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1、有助于吸收希腊文明的精华 2、有助于自身文化素养的提高 3、有助于跨文化能力的培养 4、有助于英语的学习(英文素养)-兴趣、阅读
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe the factors that influence consumer behavior online. 2. Understand the decision-making process of consumer purchasing online. 3. Describe how companies are building one-to-one relationships with customers. 4. Explain how personalization is accomplished online. 5. Discuss the issues of e-loyalty and e-trust in EC. 6. Describe consumer market research in EC
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Define exchanges and describe their major types. 2. Describe the various ownership and revenue models of exchanges. 3. Describe B2B portals. 4. Describe third-party exchanges. 5. Distinguish between purchasing (procurement) and selling consortia
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe e-government to citizens (G2C), to businesses (G2B), and to others. 2. Describe various e-government initiatives. 3. Discuss online publishing, e-books, and blogging. 4. Describe e-learning and virtual universities. 5. Describe knowledge management and dissemination as
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe the role of support services in EC. 2. Define EC order fulfillment and describe the EC order fulfillment process. 3. Describe the major problems of EC order fulfillment. 4. Describe various solutions to EC order fulfillment problems
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe the need for justifying EC investments, how it is done, and how metrics are used to determine justification. 2. Understand the difficulties in measuring and justifying EC investments. 3. Recognize the difficulties in establishing intangible metrics and describe how to overcome them
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《大学英语 2》课程基本信息 《大学英语 2》教学进度计划表 第 一 周 Unit 1 Ways of Learning 预习课文 第 二 周 Unit 1 Ways of Learning Unit 2 Values 复述课文 听写 第 三 周 Unit 2 Values 作文 第 四 周 Unit 3 The Generation Gap 预习课文 第 五 周 Unit 3 The Generation Gap Unit 4 The Virtual World 复述课文 听写 第 六 周 Unit 4 The Virtual World 作文 讨论 第 七 周 Mid-Term Revision 预习课文 第 八 周 Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles 复述课文 听写 第 九 周 Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky 作文 第 十 周 Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky 预习课文 第 十 一 周 Unit 7 Learning about English 复述课文 翻译 第 十 二 周 Unit 7 Learning about English Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment 讨论 第 十 三 周 Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment 第 十 四 周 General Revision 第 十 五 周 General Revision
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在遥远的将来,当人们回顾2 0世纪的计算机发展史时,有人可能会以为一种称为“logic gates (逻辑门)”的设备是以著名的微软公司创始人的名字命名的( Bill Gates中的G a t e s在英语中有 “门”的意思),其实并非如此。我们很快就会明白,逻辑门和通常让水和人通过的门十分相 似。逻辑门通过阻挡或允许电流通过在逻辑中执行简单的任务
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Starting a New Online Business • Creating a New Company or Adding an Online Project – Step 1: Identify a consumer or business need in the marketplace – Step 2: Investigate the opportunity – Step 3: Determine the business owner’s ability to meet the need
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