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Positional Number System Number system use positional notation to represent value. The position of the character(numeral) in a character string (collection of possible numerals) indicate value as well as the character itself. Radix (base) is the number of numeral characters in the character set of positional number system. Position Weiaht is a constant that represents the value of a position. Different position has different weight. It is the integer power of radix
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INTRODUCTION Level five Complex Systems, Function Units from levels Two through Four Level four More complex Function Logic Units, e.g. microprocessor Third IC level (VLSI) Level three Function Logic Units, e.g. adders, Second IC level counters, multiplexers (MSI and LSI) Level two Function Logic Units, e.g. gates, NOT, AND, NAND, EX-OR First IC level (SSI)
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Hazard o Boolean algebra does not account for propagation delays through signal paths of actually circuits. o The delay can cause glitches to occur. A glitch is an unwanted signal, usually short pulse caused by the transient behavior of signal path that have different delays A hazard exists any time the potential for glitches is present
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Let be the set of all input variables, X={, X1, .Xn} Let y be the set of all output variables, y={Y, 1 ...m} o The combinational function, F, operated on the input variable set, to produce the output variable set y. o The output is related to the input as
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Synchronous sequential circuit memory, usually consisting of flip-flops, update circuit states information All flip-flops share a common clock pulse input The clock input is not a binary value representing the time of day but rather a\synchronous\train of pulses. Synchronous memory changes its data only at certain time intervals The flip-flops can change state only on a clock pulse edge
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第二章离散时间信号和系统的频域分析 主要内容: 一、DT信号的离 Fourier散时间变换 二、周期序列的离散傅立叶级数及傅立叶变换表示式 三、序列的Z变换 四、利用Z变换分析信号和系统的频域特性
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盲系统辨识 盲源分离(BSS, Blind Source Separation) 独立分量分析 (ICA, Independent Component Analysis) 信道盲均衡 盲波束形成
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第三章离散 Fourier变换(DFT) 主要内容: 一、离散傅立叶变换的定义 二、离散傅立叶变换的基本性质 三、频率域采样 四、DFT的应用
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第四章快速傅立叶变换(FFT) 主要内容: 一、/DFT的问题及解决途径 二、FFT的原理和复杂性 三、按时间抽取的FFT算法 四、按频率抽取的FFT算法 五、离散傅立叶反变换的快速算法 六、线性调频z变换(chirp-z变换)算法 七、线性卷积的FFT算法
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 S1. Introduction  S2. Conventional Kalman filter  S3. Example  S4. RLS and Kalman filtering  S5. Square-root information filter  S6. Square-root covariance filter  Better numerical properties than the conventional one  The square-root RLS algorithms are special cases
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