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1 理想气体状态方程 perfect gas equation pV= constant×nT=nRT
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Measurement of Work to determine the \direction\ of a process: \direction\--spontaneous--irreversible --non-spontaneous-- reversible --equilibrium
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Idea Develops the concept of chemical potential and shows how it can be used to account for the equilibrium composition of chemical reaction Equilibrium co
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热力学定律— Helmholtz and Gibbs energies Consider a system in thermal equilibrium with surroundings, at temp. T For change in the system with transfer of heat, the Clausius inequality is
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西北大学:《中级无机化学》课程教学课件(专题讲稿)18 多重平衡与化学计算(PPT)
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西北大学:《中级无机化学》课程教学课件(专题讲稿)17 键焓及其共价型物质的热化学性质(PPT)
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西北大学:《中级无机化学》课程教学课件(专题讲稿)16 晶格能及其应用(PPT)
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西北大学:《中级无机化学》课程教学课件(专题讲稿)15 离子盐类溶解性的热力学讨论(PPT)
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电子光谱 配体内部的电子光谱 配位场光谱 电荷迁移光谱
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西北大学:《中级无机化学》课程教学课件(专题讲稿)13 配体强场对元素氧化态稳定性的影响(PPT)
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