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There are two basic methods of generating process manufacturing gear teeth,the generating process and the forming forming process process. When a gear tooth is generated, the workpiece and the grinding cutting or grinding tool are in continuous mesh and the tooth form is mesh
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conical roller Bearings With rolling Contact In bearings with rolling contact, the shaft is needle idirectly or indirectly supported by rolling elements, cylindrical such as balls, cylindrical or conical rollers, orroller needles (i.e, ylindrical rollers with a high
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一、自动化的内容 1.自动检测 2.自动保护 3.自动调节 二、计算机在制剂生产中的应用
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一、栓剂 栓剂(Suppositories)系指药物与基质制成的 供腔道给药的固体制剂。 栓剂成形制备的基本方法: (一)冷压法(Cold Compression Method) (二)热熔法(Fusion Method)
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外用制剂一般指皮肤用药的制剂, 包括溶液剂、洗剂、擦剂、软膏剂 和贴剂等,给药后在局部起作用或 经皮吸收发挥全身作用
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灭菌制剂主要包括注射剂、眼用制剂和植入制剂。另外还 有冲选溶液(Solutions for irrigation),腹膜透析液 (Peritoneal dialysis solutions)的抗原提取物 (Allergenic Extracts)
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一、配伍变化的机理 物理变化 固体制剂吸潮或软化 固体制剂溶出度下降 溶解度改变
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transmission or many years a hydraulic system was plumbing considered the result of plumbing together number of components. Also, a hydraulic component system has been considered merely the of power for control servos. Each of these servo 1aB concepts can lead to basic errors
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(一)淀粉及其衍生物 辅料名称 来源 性状 应用特点
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