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What is Sensory Evaluation Sensory is the use of all the senses to evaluate a food sample
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Milk should contain 8.25% milk-solid-not-fat .3.25% milk fat Milk is .. a true solution for salts, lactose, water- soluble vitamins milk is a colloidal dispersion for proteins and some Ca phosphate a dilute emulsion for fat globules
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Heat Treatments bLanching- Heat to deactivate enzymes Pasteurization Heat to kill pathogenic bacteria Sterilization heat to kill all bacteria and other organisms
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Composition of eggs %o Water Protein Fat CHO Whole10074.612.111212 White5888. Yok314801643292.0
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Experimental Foods Carbohydrates Starch and Sugars Alternative Sweeteners
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一、名词解释(每小题2分,共20分) 1.农产品加工: 2.悬浮速度: 3.精选: 4.分离因数: 5.滑切角: 6.均质: 7.三效浓缩: 8.产冷量:
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一、名词解释:(每个2分,共20分) 1.输送浓度比: 2.筛分效率: 3.分离因数: 4.滑切系数: 5.捏合: 6.闪蒸灭菌:
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Meat: Color Myoglobin meat heme-pigment color Purplish-red Hemoglobin blood pigment Oxymyoglobin air combines with meat Bright in its oxidized form Metmyoglobin major discoloration Ferrous to ferric state High temperatures, microorganisms and light speed the reaction
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江苏大学:《食品加工机械与设备》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第九章 杀菌机械与设备
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江苏大学:《食品加工机械与设备》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第八章 浓缩与干燥机械设备
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