STATE OF THE WORLD's FORESTs 2003 Science and technology in the forest sector: widening gaps an narrowing options mprovements in science and technology are communities, environmental groups, the private critical to the sustainable management of capacity to meet growing demand for the range Nations Conference on Environment and o forests, woodlands and trees, and to their international efforts that began with the United of goods and services that they provide, Development(UNCED), has led to better cluding environmental and social benefits recognition of the broader values of forests, with A significant shift in research and development implications for forest research and development is needed to address multiple-use management, as noted in the following with more attention given to ecosystem rocesses and their interaction with social and Environmental concerns economic systems. Yet the resources invested in Environmental concerns are receiving greater forest research are alarmingly inadequate and attention as many former assumptions are ignificant imbalances exist between developed coming into question. For example, a substantial and developing countries, government and body of knowledge has accumulated on the ndustry, and different segments of the forest conservation of biological diversity, climate sector. It is in this context that the present change, hydrological cycles and land chapter examines issues relating to scientific and degradation, all of which have a bearing on land acity in the use, particularly forests focusing on the widening gaps and narrowing Biological diversity. Concern over the conservation of the totality of life, including the CHANGING FOREST SECTOR entire system of natural processes, has PRIORITIES significant implications for forestry, forest The relative importance of the different management practices and forest research(see functions of forests varies depending on the the preceding chapter). Replacing commercially culture. the state of social and economic less valuable vegetation with monoculture plantations has become less acceptable and now aspirations of a given society. Investment in requires consideration of biological diversity research and development reflects the changing issues. Improved methods of assessing current priorities, although the improvement of wood- and changing values of biological diversity will production and wood-processing technologies therefore help to fine-tune required has traditionally attracted the most public and interventions private resources, while research related to other ecosystem functions and social dimensions, such Climate change. Concern about the impact of as poverty alleviation, has largely been human activity on climate change has drawn neglected. However, pressure from le attention to the role of forests in storing and
2003 FORESTS S’WORLD THE OF STATE 96 I are technology and science in mprovements of management sustainable the to critical their to and, trees and woodlands, forests range the for demand growing meet to capacity ,provide they that services and goods of .benefits social and environmental including development and research in shift significant A ,management use-multiple address to needed is ecosystem to given attention more with and social with interaction their and processes in invested resources the Yet. systems economic and inadequate alarmingly are research forest developed between exist imbalances significant and government, countries developing and forest the of segments different and, industry present the that context this in is It. sector and scientific to relating issues examines chapter ,sector forest the in capacity technological narrowing and gaps widening the on focusing .options SECTOR FOREST CHANGING PRIORITIES different the of importance relative The the on depending varies forests of functions economic and social of state the, culture and demands specific the and development in Investment. society given a of aspirations changing the reflects development and research technologies processing-wood and productionwood of improvement the although, priorities and public most the attracted traditionally has other to related research while, resources private such, dimensions social and functions ecosystem been largely has, alleviation poverty as local from pressure, However. neglected private the, groups environmental, communities with coupled, society civil and sector United the with began that efforts international and Environment on Conference Nations better to led has), UNCED (Development with, forests of values broader the of recognition development and research forest for implications .following the in noted as concerns Environmental greater receiving are concerns Environmental are assumptions former many as attention substantial a, example For. question into coming the on accumulated has knowledge of body climate, diversity biological of conservation land and cycles hydrological, change land on bearing a have which of all, degradation .forests particularly, use the over Concern. diversity Biological the including, life of totality the of conservation has, processes natural of system entire forest, forestry for implications significant see (research forest and practices management commercially Replacing). chapter preceding the monoculture with vegetation valuable less now and acceptable less become has plantations diversity biological of consideration requires current assessing of methods Improved. issues will diversity biological of values changing and required tune-fine to help therefore .interventions of impact the about Concern. change Climate drawn has change climate on activity human and storing in forests of role the to attention technology and Science :sector forest the in and gaps widening options narrowing
PART II SELECTED CURRENT ISSUES IN THE FOREST SECTOR sequestering carbon, given that they account Implications for forest research for an estimated 80 percent of annual In terms of research, both alleviation of poverty exchanges of carbon between terrestrial and environmental protection will require ecosystems and the atmosphere(see p 25). This better understanding of the interaction calls for substantial work on carbon budgets, between ecosystem processes and social and the costs and benefits of various interventions economic systems, and development of tools and the use of market and non-market and techniques based on more mechanisms to mitigate climate change comprehensive knowledge an increase in the production of goods and Forests and water. Access to freshwater has services required by the poor, and already become a critical limiting factor in the enhancement of employment-and income- economic development of several countries and generating opportunities; a cause of conflict in many parts of the world modification of technology to comply with However, considerable uncertainty exists environmental requirements, especially the garding the link between forests and water protection of biological diversity and the (see chapter on freshwater resources, p. 74) maintenance of key ecosystem processes Additional multidisciplinary research is The fundamental question is whether science ed in order to reach a be and technology, as a whole, and forest research, understanding of the consequences of various in particular, are moving in that direction, or land uses, including forestry, for water yield, whether the gaps in knowledge and capacities and to develop systems for equitably sharing are widening and long-term options narrowing the costs and benefits of protecting watersheds WIDENING GAP Socio-economic issues: alleviating poverty recisely when science must focus on social and and enhancing food security environmental concerns in the forest sector it spite unprecedented economic progres nat gaps in capacity among countries are gap in wealth and income is widening, and dening and that, despite the need to poverty and deprivation are persisting. An undertake more broad-based research, current