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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.003: Signals and Systems-Fall 2003 Thursday, November 13. 2003 Directions: The exam consists of 5 problems on pages 2 to 19 and additional work space on pages 20 and 21. Please make sure you have all the pages. Tables of Fourier series properties as well as CT Fourier transform and DT Fourier transform properties and pairs are supplied to you as a separate set of pages. Enter all your work and
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.003: Signals and Systems-Fall 2003 Final Exam Tuesday, December 16, 2003 Directions: The exam consists of 7 problems on pages 2 to 33 and additional work space on pages 34 to 37. Please make sure you have all the pages. Tables of Fourier series properties, CT and DT Fourier transform
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PROBLEM SET 11 SOLUTIONS Problem 1(O&W 1029(d)) In this problem we are asked to sketch the magnitude of the Fourier transform associated with the pole-zero diagram, Figure P10.29(d). In order to do so, we need to make some
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Reading Assignments Lectures #18-20 PS#9: Chapters 9 1l(through Subsection 11.3.4 )of O&W Lectures #21-22 PS#10: Chapters 10& 11(through Subsection 11. 3.4)of O&w Exercise for home study(not to be turned in, although we will provide solutions)
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Problem set SolutioN Exercise for home study o&W8.35 (a) From the system diagram, we see that a(t)=a(t)cos(wet) Using the multiplication property ZGu)= o(X(u)* FT(cos wct)) FT of cos wt is two impulses with area T at +wc. Therefore, Z(w)is the spectrum
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7.1 状态与状态空间 7.2 连续系统状态方程的建立 7.3 连续系统状态方程的解 7.4 离散系统状态变量分析 7.5 系统的可控制性和可观测性
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7.1 状态与状态空间 7.2 连续系统状态方程的建立 7.3 连续系统状态方程的解 7.4 离散系统状态变量分析 7.5 系统的可控制性和可观测性
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连续时间系统的时域分析:卷积积分 离散时间系统的时域分析:卷积和 LTI系统的性质 掌握卷积积分与卷积和两种计算; 了解常系数微分方程和差分方程的经典算法; 理解LTI系统的冲激响应h(t); 理解系统的零输入响应、零状态响应
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REMINDER: Quiz #2 will be held from 7: 30-9: 30 p. m. Thursday, November 13 in Walker Memorial. The quiz will cover materials in Chapters 4-7(through Section 7. 4)of O&w, Lectures and Recitations through October 29, Problem Sets #4-6, and that part of Problem Set 7 involving problems from Chapter 7 Reading Assignments
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Exercise for home study O&W4.47 tea this problem examines the Fourier transform of a continuous-time LTI system with a real, causal impulse response, h(t) (a) To prove that H(w) is completely specified by eh(u) for a real and causal h(t) lore the even part of a function, he(t)
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