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8.1复教 8.2正弦量 8.3相量法的基础 8.4电路定律的相量形式
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第9章微机系统的总线技术 9.1总线概述 9.2从PC总线到SA 9.3PCI总线 9.4RS-232C串行通信总线
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第3章软件需求分析 一、软件需求 二、需求分析过程 三、传统方法的分析建模 四、举例
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Patented free-floating silicon technology Low on-state and switching losses Optimized for use as freewheeling diode in GTo converters Standard press-pack housing, hermetically cold-welded Cosmic radiation withstand rating
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Local or remote control Microprocessor controlled RS-232/RS-485 CAN Complete diode laser control Affordably priced and monitoring solution Air or water cooling( specify)
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TOSHIBA Semiconductor Company Discrete semiconductor Division 2003 Dec DP054001101
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Fast response(tdon 3 FS, doff <6 Hs) Precise timing(Atdoff 800 ns) Patented free floating silicon technology Optimized low on-state and switching losses Very high EMI immunity Cosmic radiation withstand rating
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Direct fiber optic controll and status Fast response(tdon 3 FS, doff <6 Hs) Precise timing Patented free-floating silicon technology High reliability Very high EMI immunity
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MP02XXX190 Series Phase Control dual scr. scr/ diode modules es January 2000 version, DS4479-40 Ds44795.0July2002
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3.1基本斩波电路 3.2复合斩波电路和多相多重斩波电路
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