estimated 815 million people suffer from shifts in priorities and institutional arrangements malnourishment(FAO, 2002), and progress towards the United Nations Millennium Development Goals is too slow(UNDP and UNICEF, 2002). Approximately half the world's population of 6 billion survives on less than Power and impotence and depend on natural resources, the lackoc bas US$2 per day. Although most live in rural ar skills,of access to appropriate technology and of secure tenure as well as a host of other "A profound paradox of power and impotence, crying out for a problems, means that they are unable to lution, now faces concerned people in every society. On the one manage and use resources sustainably. The fact hand, there is the unmatched power of basic scientific and techno- that developments in science and technology logical research, reporting one rema have bypassed large segments of society also dizzying speed On theotherhand, individuals andwhole societies contributes to the unsustainable use of are plagued by ominous problems that yield all-too-slowly, in part resources and environmental degradation. It because of persistent ignorance at the fundamental level. also aggravates poverty, and not only in developing countries, for there are pockets of Branscomb, Holton and Sonnert. 2001 deprivation everywhe e even in the m
97 SECTOR FOREST THE IN ISSUES CURRENT SELECTED II PART account they that given, carbon sequestering annual of percent 80 estimated an for terrestrial between carbon of exchanges This). 25. p see (atmosphere the and ecosystems ,budgets carbon on work substantial for calls ,interventions various of benefits and costs the market-non and market of use the and .change climate mitigate to mechanisms has freshwater to Access. water and Forests the in factor limiting critical a become already and countries several of development economic .world the of parts many in conflict of cause a exists uncertainty considerable, However water and forests between link the regarding .(74. p, resources freshwater on chapter see( is research multidisciplinary Additional better a reach to order in required various of consequences the of understanding ,yield water for, forestry including, uses land sharing equitably for systems develop to and .watersheds protecting of benefits and costs the poverty alleviating: issues economic-Socio security food enhancing and the, progress economic unprecedented Despite and, widening is income and wealth in gap An. persisting are deprivation and poverty from suffer people million 815 estimated progress and), 2002, FAO (malnourishment Millennium’ Nations United the towards and UNDP (slow too is Goals Development s’world the half Approximately). 2002, UNICEF than less on survives billion 6 of population areas rural in live most Although. day per 2$US of lack the, resources natural on depend and and technology appropriate to access of, skills other of host a as well as, tenure secure of to unable are they that means, problems fact The. sustainably resources use and manage technology and science in developments that also society of segments large bypassed have of use unsustainable the to contributes It. degradation environmental and resources in only not and, poverty aggravates also of pockets are there for, countries developing of midst the in even, everywhere deprivation .plenty research forest for Implications poverty of alleviation both, research of terms In :require will protection environmental and interaction the of understanding better• and social and processes ecosystem between tools of development and, systems economic more on based techniques and ;knowledge comprehensive and goods of production the in increase an• and, poor the by required services ;opportunities generatingincome and- employment of enhancement with comply to technology of modification• the especially, requirements environmental the and diversity biological of protection .processes ecosystem key of maintenance science whether is question fundamental The ,research forest and, whole a as, technology and or, direction that in moving are, particular in capacities and knowledge in gaps the whether .narrowing options term-long and widening are GAPS WIDENING and social on focus must science when Precisely it, sector forest the in concerns environmental are countries among capacity in gaps that seems to need the despite, that and widening current, research based-broad more undertake arrangements institutional and priorities in shifts a for out crying, impotence and power of paradox profound A“ one the On. society every in people concerned faces now, solution at another after advance remarkable one reporting, research logicaltechno and scientific basic of power unmatched the is there, hand societies whole and individuals, hand other the On. speed dizzying part in, slowly-too-all yield that problems ominous by plagued are “.level fundamental the at ignorance persistent of because .2001, Sonnert and Holton, Branscomb impotence and Power
STATE OF THE WORLDS FORESTS 2003 could result in reduced attention to public goods On a per capita basis, countries in the high research in these areas technology group invest about 20 times more than those in the group immediately below. This The technology divide is consistent with other parameters, such as the Almost all science and technology efforts and number of patents per 1 000 inhabitants and the their results point to a wide gap between average nun nber of patents per country group in developed and developing countries. Table 9 1997-1998. As can be seen, the bulk of the classifies 87 countries on the basis of per capita worlds population lives in countries with low investment in technology efforts and patents he high-technology group consists entirely of development. This disparity is manifest in the industrialized countries, while all those in the level of output low and negligible groups are developing The involvement of developing regions in countries. The moderate group includes some science and technology efforts is clearly very low industrialized countries and some in transition. Although not a perfect indicator, the differences expensive biotechnology for Table 9 Average technology effort per country divided into technology groups, 1997-1998 293.25 6803 Low 2536.4 0.24 55.6 0.00
2003 FORESTS S’WORLD THE OF STATE 98 goods public to attention reduced in result could .areas these in research divide technology The and efforts technology and science all Almost between gap wide a to point results their 9 Table. countries developing and developed capita per of basis the on countries 87 classifies .patents and efforts technology in investment of entirely consists group technology-high The the in those all while, countries industrialized developing are groups negligible and low some includes group moderate The. countries .transition in some and countries industrialized more times 20 about invest group technologyhigh the in countries, basis capita per a On This. below immediately group the in those than the as such, parameters other with consistent is the and inhabitants 000 1 per patents of number in group country per patents of number average the of bulk the, seen be can As. 1998–1997 low with countries in lives population s’world and research in investment negligible and the in manifest is disparity This. development .output of level in regions developing of involvement The .low very clearly is efforts technology and science differences the, indicator perfect a not Although patents of Number per Patents and Research population Total countries of Number group Technology country per inhabitants 000 1 capita per development) millions( ($US( 803 6 99.0 25.293 1.855 23 High 50 02.0 01.14 0.756 20 Moderate 11 00.0 24.0 4.536 2 23 Low 0 00.0 00.0 6.655 21 Negligible .2001, Lall on Based: Source narrowing, divide Technology (glauca Picea (spruce white: options somatic through developed seedlings but sophisticated a – embryogenesis SER FOREST CANADIANlarge for biotechnology expensive trees of production scale KLIMASZEWSKA. K/VICE 9 TABLE 1998–1997, groups technology into divided country per effort technology Average
