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当响应变量是定性变量时的非线性模型 两种可能的结果,成功或失败,患病的或没 有患病的,出席的或缺席的 实例:CAD(y)是年龄,体重,性别,吸烟 历史,血压的函数 ·吸烟者或不吸烟者是家庭历史,同年龄组行 为,收入,年龄的函数 今年购买一辆汽车是收入,当前汽车的使用 年限,年龄的函数
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1.1概率空间 1.2随机变量与分布函数; 1.3数字特征、矩母函数与特征函数 1.4收敛性 1.5独立性与条件期望
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像统计函数、工程函数一样,在 Excel 中还提供了许多财务函数。财务函数可以进行一般的 财务计算,如确定贷款的支付额、投资的未来值或净现值,以及债券或息票的价值。这些财务函 数大体上可分为四类:投资计算函数、折旧计算函数、偿还率计算函数、债券及其他金融函数
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S-Plus石油城市数据框架 石油的月超额回报,包含股票和市场。 SUMMARY: The oilcity data frame has 129 rows and 2 columns. The sample runs from April 1979 to December 1989. This data frame contains the following columns VALUE
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元线性回归分析估计两个变量的关 系 其中一个变量作为响应变量或输出变量 (y)o 另一个变量作为预测变量或解释变量 有时两个变量中哪一个是响应变量(例 如高度和重量)是不好区分的。在这种 情况下,可能会使用相关分析
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§11.1 计算积分的Monte Carlo方法 §11.2 Markov链Monte Carlo方法简介 §11.3 Metropolis-Hastings算法 §11.4 Gibbs抽样 §11.5 贝叶斯MCMC估计方法
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How to construct various control charts Which control charts to use for a particular type of data How to measure the capability of a process The basic themes of quality management and Deming’s 14 points The basic aspects of Six Sigma
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Demand Management Qualitative Forecasting Methods Time Series Analysis – Static method – Adaptive method Simple & Weighted Moving Average Forecasts Exponential Smoothing Exponential Smoothing with trend Exponential Smoothing with trend & seasonality Simple Linear Regression
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To use regression analysis to predict the value of a dependent variable based on an independent variable The meaning of the regression coefficients bo and b . To evaluate the assumptions of regression analysis and know what to do if the assumptions are violated . To make inferences about the slope and correlation coefficient . To estimate mean values and predict individual values
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 Recognize situations in which to use analysis of variance  Understand different analysis of variance designs  Perform a single-factor hypothesis test and interpret results  Conduct and interpret post-hoc multiple comparisons procedures  Analyze two-factor analysis of variance tests
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