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Students will be able to: 1) know the basic contents and structure of a resume; 2) write an effective resume for different occasions
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复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_情境模拟:Chapter 5 Unit 1 Dialogue 3 Getting Ready for Surgery
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:218.11KB 文档页数:3
复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_情境模拟:Chapter 3 Unit 1 Dialogue 2 as Mrs. Parker
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1 addition and expansion 2 tightening 3 rank-shift 4 substitution 5 conversion 6 combination and separation
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Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Text A True Height Part 1 Pre-reading tasks Part 2 While-reading tasks Part 3 Post-reading tasks Text B Fourteen Steps Translation
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复旦大学:《实用交际英语口语 Practical oral English communication》课程教学资源(阅读资料)d85934c3-eaff-4369-b548-0a0b76bce1ee
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1 Lead in 2 Theory: Parataxis 3 Theory: Hypotaxis 4 Samples and Assignments
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Reading I The Weather Step-l Lead-in Questions 1, What is the impression of Englishmen on you? Deep, simple but narrow and conservative
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Age of information-knowledge explosion-deal with it /cope with it Effectively Q1: In which way can we get information? (conversations, TV, broadcast, newspapers, magazines, books, etc.) Classification of books:
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Definition Frequent micturition: voiding at frequent intervals, due to a sense of bladder fullness Normal: 3-5 times in the day time 0-1 time in the night 200-400ml each time
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