PART II SELECTED CURRENT ISSUES IN THE FOREST SECTOR in the number of scientific articles published by region hint at disproportionate efforts and the TABLE 10 marginalization of developing countries in Number of scientific articles published in knowledge advances. In 1999, North America different regions and Western Europe accounted for about 70 percent of scientific articles published, while sub- Saharan Africa accounted for about 0.6 percent of publications (Table 10). Furthermore, the broad groupings conceal disparities within regions. For example, North america lia,China, India and Jay 183211 94 percent of the publications in the Asia and the Pacific region. In sub-Saharan Africa, 56 percent Asia and the pacific 101369 of scientific articles were published in South Eastern Europe and Central Asia 30763 Africa. What is more disturbing, however, is Near East and North Africa 7659 9086 significant decline in sub-Saharan African out between 1986 and 1999 Latin America 5583 Although data comparing research and Sub-Saharan Africa development efforts in the forest sector in World 462745 28643 different countries are limited, they appear to Source: NSF 2002. mirror the overall situation described in the previous paragraphs. For example, almost perent of the member institutions of the An overview of science and technology investment Research and development investment in the 28 OECD US$16 345 million(NSF, 2002), while the total budget of countries in 1998 was estimated at US$502 billion the 16 CGIAr centres in that year was US$331 million seven countries accounted for 85 percent, and the (CGAR,2000 United States alone accounted for 44 percent of the total (NSF,2002 culture, forestry and fisheries in the United States in 1999 In 1997-1998, the United States registered an average of was estimated at US$15 528 million(NSF, 2002), while 3.3 patents per 1 000 people. South Africa, industrially government investment in agricultural research in India, the most developed country in sub-Saharan Africa, had a country with a relatively well-developed national re- only 0.03 patents per 1 000 people, while India had just arch system, was US$348 million in 1995( Pray and 0.001all2001) Fuglie, 2001) Per capita productive enterprise research and develop. An increasing proportion of research investment in OECD ment for Japan in 1997-1998 was US$858. 4, while for countries comes from the private sector. In 1981, industry Brazil, South Africa and China it was USS13.7, $12.8 and accounted for 51 percent of the total OECD research and $0.9, respectively (Lall, 2001). development outlay of US$251 billion. By 1998, this had United States Federal Government support for academic increased to 62.5 percent, while the total outlay had al- agricultural research and development in 2000 was most doubled(Pray and Fuglie, 2001)
99 SECTOR FOREST THE IN ISSUES CURRENT SELECTED II PART by published articles scientific of number the in the and efforts disproportionate at hint region in countries developing of marginalization America North, 1999 In. advances knowledge 70 about for accounted Europe Western and percent 6.0 about for accounted Africa Saharansub while, published articles scientific of percent groupings broad the, Furthermore). 10 Table( ,example For. regions within disparities conceal for accounted Japan and India, China, Australia the and Asia the in publications the of percent 94 percent 56, Africa Saharan-sub In. region Pacific South in published were articles scientific of the is, however, disturbing more is What. Africa output African Saharan-sub in decline significant .1999 and 1986 between and research comparing data Although in sector forest the in efforts development to appear they, limited are countries different the in described situation overall the mirror almost, example For. paragraphs previous the of institutions member the of percent 70 Number Number Region publications of publications of 1999 in 1986 in 211 183 138 199 America North 548 188 496 143 Europe Western 369 101 931 59 Pacific the and Asia 763 30 299 42 Asia Central and Europe Eastern 086 9 659 7 Africa North and East Near 034 12 583 5 America Latin 632 3 639 4 Africa Saharan-Sub 643 528 745 462 World .2002, NSF: Source OECD 28 the in investment development and Research• ;billion 502$US at estimated was 1998 in countries the and, percent 85 for accounted countries seven total the of percent 44 for accounted alone States United .(2002, NSF( of average an registered States United the, 1998–1997 In• industrially, Africa South. people 000 1 per patents 3.3 had, Africa Saharan-sub in country developed most the just had India while, people 000 1 per patents 03.0 only .(2001, Lall (001.0 for while, 4.858$US was 1998–1997 in Japan for mentdevelop and research enterprise productive capita Per• and 8.12, $7.13$US was it China and Africa South, Brazil .(2001, Lall (respectively, 9.0$ academic for support Government Federal States United• was 2000 in development and research agricultural of budget total the while), 2002, NSF (million 345 16$US million 331$US was year that in centres CGIAR 16 the .(2000, CGIAR( 1999 in States United the in fisheries and forestry, cultureagri for support development and research Government• while), 2002, NSF (million 528 15$US at estimated was ,India in research agricultural in investment government and Pray (1995 in million 348$US was, system searchre national developed-well relatively a with country a .(2001, Fuglie OECD in investment research of proportion increasing An• industry, 1981 In. sector private the from comes countries and research OECD total the of percent 51 for accounted had this, 1998 By. billion 251$US of outlay development .(2001, Fuglie and Pray (doubled mostal had outlay total the while, percent 5.62 to increased investment technology and science of overview An 10 TABLE in published articles scientific of Number regions different
STATE OF THE WORLDS FORESTS 2003 capacity, and the forest sector also benefited from such initiatives However with the decline Marginalization of developing country research in development assistance, support for research particularly affected sub-Saharan Africa, where donor funding has been critical in sustaining The gap between developed and developing countries in forestry efforts in several national research institutions research capacity and the delivery of usable results remains unac The declining trend in agricultural research and ceptablywide. Developing countries, with 80 percent of theworlds development most probably applies to the forest population, account for only 2 percent of the global expenditures on scientific research and for an even smaller share of the research output, which is the quantity of direct importance. They continue Private sector involvement to face difficulties participating in the globalization process and In many countries, structural adjustment many risk being marginalized and effectively excluded from glo- programmes have led to public-sector bal dialog downsizing and significant reductions in research capacity. Economic liberalization policies were thought to provide incentives for growth in the private sector and to more than compensate for the drop in public-sector investment, including research investment.It was also claimed that privatization of forest International Union of Forestry Research research would strengthen the links between Organizations(IUFRO)come from the research and its application, increasing its Co-operation and Development(OECD). IUFRO Proponents of neo-liberal economic policies <9 30 countries of the Oganisation for Economic by focusing on outputs and has launched a special programme to address maintain that increased domestic private sector the low level of involvement of developing investment will replace public sector investment countries in its networks(IUFro, 2002 and that increased