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本门专业英语课程是指适合大学动物医学专业学生,介绍和讲解有关动物医学方面的 特别英语。其基本内容是与动物医学专业有关基础课、专业基础课和专业课的英文文章 涉及解剖学、组织胚胎学、动物生物化学、动物生理学、兽医产科学和繁殖学、兽医传染 病学和免疫学。同时本门课程也重点讲述英文摘要的翻译以及如何将中文摘要翻译成英 文。本门课的主要学习目的是了解动物医学的概念,知识和内容的英文表达,提高专业英 语水平:掌握中文摘要翻译成英文的技巧
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一、课程的地位、性质和任务(The Status, Character and the Teaching Purpose) 《法律英语》是依据《大学英语教学大纲》对大学英语应用提高阶段在专 业英语方面的教学要求,适应中国加入世贸组织后进一步扩大对外交流形式的 需要,以培养更多既有扎实法律专业知识又精通外语的法律人才的需求,所开 设的课程
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生物和环境 1神经的凋亡 Apoptosisi of Neuron 2.肌动蛋白 myosin的构象及作用机制 ture The Structure and Function of Myosin 3.钇激光器的发射特性 Yb Llaser Radiation Character 4.胰酶分泌素的分泌机制 The Secreting Mechanism of Cholecystokinin 5.钙离子在信号传导中的作用 The Function of Calcium in Signal Transduction 6.1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶的进化过程 The Evolution of Rubisco
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Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, Crawford Hill Lab, Holmdel, NJ 07733, USA: herwig@lucent.com Abstract Optical communication has advanced into the tera-era deploying 1/2 terameter of fiber and carrying several Tb/s per fiber. Remaining challenges include extending the success of point-to-point long-haul to metropolitan networks and broadband access applications. Introduction Reflecting on the past 15 years of optical communication, one can only marvel at the amazing advances in this technology and in its applications
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Chapter 9 The World Wide Web Requirements: 1、理解万维网(World Wide Web)的工作原理; 2、能够描述 Internet和万维网的特征及其服务; 3、了解学术论文写作的有关知识
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Chapter 8 The Internet Requirements: 1、了解 Internet的起源 2、掌握 Internet的关键技术概念 3、描述 Internet协议与应用程序的作用 4、解释当前 Internet的结构 5、理解当前 Internet的局限 6、描述 Internet的潜在作用 7、掌握英语长句的翻译技巧
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The burgeoning demand for mobile data net￾works has highlighted some constraints on its future growth. Wireless links have always had orders of magnitude less bandwidth than their wireline counterparts. Mobile users have always chafed at this limitation, which essentially forces them to use applications in a manner reminis￾cent of wireline networks of decades past
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Chapter 6 Software Engineering Requirements: 1、掌握软件的生命周期的基本术语与知识; 2、了解软件工程的发展趋势; 3、了解软件设计方法; 4、了解软件安全的有关知识; 5、掌握复杂定语(从句)的翻译技巧
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