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西安建筑科技大学:《理论力学(一)Theoretical Mechanics》精品课程_电子教案_第二篇 运动学 第8章 点的合成运动
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汇交力系是指: 作用在质点或刚体上的所有力的作用线的延长线汇交与同一点。本章主要分析汇交力系的合成和平衡
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§1-1 材料力学的任务及研究对象(The tasks and research objects of mechanics of materials) §1-2 变形固体的基本假设(The basic assumptions of deformable body ) §1-3 力、应力、应变和位移的基本概念 ( Basic concepts of force、stress、 strain and displacement) §1-4 杆件变形的基本形式 (The basic forms of deformation)
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§1.1 机械运动的基本特征及其描述方法 §1.2 位置矢量 质点运动学方程 §1.3 位移 速度 §1.4 加速度 §1.5 圆周运动的角量描述 §1.6 相对运动 §1.7 刚体的基本运动
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§1-1 材料力学的任务及研究对象(The tasks and research objects of mechanics of materials) §1-2 变形固体的基本假设(The basic assumptions of deformable body ) §1-3 力、应力、应变和位移的基本概念 ( Basic concepts of force、stress、 strain and displacement) §1-4 杆件变形的基本形式 (The basic forms of deformation)
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Good to see you. I am sorry I am not able to be there for your birthday. Jackie and I really loved our visit last year, and I am sure we would have enormously enjoyed what I expect will be a great party, but at the moment we have a previous engagement somewhere in Thailand. I have known Claudio since he was a mere lad of 22, a young graduate student of Johnnie Wheeler when I first came to Princeton. He then stayed on as an Assistant
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1-1材料力学的任务及研究对象(The tasks and research objects of mechanics of materials) 1-2变形固体的基本假设(The basic assumptions of deformable body 1-3力、应力、应变和位移的基本概念 ( Basic concepts of force、 stress、 strain and displacement) 1-4杆件变形的基本形式(The basic forms of deformation)
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