foreign direct investment will Despite efforts in recent years, there are no sult of declining indications that developing country research is development assistance. These assumptions increasing or that gaps in science and technology seem unrealistic, especially in many developing are narrowing, except in a small number of countries where the private sector is weak and countries in Asia and Latin America. In many has neither the interest nor the capacity to invest countries, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa, in research. The few private initiatives that do where forests could play a critical part in exist are limited to adaptive research in areas sustainable development and the enhancement that provide immediate competitive advantages, of livelihoods, there is little research capacity in such as enhancing the productivity of terms of institutions and human resources. The plantations and wood processing. Even in few institutions that do exist are underfunded Europe, where the private sector has a major role and often lack adequate systems to make in growing and processing wood, the wisdom of effective use of the limited resources that are privatizing and commercializing forest researd available. Moreover, they are unable to plan and is being questioned (Hellstrom, Palo and implement research or to encourage the adoption of appropriate technology Zealand where forest research was drastically structured a decade ago (richardson, 2002) Declining international support Increased flows of foreign direct investment ntil the early 1990s, there were mar ave not been sufficient to compensate for programmes and projects to build research declining development assistance, especially in
2003 FORESTS S’WORLD THE OF STATE 100 Research Forestry of Union International the from come) IUFRO (Organizations Economic for Organisation the of countries 30 IUFRO). OECD (Development and operation-Co address to programme special a launched has developing of involvement of level low the .(2002, IUFRO (networks its in countries no are there, years recent in efforts Despite is research country developing that indications technology and science in gaps that or increasing of number small a in except, narrowing are many In. America Latin and Asia in countries ,Africa Saharan-sub in those especially, countries in part critical a play could forests where enhancement the and development sustainable in capacity research little is there, livelihoods of The. resources human and institutions of terms underfunded are exist do that institutions few make to systems adequate lack often and are that resources limited the of use effective and plan to unable are they, Moreover. available the encourage to or research implement .technology appropriate of adoption support international Declining many were there, 1990s early the Until research build to projects and programmes benefited also sector forest the and, capacity decline the with, However. initiatives such from research for support, assistance development in has This. shrank also development and where, Africa Saharan-sub affected particularly sustaining in critical been has funding donor .institutions research national several in efforts and research agricultural in trend declining The forest the to applies probably most development .well as sector involvement sector Private adjustment structural, countries many In sector-public to led have programmes in reductions significant and downsizing liberalization Economic. capacity research for incentives provide to thought were policies than more to and sector private the in growth sector-public in drop the for compensate It. investment research including, investment forest of privatization that claimed also was between links the strengthen would research its increasing, application its and research .products and outputs on focusing by efficiency policies economic liberal-neo of Proponents sector private domestic increased that maintain investment sector public replace will investment will investment direct foreign increased that and declining of result a as left gaps the fill assumptions These. assistance development developing many in especially, unrealistic seem and weak is sector private the where countries invest to capacity the nor interest the neither has do that initiatives private few The. research in areas in research adaptive to limited are exist ,advantages competitive immediate provide that of productivity the enhancing as such in Even. processing wood and plantations role major a has sector private the where, Europe of wisdom the, wood processing and growing in research forest commercializing and privatizing and Palo, Hellström (questioned being is New in case the also is This). 1998, Solberg drastically was research forest where, Zealand .(2002, Richardson (ago decade a restructured investment direct foreign of flows Increased for compensate to sufficient been not have in especially, assistance development declining forestry in countries developing and developed between gap The“ s’world the of percent 80 with, countries Developing. wide ceptablyunac remains results usable of delivery the and capacity research expenditures global the of percent 2 only for account, population research the of share smaller even an for and research scientific on continue They. importance direct of quantity the is which, output and process globalization the in participating difficulties face to “.dialogue balglo from excluded effectively and marginalized being risk many .1999., al et Szaro research country developing of Marginalization
PART II SELECTED CURRENT ISSUES IN THE FOREST SECTOR 101 Forest research in New Zealand Some trends in international development assistance for agriculture and agricultural research and development "At first glance, everything seems rosy in re- Although the European Community has increased overall de- arch labs. After nearly ten years of operat- relopment assistance, agricultures share and support to agri- ing under a boldly experimental commer- cultural research and development havedeclined. Inthe 1980s, cialmodel, scientists are focusing onindustry agriculture accounted for 12 percent of European Community needs like never before and success stories support, but this figuredeclined to 4 percent between 1996 and abound. Lastyear Crown ResearchInstitutes, 1998. ncluding Forest Research, boasted record World Bank support for the rural sector has been erratic during the past two decades. However, after adjustment for inflation, you'll see a different pictur the trend has been downward. The share of agriculture in total lending has declined from an average of 26 percent in the first half of the 1980s to 10 percent in 2000 The amount of funding that the United States Agency for Inter- research in the least-developed countries declined by 75 per- cent between the mid-1980s and 1996 forest research. Foreign investment is concentrated in relatively well-off developing Source: Pardey and Beintema, 2001 countries and newly industrialized countries. In addition, most of it flows to activities that have short pay-back periods and high returns Although foreign investment results in some technology transfer in forestry, this is mostly related to logging, forest plantations and wood processing. Seldom does it increase indigenous Privatization of forest research in Europe: some findings capacity in science and technology, particularly in areas relevant to the needs of local communities "Both economic theory and our empirical findings give strong NARROWING OPTIONS support for the continuing dominating role of public funding Imbalances in ongoing research lessen options, most forestry research. We have not found support from theory or thus increasing vulnerability to economic and practice that decreased public funding of most forestry research ivironmental change Low investment, coupled would be compensated by increased private funding in the respec- with changes in institutional arrangements, is tive fields of research. In addition, if public funding of forestry bringing about a significant shift in research research is cut, it means that research orientation is to an increasing priorities, at a time when a broader framework degree controlled by the markets, which for forestry research are required to address the complexities of very narrow Inevitably such privatization would shift research ustainable forest management priorities towards the interests of the private bodies capable of Integrating approaches to science and Hellstrom, Palo and Solberg, 1998 While the importance of integrated research is Is se flected in the
