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A 12-bit 100-MSample/s current-steering D/A converter
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【智能系统】A modified consensus algorithm for multi-UAV formations based on pigeon-inspired optimization with a slow diving strategy
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人工智能基础:A desired landing points walking method enabling a planner quadruped robot to walk on rough terrain
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松下驱动器产品说明书:松下伺服电机(MINAS A5系列)MINAS A5 Series
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《电工电子技术》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第18章 D/A和A/D转换器(目录)
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18.2.1 逐次逼近式 A/D 转换器原理 18.2.2 双积分式 A/D 转换器原理 18.2.3 A/D 转换器的主要指标 18.2.4 实用的模/数转换器
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《电工电子技术》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第18章 D/A和A/D转换器(小结)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:3.59MB 文档页数:310
目录 A容量-络合滴定法 1锑镀液 A11用高锰酸钾测定锑
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:57.5KB 文档页数:7
1 Make the best choice: 1.She was able to cope ---- the difficulties she met with. a. in b. with. of.to
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:59KB 文档页数:4
Part I Vocabulary Structure(20%) Section a employee C. calculator D. device
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