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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. The magnitude of the force of gravity between two identical objects is given by Fo. If the mass of each object is doubled but the distance between them is halved, then the new force of between the objects will be
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. Which of the following quantities are independent of the choice of inertial frame? (There may be more than one correct answer) (A)Velocity (B)Acceleration (C)Force (D)Work Solution: In all the inertial frame, the forces acted on a body are same,=ma=F'=ma', therefore the force and acceleration are independent of the choice of inertial frame
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用电子衍射说明不确定关系 电子经过缝时的位置 不确定△x=b X 级最小衍射角
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西南交通大学:《大学物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,上册)第三篇 相互作用和场 第十章 运动电荷间的相互作用和稳恒磁场 § 10.1 运动电荷间相互作用 § 10.2 磁感应强度 毕 — 沙定律及其应用
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二 . 载流导线所受磁场力 一 . 运动电荷所受磁场力 三 . 载流线圈所受磁力矩 四 . 磁力的功
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一 . 法拉第电磁感应定律 二 . 动生电动势 三 . 感生电动势(涡旋电场) 四 . 自感
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对称性随时间变化的磁场一感生电场(涡旋电场) 随时间变化的电场一磁场 麦克斯韦提出又一重要假设:位移电流 一.问题的提出 稳恒磁场的安培环路定理:
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习题课(第十章) 一、基本概念: 稳恒磁场,磁感应强度,磁通量,电流的磁矩, 磁场强度, 二、基本规律: 高斯定理-无源场
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16-1 LC Circuit LC Oscillations 振荡电路电磁振荡 16-2 Generation& Radiation of an Electromagnetic Wave电磁波的产生和辐 射 16-3 The Properties of Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetic电磁波的基本性质 16-4 Energy in Electromagnetic Waves 电磁波的能量 16-5 Electromagnetic Spectrum 电磁波譜
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§19-1 热辐射 普朗克的量子假设Thermal Radiation and Plank’s theory of Radiation §19-2 光电效应 爱因斯坦的光子理论 The Photoelectric Effect and Einstein’s Quantum Theory §19-3 康普顿效应 The Compton Effect
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