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4-1已知线性调制信号表示式如下: (1)cos cosot (2)(1+0.5 sin)coso
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4-1已知线性调制信号表示式如下: (1) (2) 式中。试分别画出它们的波形图和频谱图
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1-1设英文字母E出现的概率为0.105,x出现的概率为0.002。试 求E及x的信息量
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1-1设英文字母E出现的概率为0.105,x出现的概率为0.002试求E及x的信息 量
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一、古代通信的起源 二、两类通信方式 三、近代通信的发展
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Introduction Basic signal properties(dc, rms, dBm. and power) Fourier transform and spectra Linear systems and linear distortion Bandlimited signal and sampling Discrete Fourier transform · Bandwidth of signal
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1.1 System Fundamentals Definitions System: Definitions System- integrity of elements that form a certain structure internally and perform certain functions externally. L von Bertalanffy: System --set of interrelated elements
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8.1差错控制编码的基本概念 8.1.1差错控制方式 图8-1差错控制系统
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7.1进制数字调制 7.1.1二进制幅度键控(2ASK)
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1 Fundamentals of Control Theory N. Wiener: Control theory in engineering, whether it is Concerned with Man, animal or machine, can only be regarded as a part of the theory of information [(G) Controller
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