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12.12 卤素
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12.11 氧和硫
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§14-1Carbon and its compounds §14-2 Silicon and its compounds §14-3 Germanium Subgroup
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Boron (B) Aluminum (Al) Gallium (Ga) Indium (In) Thallium (Tl) ns2np1 §15-1 Boron and its compounds §15-2 Aluminium and its compounds §15-3 Gallium subgroup
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§12-1 Oxygen and its compounds §12-2 Sulfur and its compounds §12-3 The selenium subgroup (Selenium, Tellurium, Polonium)
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12-1通性 12-2单质 12-3重要化合物
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14.1 第16族、第17族和第18 族概述 Generality of groups 16, 17 and 18 elements 14.2 氧 Oxygen 14.3 硫 Sulfur 14.4 卤素 Halogens 14.5 稀有气体 Noble gases
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12.1 概述 Generalization 12.2 单质 Simple substances 12.3 化合物 Compounds 12.4 锂、铍的特殊性 Special characteristics of lithium and beryllium
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1. 元素在周期表中的酸碱性 2. 酸碱质子理论和酸碱概念的相对性 3. Lewis酸碱 4. 软硬酸碱
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:7.92MB 文档页数:40
§1钛分族(Titanium subgroup) §2 钒分族(Vanadium subgroup) §3 铬分族(Chromium subgroup) §4 锰分族(manganese subgroup)
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