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一、粮食的卫生与管理 粮食的卫生问题 自然陈化:粮豆在储存过程中,由于自身酶的作用,营养素发生分解,从而导致其风味和品质发生改变的现象
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5-1.非正弦周期量的分解 5-2.非正弦周期量的有效值 5-3.非正弦周期电流的线性电路 5-4.非正弦周期电流的平均功率
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insolubility. Administration of cystamine, a transglutaminase inhibitor, reduces the To date, 10 neurological diseases, including aggregate formation, retarding the Huntington's and several ataxias, are caused development of neurological phenotype and by the lengthening of glutamine(@) tracts in prolonging the life span of brain cells in various proteins with no obvious functional or transgenic mouse models
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第一节 词汇和词汇单位 第二节 词义的性质和构成 第三节 词义的分解 第四节 词义的聚合—语义场 第五节 语境和词义 第六节 现代汉语词汇的组成 第七节 熟语 第八节 词汇的发展变化和词汇的规范化
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§5.1 概述 §5.2 非正弦周期交流信号的分解 §5.3 非正弦周期交流电路的分析和计算 §5.4 非正弦周期交流信号的平均值、有效值、平均功率的计算
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2.1直接法与三角形方程组求解 2.2 Gauss消去法 2.3 Gauss列主元消去法 2.4直接三角分解法 2.5平方根法 2.6追赶法(Thomas法)
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4.1一元多项式的定义和运算 4.2多项式的整除性 4.3多项式的最大公因式 4.4多项式的分解 4.5重因式 4.6多项式函数多项式的根 4.7复数和实数域上多项式 4.有理数域上多项式 4.9多元多项式 4.10对称多项式
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Neurodegenerative diseases and ubiquitin-proteasome syster to copyright considerations See Figure chanover, A and Brundin, P. 2003. The ubiquitin proteasome enerative diseases: sometimes the chicken, sometimes the egg
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Cystic fibrosis channels. The R-domain has more than one function. In addition to it's inhibitory role in Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease that channel gating (when unphosphorylated)the causes certain glands to produce abnormal
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Images removed due to copyright considerations. See the following: Figure 1 and Table 1 in Reed SI. 2003. Ratchets and clocks: The cell cycle nover ubiquitylation and protein turnover. Nat Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 4: 855-864. Figure 1 in Bartek J, Lukas J. Mammalian G1-and S-phase checkpoints in response to DNA damage. Curr Opin Cell
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