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1. Input-output economics, the foundation of CGE & GSC (a) the input-output table (b) national accounts (c) the one-country input-output model (d) the Leontief paradox (e) effective rates of protection (e) the multi-regional or multi-national I-O model - starting point for CSC analysis 2. CGE modelling (a) Johansen’s model of Norway (b) Johansen’s solution matrix versus Leontief’s inverse (c) trade in a CGE model, Armington to Melitz 3. Applying existing CGE models to supply chain issues (a) Walmsley & Minor on reversing NAFTA (b) Dixon, Rimmer and Waschik on Buy-America(n) 4. Towards a CGE model with supply chain features: designs, components, assembly and sales 5. Concluding remarks
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1. 中国外交政策的基本特点 The Main Characteristics of China’s Foreign Policy 2. 中国为维护世界和平所作出的贡献 Contributions Made by China for Maintaining the Peace of the World 3. 中国在全球经济领域的影响 China’s Influence in Global Economy
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Chapter 1 Why China Works? Chap 2 A Changed Global Reality Chap 3 Time to rebalance Chapter4 The Incredible Shrinking Europe Chap 5 Japan Goes from Dynamic to Disheartened
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上海杉达学院:国际商务(PPT讲稿)Global Business
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Global difference: discourse level Local difference: vocabulary and grammar
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一、对不同传染疾病的控制方式 Control of Disease 二、全球健康现状 Global Health Considerations 三、疫病的出现与再现 Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases 四、生物战与生物武器 Biological Warfare and Biological Weapons
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