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The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System(HACCP)- Guidelines for its Application Principles The HACCP system consists, of the following seven principles: Principle 1 Conduct a hazard analysis. Principle 2 Determine the Critical Control Points(CCPs)
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危害分析及关键控制点(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, HACCP)程序是为生产安全 可靠的食品而采取的一种先进的预防性措施 该程序基于食品卫生中两个重要概念 即预防和记 录 而建立的 其主要作用是判断影响食品安全性的危害以何种方式 在哪道工序中存在以及应 如何预防 记录是核查控制中的潜在危害时必不可少的手段 目前 许多政府要求或推荐食品企 业采用
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中国认证机构国家认可委员会(CNAB)是经中国政府授权,为各类认证机构提供认证 能力评定服务的专业组织。根据申请,CNAB对认证机构实施基于 HACCP的食品安全管理体 系的认证能力进行评定认可
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2.Storage Facilities 2.1 Use of off site facilities- are they controlled 2.1.1 Where the manufacturer commissions the services of (or contracts to off facities e.g. airport
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4.1 Staff training programme including records 4.1.1 All employees should be informed in writing of their legal obligations and the company's policy on personal hygiene prior to commencing work, with periodic updates as necessary. It is recommended that a standard induction course explaining the relevant legislation is designed and used by all QA managers for new staff
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6. Quality Assurance 6.1 Comprehensive QA system 6.1.1 The company must have a comprehensive system of quality assurance and monitoring, to ensure the consistent production of safe, legal product in compliance with the agreed specification
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第一节 食品安全监督管理 第二节 HACCP体系 第三节 GMP体系 第四节 食品安全的其他质量控制体系
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第一节 肉类加工生产控制与卫生管理的有关体系 第二节 食品加工中的危害分析与关键控制点( HACCP)
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《食品安全》课程电子教案(PPT课件)第八章 食品安全控制 第三节 HACCP与食品安全
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