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14完成审计工作与审计报告 14-1期初余额审计 14-2复核期后事项与或有损失 14-3评价审计结果 14-4审计报告的意义、作用和内容 14-5审计报告的种类 14-6编制审计报告的步骤和要求 14-7管理建议书
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1.水准管轴与视准轴的检验方法 2.经纬仪的整平对中方法 1.掌握水准仪的检验方法 2.掌握经纬仪的构造和使用方法
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第一节 市场调查、预测的意义和内容
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一、网络计划技术的基本概念 56年—美国组织一些数学家、工程师开始研究
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第一节旅行社管理信息系统概述 第二节旅行社管理信息系统的信息流程 第三节旅行社管理信息系统的总体设计 第四节旅行社管理信息系统功能设计
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Unit 1.Price I. Basic knowledge of pricing 1.Cost structure: cost of production, selling and delivery costs, taxes and tariffs a. Cost of production Costs related to the product manufacture: labor, raw materials
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Course Information: Business Negotiation Lecture day/Time: Wednesday 10: 15 Lecture Building/Room: Room 616, Library Building, Yuquan Campus Instructor Information: Yang Min/ Rosemary Course description The course introduces the basic concepts and practice of
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Revision(Lesson 1-3) I Expressions Directions: Choose the correct English expressions of Chinese terms in the column A from column B Column a
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Revision: I. Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook I. sale by sample 2. G M.Q 3. sale by
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Revision I. Expressions ss Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook 1. Purchase order: order sheet. order note indent
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