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Transaction-Processing Monitors Transactional Workflows High-Performance Transaction Systems Main memory databases Real-Time Transaction Systems Long-Duration Transactions Transaction management in multidatabase systems
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§6–1 理想气体状态方程用于实际气体偏差 §6–2 范德瓦尔方程和R-K方程 §6-3 维里(Virial)方程 §6-4 对应态原理与通用压缩因子图 §6-5 麦克斯伟关系和热系数 §6-6 热力学能、焓和熵的一般关系式 §6-7 比热容的一般关系式
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• Model Selection for SVM • Primal SVM • Model selection 1) Bilevel Program for CV 2) Two optimization Methods: Impilicit & Explicit methods 3) Experiments 4) Conclusions • Our intent works • Works related to matrix patterns • Zero-Shot Learning • How to Approximate more real scenario for research topics
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 Stylized Facts about Business Cycles  From New Classicals to RBC  RBC Models  Major Contributions  Criticisms
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香港城市大学:Introduction to Real-Time Systems(Design and Analysis of Algorithms)
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上海交通大学:《热力系统设计与实践 Design and Practice of Thermodynamic System》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第12讲 实际气体性质及热力学一般关系式 Behavior of real gases and generalized thermodynamic relationships(热力学性质一般关系式)
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上海交通大学:《热力系统设计与实践 Design and Practice of Thermodynamic System》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第10讲 实际气体性质及热力学一般关系式 Behavior of real gases and generalized thermodynamic relationships(对应态原理与通用压缩因子图)
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上海交通大学:《热力系统设计与实践 Design and Practice of Thermodynamic System》课程教学资源(2018课件)第07讲 实际气体性质及热力学一般关系式 Behavior of real gases and generalized thermodynamic relationships(余焓余熵、相律、相平衡方程及单元相平衡条件)
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上海交通大学:《热力系统设计与实践 Design and Practice of Thermodynamic System》课程教学资源(2018课件)第05讲 实际气体性质及热力学一般关系式 Behavior of real gases and generalized thermodynamic relationships(麦克斯韦关系和热系数)
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上海交通大学:《热力系统设计与实践 Design and Practice of Thermodynamic System》课程教学资源(2018课件)第03讲 实际气体性质及热力学一般关系式 Behavior of real gases and generalized thermodynamic relationships(压缩因子与范德瓦尔方程等)
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