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2.1.波函数的统计解释 2.2.态叠加原理 2.3.薛定谔方程 2.4.粒子流密度和粒子数守恒定律 2.5.定态薛定谔方程 2.6.一维无限深势阱 2.7.线性谐振子 2.8.势垒贯穿
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3.1.表示力学量的算符 3.2.动量算符和角动量算符 3.3.电子在库仑场中的运动 3.4.氢原子 3.5.厄密算符的性质本征函数的正交性 3.6.算符与力学量的关系 3.7算符的对易关系两力学量同时有确定值的条件测不准关系 3.8.力学量平均值随时间的变化守恒定律
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4.1.态的表象 4.2.算符的矩阵表示 4.3.量子力学公式的矩阵表述 4.4.么正变换 4.5. DIRAC符号 4.6.线性谐振子与占有数表象
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7-1物质的微观模型统计规律性 一、分子的数密度和线度 ·物质的分子是可以独立存在、并保持该物质原有性质的最小粒子
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波动是振动的传播过程。 机械波:机械振动在介质中的传播过程。 电磁波:变化的电场和变化的磁场在空间的传播过程。 一、机械波产生的条件 ①波源产生机械振动的振源 ②弹性介质传播机械振动的介质
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18-1 Mechanical waves 18-2 Types of waves 18-3 Traveling waves(行波) 18-4 Wave velocity (speed) 18-6 Energy in wave motion 18-7 The principle of superposition 18-8 Interference(干涉) of waves 18-9 Standing waves 18-10 Standing waves and Resonance
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19-1 Properties of Sound waves 19-2 Traveling sound waves 19-4 Power and intensity of sound waves 19-3* The speed of sound 19-5 Interference of sound waves 19-6* Standing longitudinal waves 19-7* Vibrating system and sources of sound 19-8 Beats 19-9 The Doppler effect
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24-1 Two kinds of processes and entropy 24-2 Entropy change for reversible processes 24-3 Entropy change for irreversible processes 24-4 The second law of thermodynamics 24-5 Entropy and the performance of engines 24-6 Entropy and the performance of refrigerators 24-8 The second law revisited 24-9 A statistical view of entropy
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Sec. 5-1 Force Laws Sec. 5-2 Tension and normal forces Sec. 5-3 Friction forces Sec. 5-4 The dynamics of uniform circular motion Sec. 5-5 Time-dependent force Sec. 5-6 Noninertial frames and pseudoforces Sec. 5-7 Limitations of Newton’s law
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不论何种方式只要能使穿过闭 合回路的磁通量发生变化,此闭 合回路内就会有感应电动势出现。 引起磁通量变化的原因是多种多样 的,必须依据情况作具体分析
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