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第一节能力概述 第二节能力的种类和结构 第三节智力测验 第四节能力的发展
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The educator’s job is not increase motivation per se(本身)but to discover, initiate, and sustain student’s motivation to learn, and to engage in activities that lead to learning
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Moral development is the process by which individuals acquire a sense of right and wrong, to use in evaluating their own actions and the actions of others
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Learning strategies are specific methods of learning information that help them learn and remember things. The four commonly observed trends in the development of learning strategies
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1 Acronyms and Acrostics: (for information involving key words) An acronym is an invented combination of letters. Each letter is a cue to an idea you need to remember. Example: BRASS is an acronym for how to shoot a rifle--Breath, Relax, Aim, Sight, Squeeze
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• 答辩过程特点 • 心理准备 • 主要沟通渠道 • 进入答辩阶段的要求 • 答辩黑名单 • 答辩期限 • 必备前提条件 • 答辩流程
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1、掌握记忆的含义、基本过程、类型等基本知识 2、了解记忆的组织、测量以及记忆的系统等知识;
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一:什么是记忆 记忆是过去经历过的事物在人脑中的反映,, 是人脑积累经验的功能表现。 记忆对人类生活具有重要意义:
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