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上海交通大学:《程序设计基础》课程教学讲义(密西根学院)Lecture Notes_Start with C plusplus
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上海交通大学:《程序设计基础》课程教学讲义(密西根学院)Lecture Notes_Random Number_Graphics
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背景介绍 智能机器人技术 人-机器人交互 决策、规划 感知、行为预测、世界模型 地图、定位、SLAM 运动规划、控制 仿真器 机器人安全模型
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上海交通大学:《程序设计基础》课程教学讲义(密西根学院)Lecture Notes_programming style guide for C plusplus
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Uncertainty Probability Syntax and Semantics Inference Independence and Bayes’ Rule Bayesian network Graphical models Bayesian networks Inference in Bayesian networks
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中国科学技术大学:《人工智能基础》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Lecture 07 Logical Agents
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Games Perfect play(最优策略) minimax decisions α − β Pruning Resource limits and approximate evaluation Games of chance (包含几率因素的游戏) Games of imperfect information
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CSP examples Backtracking search for CSPs Problem structure and problem decomposition Local search for CSPs
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Best-first Search (最佳优先搜索) Greedy search A* search Local Search Algorithms Hill-climbing search Simulated annealing search Local beam search Genetic algorithms
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Problem-solving Agents Searching for Solutions Uninformed Search Strategies
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