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Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chinese-English Translation  Ⅰ. Three peaks of translation in history  1. The Translation of Buddhist Classics: the First Peak  2. The translation of books on science and technology: the second peak  (科技翻译:中国的士大夫和传教士联手将欧洲的宗教、哲 学、科技和文学等“西学”介绍到中国来。)  3.The Translation of Western Classics: the Third Peak  (鸦片战争后至“五四”前的西方政治思想和文学翻译)
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A Contrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English and Chinese  From the angle of translatology, translation includes thought level, semantic level and aesthetic level. But thought level is the basis and precondition upon which the other levels are built. So in this chapter we shall trace back cultural backgrounds contributing to differences in thought patterns between English and Chinese
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 I. Denotative Meaning & Associative Meaning  1. Denotative meaning:  (also known as conceptual meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of the word meaning. It forms the basis for communication as the same word has the same denotative meaning to all the speakers of the same language
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Idiom, as a linguistic phenomenon, can be regarded as the most special part of language, and they are heavily culture￾loaded. Because of those culture differences, idioms become one of the greatest barriers for cross-culture communication
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一、主语的确定  在汉译英的实践中,对主语的确定可采取以 下三种处理方法:  1.汉语无主句的英译  -----增补主语  2.以原句主语作译文主语  3.重新确定主语
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• This chapter is chiefly concerned with the transformation rules between various parts of speech in English-Chinese translation, including the transformation of nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs in English
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• Ⅰ. Amplification in English-Chinese translation • Amplification means to add necessary words, phrases, clauses or sentences to the translated text in purpose of making it consistent with the target language in meaning, grammar and culture connotation. Amplification does not add new information to the message and only help understand the text. In this part we will analyze how to use amplification to achieve equivalence in English-Chinese translation in these three levels, i.e. syntactic, semantic, and rhetorical. • 1) Her tone was more friendly than David’s (tone). • 2) She sang her sweetest (song). • 3) Shall I write my name on, above or below the line?
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第一节 马克思主义中国化的科学内涵及其历史进程 一、马克思主义中国化的提出 二、马克思主义中国化的科学内涵 三、马克思主义中国化的历史进程和重要意义 第二节 毛泽东思想 第三节 邓小平理论 第四节 “三个代表”重要思想 第五节 科学发展观
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一.复习瑜伽美体瘦身组合: 三.目标:1、对瑜伽体式有初步的了解与认知。 2、通过把感官、身体与有意识的呼吸相配合来实现身体的控制,慢慢懂得与 自己的身体对话,探索自己的身体,激发人体潜在能量从而促进身体健康
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第一节 实事求是思想路线的形成和发展 第二节 实事求是思想路线的内容和意义 第三节 解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,求真务实
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