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LESSON ONE WHAT PLANTS NEED To grow satisfactorily a plant needs warmth light, water, carbon dioxide and about a dozen other chemical elements which it can obtain from the soil. WARMTH Most crop plants in this country start growing when the average daily temperature is above 6C(42F). Growth is best between 16C(60F)and 27C(80F). These temperatures apply to thermometer readings taken in the shade
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第一章 15 (a)The trader sells 100 million yen for $0.0080 per yen when the exchange rate is $0.0074 per yen. The gain is 100x0.0006 millions of dollars or $60,000. ()The trader sells 100 million yen for $0.0080 per yen when the exchange rate is $0.0091 per yen. The loss is 100.0011 millions of dollars or $110,000. 1.6 you could buy 5,000 put options (or 50 contracts)with a strike price of
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5.1 Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals Digital processing of a continuous-time signal involves the following basic steps: (1) Conversion of the continuous-time signal into discrete-time signal, ()Processing of the discrete-time signal, (3) Conversion of the processed discrete- time signal back into a continuous-time signal
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3.1 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Definition- The discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) X(eio) of a sequence x[n] is given by jae In general,() is a complex function of the real variable and can be written as X(eio) Xre(eio) +j Xim(eio)
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选择题] 容易题1-36,中等题37-87,难题88-99。 x+3y+2z+1=0 1.设有直线L 及平面x:4x-2 2=0,则直线L 2x-y-10+3=0 (A)平行于丌。(B)在上丌。(C)垂直于x。(D)与丌斜交 2.二元函数∫(x,y)= (x.(09在点0处() (x,y)=(0,0) (A)连续,偏导数存在 (B)连续,偏导数不存在 (C)不连续,偏导数存在 (D)不连续,偏导数不存在 设函数n=Mx9)1=x由方程组{=2+”。确定,则当n一时, y=u +l (C)-l (D) 答:B
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[选择题] 容易题1—39,中等题40—106,难题107—135。 1.设函数y=f(x)在点x处可导,△y=fx+h)-f(x),则当h→0时,必有 () (A)dy是h的同价无穷小量 (B)△y-dy是h的同阶无穷小量。 (C)dy是比h高阶的无穷小量 ()△y-dy是比h高阶的无穷小量 答D 2.已知f(x)是定义在(∞,+∞)上的一个偶函数且当x0,f(x)0,f\(x)0,f\(x)>0 ()f(x)0 答C
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1. Any arbitrary input sequence x[n] can be expressed as a linear combination of delaved and advanced unit sample sequences [n]=x[k][n-k] k=-0 2. .Linear Time-Invariant()System A system satisfying both the linearity and the time-invariance property. .If yiln] is the output due to an input xiln] and y2ln] is the output due to an input x2n] then for an input xn]=axiln]+bx2n] the output is given by ]=]+by2[n]
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第七章定积分的应用 (The Applications of definite integration 第二十讲定积分在物理等方面的应用 课后作业: 阅读:第七章74:pp.211-1215;7.5:215-219 预习:第八章8.1;8.2:pp.220-237 作业:pp218--219:第七章综合1;6;13:16:;18;20 72定积分在物理等方面的应用 721变力作功问题 质量为m的物体,在外力F=F(x)的作用(外力的方向与x轴的 夹角为)下,沿x轴在从A(a,0)位移到B(b,0),求外力所作的功W dw=F(x) cos.dx=W=F()-cos0dx 例1,在质量为m质点引力作用下,单 位质量质点运动所作的功
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高阶导数 一、高阶导数的定义 问题:变速直线运动的加速度. 设s=f(t),则瞬时速度为v(t)=f(t ∵加速度a是速度v对时间t的变化率 ∴a(t)=v(t=fty. 定义如果函数f(x)的导数f(x)在点x处可导即
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一、本单元的内容要点 1函数单调性的判别法 设f∈C[a,b]∩D(a,b),若Vxe(ab),有f(x)>0(<0) 则f(x)在[ab]上是单调增加(减少). 若当x1时,有f(x)≥0(≤0),且使得f(x)=0的 点(驻点)在的任何有界子区间内只有有限多个,则f(x) 在上单调增加(减少)
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