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2.1 Introduction: the role of packaging in the food chain Packaging has a significant role in the food supply chain and it is an integral part both of the food processes and the whole food supply chain. Food packaging has to perform several tasks as well as fulfilling many demands and requirements. Traditionally, a food package makes distribution easier. It has protected food from environmental conditions, such as light, oxygen, moisture, microbes, mechanical stresses and dust. Other basic tasks have been to ensure adequate labelling for providing information e.g., to the customer, and a proper convenience to the consumer, e.g., easy opening, reclosable lids and a suitable dosing mechanism. Basic requirements are good marketing properties
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定理7.3.1设矩阵A∈Rn,且非奇异,则一定存在正交矩 nxn 阵,上三角矩阵R,使 A=OR (7.3.2) 且当要求R的主对角元素均为正数时,则分解式(7.3.2)是唯一的。 证明存在性有矩阵A的非奇 Householder异性及变换矩 阵的性质(3)知,一定可构造n-1个H矩阵:H1,H2,…,Hn-1使 A+1=HA(k=1,2,…n-1)
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设f(x)在[a,b]上连续,在(a,b)内具有二阶导数.若在(a,b) 内f(x)>0,则f(x)在[a,b]上的图形是凹的;
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一填空(共15分,每格0.5分) 1.连续培养的一个重要特征是使微生物的a和b处于某种稳定状态。连续培养的方法可分为两类,即c法,和d法。 2.放线菌是一种a生物,以b繁殖,是生产c的主要微生物。 3.赖氨酸生产菌常用a缺陷、b缺陷;苏氨酸生产菌常用c缺陷、d缺陷菌株。 4.在好氧污水处理中,有机物氧化时氧是最终的a,生物氧化的结果是产生b,新细胞利用这种c进行合成
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一填空(共15分,每格0.5分) 1.微生物通过HMP途径,把葡萄糖降解成丙酮酸可以产生合成a和b的前体及用于生 物合成的还原剂c 2.芽孢是某些细菌在生活史的一定阶段形成的没有a活性的休眠体,对b,c和d 具有抗性。 3.霉菌的繁殖方式有两种,即为a和b,而细菌则以c为主要方式。 4.消毒和灭菌的区别在于前者是杀死或除去a,而后者则指杀死b
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The four basic stages in the PD Process are the same for all food product development, but there are significant differences in the activities, techniques and timings for new product development in the primary production, industrial food processing, and food manufacturing industries Primary production's product development is based on either a breeding process from cultivated varieties or capturing a new species from the wild. The development of new plants, animals and fish takes a great deal of time and depends on times of growing and harvesting There can be a general product concept based on perceived consumer or industrial wants and needs
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定理4(介值定理) 设函数f(x)在闭区间[a,b]上连续,且f(a)(b),那么,对于 f(a)与f(b)之间的任意一个数C,在开区间(a,b)内至少有一点5 使得=C
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在极限lim[1+a(x)]a(x)中,只要a(x)是无穷小,就有 lim[+a(x) ](x)=e. 这是因为,令u=,则u→∞,于是
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准则I 如果数列{xn}{yn}及{zn}满足下列条件 (1)(n=1,2,3,) (2)lim yn=a, lim zn=a n→∞ n→∞ 那么数列{xn}的极限存在,且 lim xn=a
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1.行列式的性质 性质1.设A=(a1)是n阶矩阵,A是A的转置矩阵,则 即行列式经过转置后其值不变. 性质2如果行列式的某一行(列)的元素都是两数之和, 例如行列式D的第i行的元素都是两数之和
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