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Teaching points I. Background information II. Introduction to the passage III. Text analysis IV rhetorical devices V. Questions for discussion
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Teaching points I. Background information II. Introduction to the passage III. Text analysis IV rhetorical devices V. Questions for discussion
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Teaching Points l. Background knowledge ll. Introduction to the passage lll . Text Analysis IV. Rhetorical devices V. Questions
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Teaching Points l. Background knowledge ll. Introduction to the passage lll . Text Analysis IV. Rhetorical devices V. Questions
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零状态响应是电路在零初始 状态下,仅由电路的输入引○+Rc+ 起的响应。 在t0时,v(O)=0,仅由直流 电流源F引起的响应就是 零状态响应。 若电路处零状态,=u(为阶跃函数,所求的响 应就是阶跃响应。若i=u(为单位阶跃函数,所 求的响应就是单位阶跃响应s(t)
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Teaching Points l. Background knowledge ll. Introduction to the passage lllText Analysis IV. Rhetorical devices V. Questions
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一、换路:电路的接通、切断、短路、电路参数的突 然改变、电路连接方式的突然改变、电源输出的 突然改变等,通称为换路。 换路定则:网络在t时换路,换路后的to 对C:只要 icksM(有限量),v不会跳变; 对L:只要M(有限量),不会跳变。 电路的初始条件:t=to+时电路变量的值称为电 路的初始状态,这些初始状态也就是求解该电路 的微分方程所必需的初始条件。因此,确定电路 的初始条件是很重要的
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经纬仪应满足的几何条件: 视准轴垂直于水平轴,即CC⊥HH; 水平轴垂直于垂直轴,即H⊥VV; 管水准轴垂直于垂直轴,即SS⊥V; 垂直轴垂直通过水平度盘中心;
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INTERNATIONAL LAW AS A TOOL OF CONSTITUTIONAL INTERPRETATION Kristen Walker' INTRODUCTION In series of judgments in the past five years Justice Kirby has developed an interpretive principle concerning the use of international law in constitutional interpretation. He has adapted the words of Brennan J in Mabo v Queensland [No 2]'to formulate the proposition that: The common law, and constitutiona
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一、脂类的消化吸收 1.消化吸收的部位:小肠 2.参与消化的酶:脂肪酶、磷脂酶A2、胆固醇酯酶3.吸收方式:水解产物游离脂肪酸(FA)、固醇(Ch)、溶血磷脂及甘油一酯在小肠细胞内重新酯化形成乳糜微粒(CM),再通过淋巴系统进入血液;小分子FFA也可直接通过门静脉(V)入血
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