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1 污水种类、污水中污染物危害及污水回用标准 1.1污水的种类 1.2 污水中污染物的种类及危害 1.3 污水水质指标项目 1.4 污水回用标准 2 污水处理技术与回用方式 2.1 污水处理技术与回用方式分类 (作用原理 治理程度 回用方式) 2.2 常见的污水处理技术与回用方式 2.3 我国城市污水处理与回用概况 (处理工艺 1 2 3 ) 2.4 工业污水处理与回用方法 3 研究方向 3.1 城市污水处理与回用 3.2 膜技术应用 (作用原理 MBR工艺 ) 3.3 计算机模拟
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Sales and Marketing Group, Information Division, FAO aahl oLshotNU-s Teal d 0697os fi E-ma fap.org/catalog/giphomehtm PUBLIC PUNTOS VENTA DE PUBLICACIONES DE LA FAC Mundi Prensa Libros S.A
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ACRONYMS AFWC DESA African Forestry and Wildlife Commission United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs AIDS ed immunodeficiency syndrome DFID
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mprovements in science and technology are communities environmental groups, the private critical to the sustainable management of sector and civil society, coupled with forests, woodlands and trees, and to their international efforts that began with the United
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the role of forests ependable freshwater supplies and the Technologies exist to deal with water scarcity, ability to cope with the extremes of toolittle and to some extent with the effed cts of or too much water are requisites for sustainable hydrometeorological extremes (Brooks et al, human dev ater 1997). If they are to be turned into solutions, scarcity issued at the end of the twentieth century several constraints must be overcome, including
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policy dialogue n the years following the United Nations Facility in bringing about positive change with Conference on environment and regard to capacity building, information sharing Development(UNCED ), ongoing and often and knowledge management is also intensive international debate on forest policy underscored. In conclusion, the chapter
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development of forests A s forests are complex ecosystems requiring which the unique role of forests is recognized, balanced and sustainable management, one partnerships between and among countries from of the main challenges today is to reconcile the the north and the South are the basis on which often conflicting priorities of those who depend on Joint Implementation and the Clean Development them for a whole range of goods and services. It is Mechanism are built
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Forest resources Global forest resources assessment gricultural expansion and deforestation Mangrove conversion and conservation Management, conservation and sustainable development of forests Role of planted trees in developing countries with low forest cover findings from six case studies Mountain forests and sustainable mountain development Forests and wooded lands in the mediterranean basin
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Natural expansion of forest Expansion of forest through natural succession on land that until These terms have been adopted for use in the Global Forest then was under another land use( e.g. forest succession on land Resources Assessment 2000. Further information on definitions previously used for agriculture). It implies a transformation from
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International dialoque and global, regional and national initiatives A international commitment to work towards then under the Intergovernmental Forum on Asustainable development was made almost Forests (IFF). IFF recently completed its work and a decade ago at the United Nations Conference on has put forth a proposal for an international Environment and Development (UNCED), also arrangement on forests, including the known as the Rio Conference, which took place in establishment of the United Nations Forum on
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