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利用Gleeble-3800热模拟试验机对纯镍N6在变形温度800~1100℃,应变速率5~40 s-1,应变量70%条件下进行了高温塑性变形压缩试验,分析纯镍N6高温高应变速率热变形行为,得到了材料在不同变形参数条件下的组织变化规律及流变应力变化曲线,利用动态材料模型绘制出了纯镍N6在不同应变条件下的热加工图.通过对组织及热加工图的分析研究,得出变形温度为1000~1100℃,应变速率为5~7 s-1或20~40 s-1以及变形温度为800~900℃,应变速率为5~10 s-1为纯镍N6材料高温高应变速率热变形的两个合理变形参数区间,在参数区间内N6组织均匀;而流变失稳区变形参数条件下得到的组织比较紊乱,晶粒大小不一.纯镍N6热变形后的晶粒尺寸随变形温度升高及应变速率减小而增大
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2.1 Discrete-Time Signals: Time-Domain Representation Signals represented as sequences of numbers, called samples Sample value of a typical signal or sequence denoted as x[n] with n being an integer in the range-oo≤n≤∞ x[n] defined only for integer values of n and undefined for noninteger values of n Discrete-time signal represented by {x[n]}
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1. Any arbitrary input sequence x[n] can be expressed as a linear combination of delaved and advanced unit sample sequences [n]=x[k][n-k] k=-0 2. .Linear Time-Invariant()System A system satisfying both the linearity and the time-invariance property. .If yiln] is the output due to an input xiln] and y2ln] is the output due to an input x2n] then for an input xn]=axiln]+bx2n] the output is given by ]=]+by2[n]
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Problem set 2 Solutions Due: Monday, February 14 at 9 PM Problem 1. Use induction to prove that n/n for alln olution. The proof is by induction on n. Let P(n) be the proposition that the equation Base case. P(2 )is true because Inductive step. Assume P(n)is true. Then we can prove P(n +1)is also true as follows
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Guessing a particular solution. Recall that a general linear recurrence has the form: f(n)=a1f(n-1)+a2f(n-2)+…+aaf(n-d)+g(n) As explained in lecture, one step in solving this recurrence is finding a particular solu- tion; i.e., a function f(n)that satisfies the recurrence, but may not be consistent with the boundary conditions. Here's a recipe to help you guess a particular solution:
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1 Strong Induction Recall the principle of strong induction: Principle of Strong Induction. Let(n) be a predicate. If ·P() is true,and for all n, P(O)A P(1)...A P(n) implies P(n+1), then P() is true for all n E N. As an example, let's derive the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
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一、求系统单位样值响应(1) 6(n) 离散时间系统 h() 一般时域经典方法求h(n) 将δ(n)转化为起始条件,于是齐次解,即零 输入解就是单位样值响应h(n) ·在n=时,接入的激励转化为起始条件 ·在n≠0时,接入的激励用线性时不变性 来进行计算
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例21:等宽槽的零件采用子程序(M8指令)编程 00021 N10G92X100Z100(设程序参考点) N20G90G00X4222 N40Mo6T0101 N35G04P3 N38 MO3MO7 N50G90000X322-12
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