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3.1 Preface 1. data object--- a set of instances or values for example: Boolean={ false,true} Digit={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} Letter={A, B, ....., a,b, ..... Z} NaturalNumber= {0, 1,2, ..... Integer={0,+1,-1,+2,-2,+3,-3,} String={a,, ..... ,aa, ab, ac
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第六章计划与计划工作 一、名词解释 计划:指组织为了实现决策所确定的目标而预先进行的行动安排。 二、单项选择 1.C2.B3.B4.C5.D6.A7.D8.B9.C10.D 11.B12.c13.B14.A15.B16.C17a18.a19.c20.b
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7.2节要点: 1.属性文法(语法制导的定义)(Syntax-Directed- Definition)。 形式:每个产生式A→a对应与之相关联的一个语义规则(semantic rules) 集合,每条规则形如b:=f(C1,2,k),其中f是一个函数,bc1C2k是该 产生式中文法符号的属性(attributes),b有两个可能:(1)是A的综合属性 (synthesized attribute),(2)是a中文法符号的继承属性(inherited attribute) 函数f通常以表达式的形式出现
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2.6.1分块矩阵的乘法,准对角阵的乘积和秩 1、矩阵的分块和分块矩阵的乘法 设A是属于K上的m×n矩阵,B是K上n×k矩阵,将A的行分割r段,每段分别包含m,m2,,m,个行,又将A的列分割为s段,每段包含nn2,n个列。于是A可用小块矩阵表示如下:
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一、逆幂法分析 设n阶实方阵A有n个线性无关的特征向量u12…n 相应的特征值分别为,2…n,并按其绝对值的大小排列 即 则由A1=u,可得Au1=u,即A的逆矩阵A的特征值为
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2.6.1分块矩阵的乘法,准对角阵的乘积和秩 1、矩阵的分块和分块矩阵的乘法 设A是属于K上的m×n矩阵,B是K上n×k矩阵,将A的行分割r段,每段分别包含m,m2,,m,个行,又将A的列分割为s段,每段包含nn2,n个列。于是A可用
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一. 选择题: 1.(B) 2.(B ) 3.(A) 4 .(D) 5.(C) 6.(A) 7.(C) 8.(A) 9.(A) 10.(B) 11.(D) 二. 填空题: 1.自然光或(和)圆偏振光 、线偏振光(完全偏振光) 2.2 、1/4
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Letter Writing Practice 2 Test Yourself You office needs to rent a video camera for one month. You need a small machine that produces a professional quality image. Write to Photofinish Ltd and ask them if they rent machines like that and the price. Write a full business letter. (invent any details you need)
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Anthropology and Moral Relativism Two stories: In 1960's and 70's a prominent Harvard psychologist named Jerome Bruner decided that it would be a good idea to expose young people to some of the concepts of social science, so he developed a curriculum called \Man: A Course
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Symbolism and Ritual It's a huge topic, it could cover a whole course 1. Two examples: a. Mariage ritual from the Kuna called\the dragging' i. Bride and groom would not choose each other, but their parents would arrange the marriage secretly. The groom's friends would traditionally surprise him and drag him down the street. (Now a days, they don't fight back so hard and they know ahead of time)
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