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• 第一节 正常菌群 • 第二节 微生态平衡与失调 • 第三节 机会性感染 • 第四节 医院内感染
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Important Persons in Microbiology History 1684 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (discovery of bacteria) 1857-1864 Louis Pasteur (lactic acid fermentation, yeast alcohol fermentation, spontaneous generation theory “swan neck flasks”) 1881-1884 Robert Koch (pure culture, cause of tuberculosis, Koch’s postulates, cause of (霍乱) cholera)
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Preface Veterinary Clinical Pathology: Veterinary Laboratory medicine Include: 1 Clinical Hematology 2 Clinical biochemistry 3 Clinical cytology 4 Clinical microbiology 5 Clinical parasitology 6 Clinical toxicology
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Hemorrhogic Fever Virus Hantaar Virus or HEMORRHAGIC FEVER with renal syndrome virus HFRS Xing Jiang Hemorrhogic Fever Virus Dept. of microbiology and parasitology
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一、传染与传染病 二、决定传染结局的三个因素 三、传染的三种可能结局
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第二节 非特异性免疫 第三节 特异性免疫 第四节 免疫学方法及其应用 第五节 生物制品及其应用
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第一节通用分类单元 第二节微生物在生物界的地位 第三节各大类微生物的分类系统纲要 第四节微生物的鉴定
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The detection and enumeration of microorganisms either in foods or on food contact surfaces forms an integral part of any quality control or quality assurance plan. Microbiological tests done on foods can be divided into two types:(a) quantitative or enumerative, in which a group of microorganisms in the sample are counted and the result is expressed as the number of the organisms present
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山东农业大学:《微生物学 MICROBIOLOGY》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第八章 微生物的生态 第二节 微生物与环境间的关系
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在基因水平上的遗传工 程。利用分子生物学的理论和技术,自觉设计、操纵、改造 和重建细胞的遗传核心 — 基因组,使生物体的遗传性状发 生定向变异,以满足于人类的需要
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