sustainable agriculture gave rise to a focus on the rehabilitation and regeneration of natural t resources. Scientists used an ecosystems perspectives with a natural resource systems focus (Source: Norman and Lightfoot 1992) On farm off farm

(Source: Norman and Lightfoot 1992) Natural resources focus Interest in sustainable agriculture gave rise to a focus on the rehabilitation and regeneration of natural resources. Scientists used an ecosystems perspectives with a natural resource systems focus



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