制 冷 课程要求 原 ■重点掌握压缩式制冷的相关基础理论与 技术知识;了解其他制冷方式原理; 理 ■能够利用制冷原理分析和解释装置特性 与 ■能够利用制冷基础图表(lgp-h图)分析 装置和各零部件运行状态。 装 ■了解国内外研究热点和相关新技术发展。 置 预备知识:“传热学”“热力学”“流体力学 参考资料 并感谢 1.张祉佑.制冷原理与设备.北京:中国机械工业出版 Danfoss, Carrier, Delphi, Air-International Fudh、上海良机和国家环保总局等分别提供了 2.吴业正。制冷原理与设备.西安:西安交通大学出版 素材, Danfoss公司特别提供了《制冷原理》训 社,1997 练软件 3.现代冷冻与空调:原理,结构.安装.操作,保养检 修,奧尔特豪斯( Althouse,AD)著;彦启森译,上海交 ■本教研组阙雄才教授和谷波教授提供了大量素材 通大学出版社,2001 ■参考了国内外诸多同行的讲议,特别是直接引用 4.JARN,日本空调制热制冷信息公司,ww,iarn,coin 了清华大学李先庭教授的部分内容 5.《制冷技术》,上海市制冷学会 ■上海景格软件有限公司免费提供了汽车空调系统 教学软件 Greatest Engineering Achievement 0FH∈20 CETURY 第一饼绪言 近下年,空和空词轼木六火改变了人们的生活方式
1 2005-5-24 1 上 海 交 通 大 学 制 冷 研 究 所 陈 江 平 E M A I :L j p c h e n @ s j t u . e d u . c n 制 冷 原 理 与 装 置 2005-5-24 2 课程要求 重点掌握压缩式制冷的相关基础理论与 技术知识;了解其他制冷方式原理; 能够利用制冷原理分析和解释装置特性。 能够利用制冷基础图表(lgp-h图)分析 装置和各零部件运行状态。 了解国内外研究热点和相关新技术发展。 预备知识:“传热学” “热力学” “流体力学” 2005-5-24 3 参考资料 1. 张祉佑. 制冷原理与设备. 北京:中国机械工业出版 社,1987 2. 吴业正. 制冷原理与设备. 西安:西安交通大学出版 社,1997 3. 现代冷冻与空调 : 原理.结构.安装.操作.保养.检 修 , 奥尔特豪斯(Althouse,AD)著 ; 彦启森译, 上海交 通大学出版社,2001。 4. JARN,日本空调制热制冷信息公司,www.jarn.co.jp 5. 《制冷技术》,上海市制冷学会 2005-5-24 4 Danfoss, Carrier, Delphi,Air-International, Fuch、上海良机和国家环保总局等分别提供了 素材,Danfoss公司特别提供了《制冷原理》训 练软件。 本教研组阙雄才教授和谷波教授提供了大量素材 参考了国内外诸多同行的讲议,特别是直接引用 了清华大学李先庭教授的部分内容 上海景格软件有限公司免费提供了汽车空调系统 教学软件 一并感谢: 2005-5-24 5 第一讲 绪言 2005-5-24 6 近百年来,空调和空调技术大大改变了人们的生活方式…
Conditioning and Refrigeration TWin Air conditioning and refrigeration changed life are now common necessities which greatl enhance our quality of life 全有二百万人从事制冷业 年销售朝估计在2000亿具无左右 ASHRAE Research In Your home 717-RP Energy calculations Engineering fomorrow's 71.3-RP Solar heat gain Quality:oLLife 空调和制冷技术与人们笙活息息相其 We spend 90% of our lives Fire safety Smoke control
2 2005-5-24 7 ¾全球有二百万人从事制冷业。 ¾年销售额估计在2000 亿美元左右。 2005-5-24 8 2005-5-24 9 ASHRAE Research In Your Home 717-RP Energy calculations 760-RP Filtration 577-RP Radiant barrier 662-RP Air pollution 690-RP Duct resistance 732-RP Duct testing 496-RP Moisture in walls 834-RP Food spoilage 713-RP Solar heat gain 875-RP Cooling loads 696-RP Hot water systems H2O HEATER A/C SYSTEM 空调和制冷技术与人们生活息息相关… 2005-5-24 10 Engineering Tomorrow’s Quality of Life 空调能对炎热和潮 湿地区的社会发展 和经济繁荣做出贡 献,也能使创造适 宜的建筑物内部环 境成为可能,不管 是洁净室还是办公 楼,都能产生适宜 的温度和湿度。 2005-5-24 11 We spend 90 % of our lives indoors. 2005-5-24 12
Educational Institutions Hospitals Manufacturing Fabrication Transportation
3 2005-5-24 13 2005-5-24 14 2005-5-24 15 2005-5-24 16 2005-5-24 17 2005-5-24 18
NY. VEE P。。D$ToE 对于食品来讲,制冷的作用是减少收获后的 损失,并且使易于变质的食品通过从生产到消费 的各个阶段的保存后,为消费者提供安全、卫生 的食品。据粗略统计,冷冻食品的年销售额为 12000亿美元。当然制冷设备只是对保证食品增 值产生部分 不过值得强调的是:如果没有 制冷,大部分这些食品根本就不可能存在(如冷 冻食品、冰激凌等),也不能被安全地分销(如 冷藏食品等) TOMS Ozone(DU): Oct 1991 制冷技术已不单纯是一个技术问题 The Montreal Protocol is Working GLOBAL WARMING: FOCUS ON THE FUTURI a Scientific assessment shows that the abundance of ozone. The ozone depletion in Antarctic, Arctic and mid latitudes is continuing, due to past emissions of CFCs. It will peak in the ext few years 2005524
