J Chapter 3- Learning objectives Describe data using measures of central tendency and dispersion for a set of individual data values, and for a set of grouped data Convert data to standardized values Use the computer to visually represent data
l Chapter 2-Learning objectives Convert raw data into a data array Construct a frequency distribution a relative frequency distribution a cumulative relative frequency distribution Construct a stem-and-leaf diagram Visually represent data by using graphs and charts
6. Choice Under Uncertainty a. Representing Uncertainty: Lotteries and Compound Lotteries b. Axioms of Expected Utility C. The Expected Utility Theory d. Empirical Challenges to Expected Utility Theory-the Paradox Business e. Application: Crime and punishment
Unit Four The Multicultural Society Reference Book: (New) Integrated Coursey as a collage Student's and Teaching's Book Teaching Method: Explanation Combination Objectives 1 grasp the main idea and structure of the text 2 practice their critical thinking ability
3. Comparative Statics a. Indirect Utility Functions b. Expenditure Functions and duality C. Expenditure Function and Price Indices d. Slutsky via Utility Functions e. Slutsky via Preferences
Unit eight Travel Teaching Period: 10(1-2) Reference Book: (New) Integrated Course 4 Students and teaching s book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective:
Unit one Ways oflearning Part I Part II Text a Learning, Chinese-Style Part III Textb Children and money Part Iv Theme-Related Language learning task Writing Strategy: Using comparison and contrast in essay writing