101 SECTOR FOREST THE IN ISSUES CURRENT SELECTED II PART is investment Foreign. research forest developing off-well relatively in concentrated In. countries industrialized newly and countries have that activities to flows it of most, addition .returns high and periods back-pay short some in results investment foreign Although mostly is this, forestry in transfer technology wood and plantations forest, logging to related indigenous increase it does Seldom. processing particularly, technology and science in capacity local of needs the to relevant areas in .communities OPTIONS NARROWING ,options lessen research ongoing in Imbalances and economic to vulnerability increasing thus coupled, investment Low. change environmental is, arrangements institutional in changes with research in shift significant a about bringing is framework broader a when time a at, priorities of complexities the address to required .management forest sustainable and science to approaches Integrating technology is research integrated of importance the While the in reflected seldom is it, recognized industry on focusing are scientists, model cialcommer experimental boldly a under ingoperat of years ten nearly After. labs searchre in rosy seems everything, glance first At“ stories success and before never like needs ,Institutes Research Crown year Last. abound record boasted, Research Forest including annual upbeat the behind look But. profits “.picture different a see ll’you and reports .2002, Richardson ,1980s the In. declined have development and research culturalagri to support and share s’agriculture, assistance velopmentde overall increased has Community European the Although• Community European of percent 12 for accounted agriculture and 1996 between percent 4 to declined figure this but, support .1998 during erratic been has sector rural the for support Bank World• ,inflation for adjustment after, However. decades two past the total in agriculture of share The. downward been has trend the first the in percent 26 of average an from declined has lending .2000 in percent 10 to 1980s the of half agricultural towards directed) USAID (Development nationalInter for Agency States United the that funding of amount The• .1996 and 1980s-mid the between centper 75 by declined countries developed-least the in research .2001, Beintema and Pardey: Source strong give findings empirical our and theory economic Both“ in funding public of role dominating continuing the for support or theory from support found not have We. research forestry most research forestry most of funding public decreased that practice forestry of funding public if, addition In. research of fields tiverespec the in funding private increased by compensated be would increasing an to is orientation research that means it, cut is research are research forestry for which, markets the by controlled degree research shift would privatization such Inevitably. narrow very of capable bodies private the of interests the towards priorities “.research forestry funding .1998, Solberg and Palo, Hellström assistance development international in trends Some Zealand New in research Forest development and research agricultural and agriculture for findings some: Europe in research forest of Privatization
STATE OF THE WORLDS FORESTS 2003 International Union of Forestry Research Organizations: Research needs to be selective the leading international forest research network IUFRO is 110 years old and has grown into the largest intemational "Research will need to avoid the peren- on-governmental forest research network, encompassing virtually nial temptation to glorify all small-scale all aspects of forest research. Membership consists of 15 000 scien- nterprises. In fact, many such activities tists from 700 institutions in 112 countries Much of IUFRO's work are mere disguises for open unemploy is carried out by divisions and working groups that are organize ment;refuges for the desperate deprived according to the various disciplines. However, task forces are also of options; are poverty traps with no po- established to examine such cross-disciplinary issues as: tential to bring real well-being in the long environmental change term; or offer little room for helping those forests in sustainable mountain development; t upon the hieve tech- management and conservation of forest genetic resources; logical and institutional upgrading. It · water and forests: I be essential to be selective and to global forest information services; favour activities some improvement public relations in forest science; the role of forests in carbon cycles, sequestration and storage; Kowero, Spilsbury and Chipeta, 2002. formation technology and the forest sector. formulation and implementation of scienc more comprehensive approaches to address the olicy. Many developing countries have basic purpose of research. Many are finding it established science and technology departments, hard to make changes in their portfolios and are and their policies acknowledge the need to therefore making only cosmetic changes.Most increase research capacity. However, substantial projects and programmes still focus on products efforts are still required to integrate forest or disciplines. Only recently has IUFRO, for research so that it is not undertaken as an example, started paying more attention to cross isolated activity with limited links to research in disciplinary issues other sectors. Moreover, within wider policies concerning economic and social development, Eme of large corporate play most countries, especially developing ones, have In the context of globalization, forest industries yet to link priorities and strategies for forest uring through mergers, acquisitions esearch to outcomes and impacts on society and and diversification(ILO, 2001). Some of the the environment larger players are investing in developing countries and positioning themselves to take Continued focus on traditional areas advantage of low labour costs and economies of a major thrust of forest research has been the ale, especially in technology development improvement of timber production, largely in Producing for a global market means plantations through enhanced technology standardizing products and processes, which to Neither research institutions nor those some extent limits the pursuit of a diversified concerned with science policy formulation have and broad-based research agenda. Experience been able to adapt adequately to the need for most sectors, including agriculture
