Contents Lead in 2 Theory:Parataxis 3 Theory:Hypotaxis 4 Samples and Assignments end
Contents 1 Lead in 2 Theory: Parataxis 3 Theory: Hypotaxis 4 Samples and Assignments end
1 Lead in 怎行用用男年年手年用用保华原保用男男年年手中甲男8因图甲甲号s季年男发s香 下雨了,我们回家吧。 It is raining, Let's go home let's go as it is raining. home. What does this picture suggest of? ☆
It is raining, let's go home. Let’s go home as it is raining. What does this picture suggest of ? 下雨了,我们回家吧。 1 Lead in
Sentence Structures in English and Chinese [.paera'taeksis 下雨了 我们回家吧 parataxis Let's go home [.haipau'taeksis] hypotaxis as it is raining It is raining,let's go home.Comma Fault
Sentence Structures in English and Chinese 下雨了 我们回家吧 Let’s go home it is raining as It is raining, let's go home. Comma Fault parataxis hypotaxis
What is parataxis? Parataxis(意合) Parataxis (means the arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them. 分句之间不靠关联词而依仗次序来体现相互关系
Parataxis (意合) Parataxis (意合) means the arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them. 分句之间不靠关联词而依仗次序来体现相互关系。 What is parataxis?
[.paero'taeksis 2 Theory:Parataxis 不8道运三年用年至单年年年年指用用国年年年国单球金有单海手手有年年的组第霜 In Chinese there is no restrictions on the syntax framework which allows the noun phrases as well as verb phrases in line without link words.So the sentence arrangement is lineal based on time order, space order or logical order.Look at the following sketch. 汉语句子没有主谓语框架的语法限制,它可以几个动词结构连用 几个名词短语连续平行铺排;也正是没有非谓语形式和定语从句,没 有发达的连接词,要表达复杂的思想时,只能借助自然词序,按动作 发生的顺序或因果逻辑关系来排列,分句之间只能以意相连,逐步交 代,层层铺开,一一道来,呈线性结构(竹竿型)
汉语句子没有主谓语框架的语法限制,它可以几个动词结构连用, 几个名词短语连续平行铺排;也正是没有非谓语形式和定语从句,没 有发达的连接词,要表达复杂的思想时,只能借助自然词序,按动作 发生的顺序或因果逻辑关系来排列,分句之间只能以意相连,逐步交 代,层层铺开,一一道来,呈线性结构(竹竿型)。 In Chinese there is no restrictions on the syntax framework which allows the noun phrases as well as verb phrases in line without link words. So the sentence arrangement is lineal based on time order, space order or logical order. Look at the following sketch. 2 Theory: Parataxis
More examples 【例1】广东医学院依山傍水,是个读书的好地方。 No conjunctions to connect the two clauses 【例2】他吃完饭,穿上鞋,披上大衣,散步去了。 No conjunctions for sequences of successive verbs
More examples 【例 1】广东医学院依山傍水,是个读书的好地方。 No conjunctions to connect the two clauses 【例 2】他吃完饭,穿上鞋,披上大衣,散步去了。 No conjunctions for sequences of successive verbs
Theory:Hypotaxis [.haipau'taeksis] English enjoys rich prepositions,conjunctions as well as relative adverbs,relative pronouns,participles and gerund which are absent in Chinese.So it can set aside the natural order and turns to space structure,scaffolding and tree structure. 英语有着极为丰富的介词、连词和汉语中没有的关系代词、关 系副词、分词、动名词等。它可以撇开按动作顺序造句的限制,而 依赖于从句结构和上述词类作为钩子着重在空间操作、搭架,形成 树型构造。见图:
英语有着极为丰富的介词、连词和汉语中没有的关系代词、关 系副词、分词、动名词等。它可以撇开按动作顺序造句的限制,而 依赖于从句结构和上述词类作为钩子着重在空间操作、搭架,形成 树型构造。见图: English enjoys rich prepositions, conjunctions as well as relative adverbs, relative pronouns, participles and gerund which are absent in Chinese. So it can set aside the natural order and turns to space structure, scaffolding and tree structure. 3 Theory: Hypotaxis
Sentences Samples 1.冬天已经来了,春天还会远吗?(意合) f winter comes,,can spring be far behind?(形合) 2前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。(意合) While the prospects are bright,the road has twists and turns. (形合) 3.玩火自焚。(意合) Whoeverplays with fire will perish by fire.(
1.冬天已经来了,春天还会远吗? (意合) ___winter comes, can spring be far behind? (形合) 2.前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。(意合) _____ the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns. (形合) 3. 玩火自焚。(意合) __________plays with fire will perish by fire. ( 形合) If While Whoever Sentences Samples
Examples Analysis 冬这里,我想就中国纺织品出口的问题谈些看法, 希望有助于诸位对现状的了解。 Here,I would like to make an account on the export of China's textile products in the hope that all of you will have a clearer picture on the present situation
Examples Analysis ❖这里,我想就中国纺织品出口的问题谈些看法, 希望有助于诸位对现状的了解。 ❖Here, I would like to make an account on the export of China’s textile products ________________all of you will have a clearer picture on the present situation. in the hope that
Examples Analysis 明清两个朝代,封建统治者实行闭关锁国政策, 阻碍了中国的进步和中外交流。 During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the feudal rulers adopted a policy of seclusion, which hampered China's progress and its exchanges with the outside world
Examples Analysis ❖明清两个朝代,封建统治者实行闭关锁国政策, 阻碍了中国的进步和中外交流。 ❖During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the feudal rulers adopted a policy of seclusion, __________hampered China’s progress and its exchanges with the outside world. which