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再结晶须有耐心,但它是值得的!此影片让你用一种溶剂与两种 溶剂的再结晶方法从溶解度测试到冷过滤来经验此过程 Recrystallization takes patience, but it's worth it! This video walks you through the procedure, from solubility tests to cold filtration, with information on one-solvent and two-solvent recrystallizations
从固态到气态,然后直接回到固态。此纯化技巧既漂亮又实用 的。找出此影片中为什么用大气压力来升华二茂铁(Ferrocene) From solid to gas, and then straight back to solid. This purification technique is both beautiful and useful. Find out why by watching the atmospheric pressure sublimation of ferrocene in this video