2003 FORESTS S’WORLD THE OF STATE 102 the address to approaches comprehensive more it finding are Many. research of purpose basic are and portfolios their in changes make to hard Most. changes cosmetic only making therefore products on focus still programmes and projects for, IUFRO has recently Only. disciplines or .issues disciplinarycross to attention more paying started, example players corporate large of Emergence industries forest, globalization of context the In acquisitions, mergers through restructuring are the of Some). 2001, ILO (diversification and developing in investing are players larger take to themselves positioning and countries of economies and costs labour low of advantage .development technology in especially, scale means market global a for Producing to which, processes and products standardizing diversified a of pursuit the limits extent some in Experience. agenda research based-broad and ,agriculture including, sectors most scale-small all glorify to temptation nialperen the avoid to need will Research“ activities such many, fact In. enterprises deprived desperate the for refuges; mentunemploy open for disguises mere are long the in being-well real bring to tentialpo no with traps poverty are; options of those helping for room little offer or; term It. upgrading institutional and nologicaltech achieve to them upon dependent to and selective be to essential be will improvement some with activities favour “.potential .2002, Chipeta and Spilsbury, Kowero international largest the into grown has and old years 110 is IUFRO virtually encompassing, network research forest governmental-non work s’IUFRO of Much. countries 112 in institutions 700 from tistsscien 000 15 of consists Membership. research forest of aspects all organized are that groups working and divisions by out carried is also are forces task, However. disciplines various the to according :as issues disciplinary-cross such examine to established ;change environmental• ;development mountain sustainable in forests• ;resources genetic forest of conservation and management• ;forests and water• ;services information forest global• ;interface policy–science the• ;science forest in relations public• ;storage and sequestration, cycles carbon in forests of role the• .sector forest the and technology information• science of implementation and formulation have countries developing Many. policy ,departments technology and science established to need the acknowledge policies their and substantial, However. capacity research increase forest integrate to required still are efforts an as undertaken not is it that so research in research to links limited with activity isolated policies wider within, Moreover. sectors other ,development social and economic concerning have, ones developing especially, countries most forest for strategies and priorities link to yet and society on impacts and outcomes to research .environment the areas traditional on focus Continued the been has research forest of thrust major A in largely, production timber of improvement .technology enhanced through plantations those nor institutions research Neither have formulation policy science with concerned for need the to adequately adapt to able been selective be to needs Research: Organizations Research Forestry of Union International network research forest international leading the
PART II SELECTED CURRENT ISSUES IN THE FOREST SECTOR 103 demonstrates that the corporate research agenda considered"modern"often results in systemic is narrowly focused on technology that increases rejection and unsustainability productivity, especially breeding, pe. management and processing. Even large Impact of developments in science and concession holders operating in tropical forests technology in other sectors for decades have not invested sufficiently in A substantial proportion of developments in research on sustainable forest management, and science and technology is generic, and has been the situation is compounded by the adapted to forestry as appropriate. For example, preoccupation of many companies with short- advances in the following areas have had term profits impacts in the forest sector molecular biology and biotechnology; Neglect of the informal sector chemical and process engineering, including In many developing countries, the forest sector new materials technology is characterized by small-scale enterprises, of transport technology which a significant proportion operates ir space technology, including remote sensing informal markets. A study by the International techniques Labour Organization(ILO)indicated that 63 information and communications percent of total global employment in the forest technology and wood industries is in the"invisible forest Transport technology, for instance, has sector", comprising informal sector small revolutionized forestry, permitting greater access enterprises(34 percent)and fuelwood collection to distant markets and increased flexibility to (29 percent)(ILO, 2001). Despite a number of shift the production site. Techniques such deficiencies, rural enterprises based on the helicopter logging have opened up areas collection, processing and trade of forest previously considered inaccessible, while tree products are a major source of employment and improvement techniques have led to substantial cash income in some places( Kowero, Spilsbury increases in the productivity of plantations,an and Chipeta, 2002). Many of these enterprises more precise remote sensing could make it are small, consisting of little more than one possible to assess and monitor resources on a family working on a part-time basis. Investment real-time basis. However, the inadequacy of is low, most technology is simple, and the failure technological capacities poses certain constraints rate is high. Notwithstanding the importance of and raises two key issues: access to generic the informal sector, few efforts have been made technology and the adaptation of such technology to improve its technological capacity, and there to the specific needs of a place or sector. is a real need to gain a clear understanding of its Patent regimes are increasingly acting as potential and to develop technology that is barriers, because some countries are not in a relevant to small-scale producers. position to pay royalties for access to Although attention is now paid to indigenous knowledge. Where the potential exists for hnology and local technical knowledge, technology transfer, large enterprises with well- efforts to improve these through modern science developed research and development capacity have been limited Two trends seem to be capture a significant proportion of benefits emerging: total acceptance of traditional or local Countries that fail to develop indigenous science knowledge, based on the assumption that it is and technology capacity thus become marke the best available; or its outright rejection as for capital and consumer goods or, at best, unscientific and inappropriate. Neither stance producers of goods for global markets largely has helped to improve capacity at the using cheap labour and natural resources. In community level. While there is an urgent need most cases, even the capacity to assess the to give greater consideration to traditional appropriateness of technology in the global knowledge, out-of-hand replacement of what is marketplace is lacking
103 SECTOR FOREST THE IN ISSUES CURRENT SELECTED II PART agenda research corporate the that demonstrates increases that technology on focused narrowly is pest, breeding especially, productivity large Even. processing and management forests tropical in operating holders concession in sufficiently invested not have decades for and, management forest sustainable on research the by compounded is situation the .profits termshort with companies many of preoccupation sector informal the of Neglect sector forest the, countries developing many In of, enterprises scale-small by characterized is in operates proportion significant a which International the by study A. markets informal 63 that indicated) ILO (Organization Labour forest the in employment global total of percent forest invisible “the in is industries wood and small sector informal comprising”, sector collection fuelwood and) percent 34 (enterprises of number a Despite). 2001, ILO) (percent 29( the on based enterprises rural, deficiencies forest of trade and processing, collection and employment of source major a are products Spilsbury, Kowero (places some in income cash enterprises these of Many). 