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39.1 Passive Microwave Devices Characterization of Passive Elements.Transmission Line Sections Discontinuities. Impedance Transformers. Terminations. Artenuators' Microwave Resonators Tuning Michael B.Steer Elements. Hybrid Circuits and Directional Couplers .Filters. North Carolina State University Ferrite Components Passive Semiconductor Devices
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38.1 Wire Short Dipole. Directivity. Magnetic Dipole.Input Impedance. Arbitrary Wire Antennas. Resonant Half-Wavelength N.J.Kolias Antenna. End Loading. Arrays of Wire Antennas. Analysis of General Arrays. Arrays of Identical Elements Equally Spaced Raytheon Company
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37.1 Space Propagation Matthew N.O. Sadiku Propagation in Simple Media. Propagation in the Atmosphere Temple University 37.2 Waveguides Kenneth Demarest Waveguic
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35.1 Maxwell Equations 35.2 Constitutive Relations Anisotropic and Bianisotropic Media Biisotropic Jin Au Kong
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34.1 Introduction 34.2 Design Entry 34.3 Synthesis 34.4 Verification Timing Analysis. Simulation.Analog Simulation.Emulation 34.5 Physical Design
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33.1 Introduction Motivation .Requirements 33.2 Heat Transfer Fundamentals Avram Bar-Cohen 33.3 Chip Module Thermal Resistance Definition. Internal Resistance. External Resistance.Total
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31.2 Sources and Detectors Lucent Technologies Properties of Light. Absorption Coherence. Geometric Optics. Incoherent Light. Detectors, R.A.Becker
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30.1 Power Semiconductor Devices Thyristor and Triac. Gate Turn-Off Thyristor(GTO). Reverse- Conducting Thyristor(RCT) and Asymmetrical Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (ASCR). Power Transistor Power MOSFET. Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT). MOS Controlled
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29.1 Synthesis of Low-Pass Forms Passive and Active Filters Active Filter Classification and J W. Steadman Sensitivity. Cascaded Second-Order Sections. Passive Ladder University of wyoming
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28.1 Large Signal Analysis DC Operating Point. Graphical Approach.Power Amplifiers Gordon. Carpenter 28.2 Small Signal Analysis California State University. Hybrid-Pi Equivalent Circuit. Hybrid-Pi Equivalent Circuit of a Long Beach
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