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一:什么是记忆 记忆是过去经历过的事物在人脑中的反映,, 是人脑积累经验的功能表现。 记忆对人类生活具有重要意义:
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第一节 思维的概述 第二节 思维方法与策略 第三节 问题解决 第四节 创造性思维
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第一节能力概述 第二节能力的种类和结构 第三节智力测验 第四节能力的发展
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第一节建立和谐的人际关系 第二节培养真挚的友谊 第三节大学生恋爱心理卫生
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1、掌握记忆的含义、基本过程、类型等基本知识 2、了解记忆的组织、测量以及记忆的系统等知识;
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第一节 群体对个体的意义 第二节 合作的根源 合作与竞争人格倾向的测量
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The educator’s job is not increase motivation per se(本身)but to discover, initiate, and sustain student’s motivation to learn, and to engage in activities that lead to learning
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“Any subject can by taught effectively to any child at any stage of development
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Educational psychology is to give tomorrow' s teachers the intellectual grounding and practical strategies needed to be effective as instructors
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Learning is usually defined as a change in an individual caused by experience. Changes caused by development are not instances of learning. Neither are characteristics of individuals that are present at birth. However, human beings do so much learning from the day of their birth that learning and development are inseparably linked
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