2002, Chipeta and one than more little of consisting, small are Investment. basis time-part a on working family failure the and, simple is technology most, low is of importance the Notwithstanding. high is rate made been have efforts few, sector informal the there and, capacity technological its improve to its of understanding clear a gain to need real a is is that technology develop to and potential .producers scale-small to relevant indigenous to paid now is attention Although ,knowledge technical local and technology science modern through these improve to efforts be to seem trends Two. limited been have local or traditional of acceptance total: emerging is it that assumption the on based, knowledge as rejection outright its or; available best the stance Neither. inappropriate and unscientific the at capacity improve to helped has need urgent an is there While. level community traditional to consideration greater give to is what of replacement hand-of-out, knowledge systemic in results often” modern “considered .unsustainability and rejection and science in developments of Impact sectors other in technology in developments of proportion substantial A been has and, generic is technology and science ,example For. appropriate as forestry to adapted had have areas following the in advances :sector forest the in impacts ;biotechnology and biology molecular• including, engineering process and chemical• ;technology materials new ;technology transport• sensing remote including, technology space• ;techniques communications and information• .technology has, instance for, technology Transport access greater permitting, forestry revolutionized to flexibility increased and markets distant to as such Techniques. site production the shift areas up opened have logging helicopter tree while, inaccessible considered previously substantial to led have techniques improvement and, plantations of productivity the in increases it make could sensing remote precise more a on resources monitor and assess to possible of inadequacy the, However. basis time-real constraints certain poses capacities technological generic to access: issues key two raises and technology such of adaptation the and technology .sector or place a of needs specific the to as acting increasingly are regimes Patent a in not are countries some because, barriers to access for royalties pay to position for exists potential the Where. knowledge capacity development and research developedwell with enterprises large, transfer technology .benefits of proportion significant a capture science indigenous develop to fail that Countries markets become thus capacity technology and ,best at, or goods consumer and capital for largely markets global for goods of producers In. resources natural and labour cheap using the assess to capacity the even, cases most global the in technology of appropriateness .lacking is marketplace
104 STATE OF THE WORLD'S FORESTs 2003 Effectiveness of partnerships Public sector partnerships with communities Partnerships between the private and public and non-governmental organizations(NGOs) sectors. Partnerships between the private and Traditionally, most public sector forest research public sectors can strengthen research efforts by has responded to the needs of government making them more demand-driven, with a encies an nd has been related to large focus on well-defined outputs. They are also a scale forestry, especially plantations. The way of generating funds in times of declining narrow technical specialization this entails ha resources. However, pitfalls do exist. Public limited the ability to build up strong links institutions, under pressure to mobilize between public sector institutions and local resources, are often compelled to enter into communities. Although the recent focus on partnerships with the private sector on terms groforestry by the World Agroforestry Centre that compromise the purpose of their research. (ICRAF)and some NGOs, for example, has Most partnerships of this type increase the helped to improve the scientific basis of competitive advantage of the private sector, and traditional practices, there are nevertheless a substantial proportion of research tends to be serious gaps. The fragmented nature of product-and productivity-focused Other conventional research, coupled with limited limitations include: capacity in social science research, often a decrease in resources for more undermines the potential for a strong fundamental public goods research, which partnership between the public sector and local in due course negatively affects applied and communities daptive research; increased vulnerability to unforeseen Partnerships between the private sector and the problems, such as pest infestation and community. In several countries, private disease resulting from a narrow focus on a industries are increasing support to local limited number of species and clones communities and farmers for tree growing restricted access to outputs, limiting the Industries provide seeds, seedlings and generation and wider application of technical expertise, and invest substantially in efforts to identify appropriate species Center for International Forestry Research: adaptive responses to emerging concerns FOR, established a decade ago to strengthen forest policy assessing the sustainability of forest management-test- research at the global level, is helping to redefine the focus ing criteria and indicators; of such research. Through four research programmes and plantation forestry on degraded or low-potential site one programme for research support, CIFOR is responding to .conservation of biological diversity and genetic resources; evolving demand and emerging issues, for example in the livelihoods, community forests and devolution; following areas: Stainable use and development of the underlying causes of deforestation, forest degradation and poverty in forest margins; research impact, information and capacity building policies, technologies and global change multiple resource management of natural forests;
2003 FORESTS S’WORLD THE OF STATE 104 partnerships of Effectiveness public and private the between Partnerships and private the between Partnerships. sectors by efforts research strengthen can sectors public a with, driven-demand more them making a also are They. outputs defined-well on focus declining of times in funds generating of way Public. exist do pitfalls, However. resources mobilize to pressure under, institutions into enter to compelled often are, resources terms on sector private the with partnerships .research their of purpose the compromise that the increase type this of partnerships Most and, sector private the of advantage competitive be to tends research of proportion substantial a Other. focused-productivity and- product :include limitations more for resources in decrease a• which, research goods public fundamental and applied affects negatively course due in ;research adaptive unforeseen to vulnerability increased• and infestation pest as such, problems a on focus narrow a from resulting disease ;clones and species of number limited the limiting, outputs to access restricted• of application wider and generation .knowledge communities with partnerships sector Public .(NGOs (organizations governmental-non and research forest sector public most, Traditionally government of needs the to responded has The. plantations especially, forestry scalelarge to related been has and agencies forest has entails this specialization technical narrow links strong up build to ability the limited local and institutions sector public between on focus recent the Although. communities Centre Agroforestry World the by agroforestry has, example for, NGOs some and) ICRAF( of basis scientific the improve to helped nevertheless are there, practices traditional of nature fragmented The. gaps serious limited with coupled, research conventional often, research science social in capacity strong a for potential the undermines local and sector public the between partnership .communities the and sector private the between Partnerships private, countries several In. community local to support increasing are industries .growing tree for farmers and communities and seedlings, seeds provide Industries in substantially invest and, expertise technical and species appropriate identify to efforts policy forest strengthen to ago decade a established, CIFOR focus the redefine to helping is, level global the at research and programmes research four Through. research such of to responding is CIFOR, support research for programme one the in example for, issues emerging and demand evolving :areas following degradation forest, deforestation of causes underlying the• ;margins forest in poverty and ;management ecosystem forest• ;forests natural of management resource multiple• ;indicators and criteria ingtest – management forest of sustainability the assessing• ;sites potential-low or degraded on forestry plantation• ;resources genetic and diversity biological of conservation• ;devolution and forests community, livelihoods• forest wood-non of development and use sustainable• ;(NWFPs (products ;building capacity and information, impact research• .change global and technologies, policies• concerns emerging to responses adaptive: Research Forestry International for Center