4 2005-5-24 19 2005-5-24 20 对于食品来讲,制冷的作用是减少收获后的 损失,并且使易于变质的食品通过从生产到消费 的各个阶段的保存后,为消费者提供安全、卫生 的食品。据粗略统计,冷冻食品的年销售额为 12000 亿美元。当然制冷设备只是对保证食品增 值产生部分作用,不过值得强调的是:如果没有 制冷,大部分这些食品根本就不可能存在(如冷 冻食品、冰激凌等),也不能被安全地分销(如 冷藏食品等)。 2005-5-24 21 制冷技术已不单纯是一个技术问题… 2005-5-24 22 2005-5-24 23 2005-5-24 24
PROTOCOL mouse (as Limit cember 1997 nt Reached by 我国制冷空调工业已成为支产业之一 003年占国民生产总值2%(中国薺协年墨) tu他me潘造c美的(ude 二、世界制冷史 新飞电器 SIEMENS Me 三、制珍的基本方法 20s5-24
5 2005-5-24 25 2005-5-24 26 KYOTO PROTOCOL Sets Greenhouse Gas Emissions Limits Signed December 1997 Agreement Reached by 181 Countries 2005-5-24 27 我国制冷空调工业已成为支柱产业之一… 2003年占国民生产总值2%(中国冷协年鉴) 2005-5-24 28 二、世界制冷史 2005-5-24 29 1755: First known attempt at vapor compression refrigeration is made by William Cullen who cooled water by drawing a vacuum over it. 1844: Jacob Perkins builds the first workable refrigeration system using the vapor compression cycle. 1851: John Gorrie is granted a patent to build the first commercial machine in the world used for refrigeration and air conditioning. 1856: James Harrison introduces vaporcompression refrigeration to the brewing and meat-packing industries. 1867: First patent granted for the refrigerated railway car. 1902: Dr. Willis H. Carrier (“Father of Air Conditioning”) builds the first air conditioner to combat humidity inside a printing company. 1908: The world's first successful sealed vapor compression refrigeration system is presented at the First International Congress of Refrigeration. This accomplishment revolutionized refrigeration because it needed no additional refrigerant during its operating life. 1910: Mechanical domestic refrigeration first appears. 1920: The first air conditioned movie theater opens in Los Angeles, California (Grauman's Metropolitan Theatre). 1890: Refrigeration is introduced as a method of preserving bodies in the morg 1928: The first frozen foodstuffs are processed. 2005-5-24 30 三、制冷的基本方法
What is Refrigeration? Types of Refrigeration why stuy v TpesofRefrigertian Refrigeration? Thermal electric tefrgeraiom pres “冷”是怎样制出来的? .drinking wate Evaporation out of pot part of liquid is gone con roof of houses at night mn5 Heat transport high heat of evaporation Iry wind takes vapor good thermal conta -evaporation on surface effective cooling ? "sometimes ice 蒸发产”冷”(2) 实现连樊语环的杀件 热力学第一定律:能量守衡定律 热力学第二定律:热量只能自发地从高温 物体传向低温物体,从低温物体汲取能 量必须付出代价(功、能量)。 20s5-24
