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This formula applies to any type of firms in the output market 1. Competitive Output Market Competitive industry: Many firms: Firms are independent of each other in decision making Identical product: Each firm faces a horizontal demand curve at the market price Free entry: Zero profit in the long run A competitive firm takes the market price as given. For a given market price p
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Social welfare function W: Rn-R gives social utility W(u1, u2,. un ). W is strictly increasing is socially optimal if it solves max Wu(a1), u2(a2),., un(n) st>Tis>w Proposition 1.29. If is SO, it is PO. I Proposition 1. 30. Suppose that preferences are continuous, strictly monotonic, and strictly convex. Then, for any PO allocation x* with >>0,v i, there exist ai
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◼ To introduce e-Transformation in Business ◼ To clarify different views of e-Commerce / e-Business ◼ To understand the evolving aspects in different e-Transformation phases ◼ To overview e-Enterprise and business process reengineering ◼ To overview e-Government
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一個質點在空間的移動,可以由映射x:[0,T→R3 來描述·它的速度向量是,它的動能是 給定空間中兩點p和q,我們考慮所有連接p和q的質點 路徑,其中動能最小的路徑就是連結p和q的直線
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Thus, to find Nash equilibria in IN=N, A(Si)), uin, we use the conditions: for ach player i (1)he is indifferent among all strategies in St,and (2)any strategy in St is at least as good as any strategy in S Example 3.7.(Meeting in an Airport ). Mr Wang and Ms Yang are to meet in an irport. However, they do not know whether they are to meet at door a or door B. The payoffs are specified in the following
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一個質點在空間的移動,可以由映射x:[0,T→R3 來描述·它的速度向量是,它的動能是 E(x). 給定空間中兩點p和q,我們考慮所有連接p和q的質點 路徑,其中動能最小的路徑就是連結p和q的直線
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引子 导论 实数系和函数的连续性 微积分 指数及对数函数 初等函数及其应用举例 欧氏几何、球面几何和非欧几何的统一理论
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一、国际金融“大鳄”背景介绍 1.索罗斯(· Soros),职业金融投机家,牛津大学、耶鲁大学等大学名誉博士,《金 融炼金术》一书1987年出版,没几个人看得懂但1994年再版时,该书成为抢手货(为 何?)。其创立的量子基金(注:量子基金属一种套利基金,是一种经常使用期货、期权和 互换等金融衍生工具的基金,又常称衍生基金,到1994年为止,美国已有套利基金300多 个,拥有近2000亿美元资产)28年来报酬率年均增长35%
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本章的知识点: 1.集装箱运输的组织形式 2.集装箱运输的操作流程 重点掌握整箱运输和拼箱运输组织形式的不同点,分析整箱运输和拼箱运输对城市交通的影响。 学生自行查阅的资料: 1. 上海港、香港、新加坡港近十年的吞吐量 学时(2)
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建筑产品成本随着时间在不断上升,以建筑 产品造价信息比较发达的香港地区为例,其建筑 产品成本发展趋势如图2-1所示
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