PART II SELECTED CURRENT ISSUES IN THE FOREST SECTOR 105 provenances and standardize management nce and results with limited numbers of practices. They also provide market access. Such researchers in many countries, building up partnerships concentrate mainly on the trong collaborative networks at the subregional, production of industrial roundwood, often from regional and global levels becomes imperative. fast-growing species, and industry undertakes During the past decade, the Consultative Group most of the applied and adaptive research. With on International Agricultural Research(CGIAR) other aspects receiving little attention, these has established the Center for International partnerships can be vulnerable to economic and Forestry Research( CIFOR)and incorporated environmental chang ICRAF into its system. In the context of evolving priorities, these institutions have adapted and International initiatives reoriented their research agendas to tackle issues Collaboration through networking is an related to environmental services, sustainable important mechanism to add value to ongoing livelihoods and governance science and technology efforts, and there are While international research institutions some excellent examples. IUFRO has been provide frameworks and concepts that can be operating for more than a century and is seen as applied more widely, such application largely a pioneer. Recently established regional depends on capacity at the country level. As networks of forest research institutions, such as previously noted, most traditional forest Institutions(APAFRI)and the Forestry Research and orientation to design and implement s ai. the Asia-Pacific Association of Forestry Research research institutions lack the resources, capac Network for Sub-Saharan Africa(FORNESSA), new agenda required for sustainable forest re attempting to improve the prioritizing of management, and alternatives are yet to emerge research and the exchange of methodologies, Meanwhile, research remains narrowly focused, Global Forum on Agricultural Research GFAR was founded in 1996 by representatives of national systems and increase their capacity to produce and trans tural research systems in developing countries, ad- fer technology in response to users' needs, vanced research institutions, regional and subregional orga- .foster cost-effective partnerships among thosewith astake nizations, universities, NGOs, farmers'organizations, the in agricultural research and sustainable development; private sector, intemational research centres and the donor . facilitate the participation of all stakeholders in formulat community. It became fully operational in 1998. Its mission ing a global framework for development-oriented agri is to mobilize the scientific community and all those with a cultural research stake in agricultural research for development, to alleviate increase awareness among policy-makers and donors of poverty, increase food security and promote the sustainable the need for long-term commitment to, and investment use of natural resources The objectives of GFAR are to Natural resource management and agro-ecology is one of facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge in the five priority areas of GFAR. It will therefore need to de- crop and animal production, fisheries, forestry and natu. velop a forestry dimension in its work at the national, re- al resource management; gional and global levels. promote the integration of national agricultural resea
105 SECTOR FOREST THE IN ISSUES CURRENT SELECTED II PART management standardize and provenances Such. access market provide also They. practices the on mainly concentrate partnerships from often, roundwood industrial of production undertakes industry and, species growing-fast With. research adaptive and applied the of most these, attention little receiving aspects other and economic to vulnerable be can partnerships .changes environmental initiatives International an is networking through Collaboration ongoing to value add to mechanism important are there and, efforts technology and science been has IUFRO. examples excellent some as seen is and century a than more for operating regional established Recently. pioneer a as such, institutions research forest of networks Research Forestry of Association Pacific-Asia the Research Forestry the and) APAFRI (Institutions ,(FORNESSA (Africa Saharan-Sub for Network of prioritizing the improve to attempting are ,methodologies of exchange the and research of numbers limited With. results and experience up building, countries many in researchers ,subregional the at networks collaborative strong .imperative becomes levels global and regional Group Consultative the, decade past the During (CGIAR (Research Agricultural International on International for Center the established has incorporated and) CIFOR (Research Forestry evolving of context the In. system its into ICRAF and adapted have institutions these, priorities issues tackle to agendas research their reoriented sustainable, services environmental to related .governance and livelihoods institutions research international While be can that concepts and frameworks provide largely application such, widely more applied As. level country the at capacity on depends forest traditional most, noted previously capacity, resources the lack institutions research the implement and design to orientation and forest sustainable for required agenda new .emerge to yet are alternatives and, management ,focused narrowly remains research, Meanwhile national of representatives by 1996 in founded was GFAR the, organizations’ farmers, NGOs, universities, nizationsorga subregional and regional, institutions research vancedad, countries developing in systems research agricultural donor the and centres research international, sector private mission Its. 1998 in operational fully became It. community a with those all and community scientific the mobilize to is alleviate to, development for research agricultural in stake sustainable the promote and security food increase, poverty .resources natural of use :to are GFAR of objectives The in knowledge and information of exchange the facilitate• ;management resource ralnatu and forestry, fisheries, production animal and crop research agricultural national of integration the promote• ;needs’ users to response in technology fertrans and produce to capacity their increase and systems stake a with those among partnerships effective-cost foster• ;development sustainable and research agricultural in ;research culturalagri oriented-development for framework global a ingformulat in stakeholders all of participation the facilitate• of donors and makers-policy among awareness increase• investment and, to commitment term-long for need the .research agricultural, in of one is ecology-agro and management resource Natural .levels global and gionalre, national the at work its in dimension forestry a velopde to need therefore will It. GFAR of areas priority five the Research Agricultural on Forum Global