6 2005-5-24 31 Refrigeration is “the process of removing heat from an enclosed space or from a substance for the purpose of lowering the temperature” (Britannica). Evaporation Vapor absorption Air cycle Thermal electric Mechanical vapor compression Types of Refrigeration Why Study Vapor Compression Refrigeration? Mechanical vapor compression refrigeration is the most commonly used cooling method of refrigeration. It is used in our own domestic refrigerators, as well as in air conditioning units in homes and industries. Some of the advantages of this method include: longerlasting effects, no danger of toxic leakage, and fewer costs for producers and consumers. Due to its many applications, this technology has a great impact on human lives. We often take for granted the luxuries that have been made possible due to the vapor compression refrigeration process. 2005-5-24 32 Types of Refrigeration Mechanical Vapor Compression Evaporation Vapor Absorption Air Cycle Thermal Electric When a liquid is readily vaporized, the energy motion of the molecules increases. This energy is drawn from the surroundings, which are cool. However, these methods are not long-lasting. Ammonia is pumped through a cycle similar to the vapor-compression process. However, this requires large heat removal systems and there is a danger of ammonia leakage. Air is compressed and cooled, then expands through a turbine. This method is more expensive then other refrigeration systems because large amounts of air must be circulated. Example: Most widely used in refrigeration and air-conditioning units “Limited to specialized areas of application” (Comptons) Example: Aircraft air-conditioning systems Example: Perspiration Example: Large central air-conditioning units A refrigerant is re-circulated through a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, and an evaporator. The key concept: low pressure = low temperature. Junctions are placed in a series so that heat is absorbed on one side and dissipated on the other. This technique is not as effective because the junctions must be short to decrease electrical resistance. 2005-5-24 33 “冷” 是怎样制出来的? •drinking water •porous ceramic pot –water reaches the surface •on roof of houses at night –dry wind takes vapour •evaporation on surface •sometimes ice layer 2005-5-24 34 蒸发产”冷” Evaporation out of pot part of liquid is gone Heat transport high heat of evaporation good thermal contact effective cooling Continuous process, how ? ? 2005-5-24 35 蒸发产”冷”(2) 0 50 100 150 200 Heating time Temperature in °C liquid 2 phase vapour 2005-5-24 36 实现连续循环的条件 热力学第一定律:能量守衡定律 热力学第二定律:热量只能自发地从高温 物体传向低温物体,从低温物体汲取能 量必须付出代价(功、能量)
产生“冷”量必须付出代价 窦荆冷的不同方式:压缩式袆冷 (环境介质)T 低温热源 妄8L 被冷却刈象)T 俐:空调的实现 实现制冷的不同方式:吸收式制」 寥现荆冷的不同方式:吸附式冷 利用固体吸附剂对 制冷剂的吸附量随 变化规律 周期性地吸附解吸 实用制冷 E Ammoni 工质对:滞石-水, 白天解积 晚上附 活性碳-甲醇,氯化 钙-氨 实现制冷的不同亦式:吸收式蒂 实制冷的不同方式:吸收式制 冷:溴化锂水 冷:热电带冷 CONDENSER" GENERATOR Heat rejected EVAPORATOR >ABSORBER 20s5-24
7 2005-5-24 37 产生“冷”量必须付出代价 高温热源 (环境介质)Ta 制冷机 低温热源 (被冷却对象)Tc Qk Qc W/Qg 驱动热源Tg 2005-5-24 38 例:空调的实现 实现制冷的不同方式:压缩式制冷 2005-5-24 39 实现制冷的不同方式:吸附式制冷 利用固体吸附剂对 制冷剂的吸附量随 温度的变化规律, 周期性地吸附解吸 实用制冷 驱动力:太阳能, 余热 工质对:沸石-水, 活性碳-甲醇,氯化 钙-氨 2005-5-24 40 实现制冷的不同方式:吸收式制 冷:氨-水 2005-5-24 41 实现制冷的不同方式:吸收式制 冷:溴化锂-水 2005-5-24 42 实现制冷的不同方式:吸收式制 冷:热电制冷