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1–1 半导体物理基础知识 1–2 PN结及晶体二极管 1–3 晶体二极管及其基本电路 1–4 其它二极管简介
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第一部分 分布参数电路中的波过程 第二部分 内部过电压 第三部分 雷电过电压
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第2章电脑组件选购指南 2、1电脑的基础组件 2、2电脑组件的性能指标 2.2.01主板 2.2.08光驱 2.2.02中央处理器CPU2.2.09声卡 2.2.03内存
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Direct fiber optic controll and status Fast response(tdon 3 FS, doff <6 Hs) Precise timing Patented free-floating silicon technology High reliability Very high EMI immunity
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Oxide Oxide Metallization Contact processing techniques that are similar to those of today's VLSI circuits, although the device geometry, voltage and current ntSource
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TOSHIBA Semiconductor Company Discrete semiconductor Division 2003 Dec DP054001101
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一、电解 电解是利用外部电源使化学反应向非自发方向 进行的过程
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Introduction to Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors Prepared by: Jack Takesuye and scott Deuty Motorola inc INTRODUCTION As power conversion relies more on switched applications The IGBT is, in fact, a spin-off from power MOSFET
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Voclin 1400 V Doc. No. 5SYA 1213-02 Aug 2000 Patented free-floating silicon technology Low on-state and switching losses Annular gate electrode Industry standard housing Cosmic radiation withstand rating Blocking
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3.3 电路中的谐振 3.3.1 串联谐振 3.3.2 并联谐振 3.4 网络的频率特性 — 转移函数 3.4.1 转移函数的幅频特性和相频特性 3.4.2 低通电路、高通电路 3.4.3 波特图
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