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1858 ~ 1861, Kekulé, Couper, and Butlerov, laid the basis for one of the most fundamental theories in chemistry: the structural theory. Valence(化合价): C — tetravalent; O — divalent; H — monovalent
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1.固体的发光 某一固体化合物受到光子、带电粒子、 电场或电离辐射的激发,会发生能量的吸收 、存储、传递和转换过程。 如果激发能量转换为可见光区的电磁辐 射,这个物理过程称为固体的发光
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Carboxylic acids are just one member of a class of acyl derivatives, RCOY, where the acyl group is bonded to an electronegatives substituent -Y that can act as a leaving group in substitution reactions. Numerous acyl derivatives are possible, but we’ll be concerned only with four of the more common ones, in addition to carboxylic acids themselves: acid halides, acid anhydrides, esters, and amides
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Carbonyl compounds are a broad group of compounds that includes aldehydes, ketones,carboxylic acids, and esters
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Part I Lead-in (Task 1-5) Part II In-Class Reading (Text Structure; Word Study; Sentence Study) Part III After-Class Reading (Passage One; Passage Two)
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The reactivity of organometallic compounds increases with the percent ionic character of the carbon-metal bond. RLi and RMgX are of great importance in organic synthesis
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A hydrocarbon whose molecules contain two double bonds is called an alkadiene(alkatriene for three double bonds); A hydrocarbon with two triple bonds is called an alkadiyne; A hydrocarbon with a double and triple bond is called an alkenyne
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A ring that contains at least one heteroatom (an atom other than carbon) is called a heterocycle, and a substance based on a heterocyclic ring is a heterocyclic compound. Heterocyclic compounds containing N, O or S are by far the most common
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一 掌握牛顿定律的基本内容及其适用条件. 二 熟练掌握用隔离体法分析物体的受力情况,能用微积分方法求解变力作用下的简单质点动力学问题. 三 理解惯性系与非惯性系的概念,了解惯性力的概念.
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掌握牛顿运动定律及其适用条件,能用微积分方法求解一维变力作用下的简单质点动力学问题。 §2-1 牛顿运动定律、力的概念、惯性参照系 §2-2 力学单位制和量纲 §2-3 牛顿运动定律应用举例
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