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13.6 The Energetics of Chemolithotrophy 13.7 Hydrogen Oxidation 氢的氧化 13.8 Oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds 还原态硫的氧化 13.9 Iron Oxidation 铁氧化 13.10 Nitrifying bacteria 硝化细菌 13.11 Anammox Major Biosyntheses: Autotrophy and Nitrogen Fixation 13.12 Autotrophic CO2 fixation: The Calvin cycle卡尔文循环固定CO2 13.13 Autotrophic CO2 fixation: Other autotrophic pathways in phototrophs 13.14 Nitrogenase and nitrogen fixation 固氮酶与固氮作用
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I. Symbioses between Microorganisms II. Plants as Microbial Habitats 2. The Legume–Root Nodule Symbiosis 3. Agrobacterium and Crown Gall Disease 4. Mycorrhizae III. Animals as Microbial Habitats 5. The Mammalian Gut 6. The Rumen and Ruminant Animals 7. The Human Microbiome 8. Termites
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I. The Phylogeny of Bacteria • 17.1 Phylogenetic Overview of Bacteria II. Phototrophic, Chemolithotrophic, and Methanotrophic Proteobacteria • 17.2 Purple Phototrophic Bacteria • 17.3 The Nitrifying Bacteria • 17.4 Sulfur- and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria • 17.5 Hydrogen-Oxidizing Bacteria • 17.6 Methanotrophs and Methylotrophs III. Aerobic and Facultatively Aerobic Chemoorganotrophic Proteobacteria • 17.7 Pseudomonas and the Pseudomonads • 17.8 Acetic Acid Bacteria • 17.9 Free-Living Aerobic Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria • 17.10 Neisseria, Chromobacterium, and Relatives • 17.11 Enteric Bacteria • 17.12 Vibrio, Aliivibrio, and Photobacterium • 17.13 Rickettsias V. Delta- and Epsilonproteobacteria • 17.17 Myxobacteria • 17.18 Sulfate- and Sulfur-Reducing Proteobacteria • 17.19 The Epsilonproteobacteria
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12.1 Early Microbial Life on Earth 12.1.1 Conditions on Early Earth: hot and Anoxic 12.1.2 Evidence for Life on early Earth: Stromatolites 叠层石 12.2 Origin of Cellular life 12.3 Primitive Life: Early Metabolism 12.4 Eukaryotes and Organelles: Endosymbiosis 内共生
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13.15 Fermentations: Energetic and redox consideration 13.16 Fermentative Diversity 13.17 Fermentations lacking substrate level phosphorylation 13.18 Anaerobic respiration: : General Principles 13.19 Nitrate reduction and Denitrification硝酸还原与反硝化 13.20 Sulfate Reduction 硫还原 13.21 Methanogenesis 产甲烷过程 13.22 Other Electron Acceptors
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4.8 Energy Conservation 4.9 Glycolysis as an example of fermentation 糖酵解 4.10 Respiration and membrane associated electron carriers Aerobic respiration-oxygen as terminal electron acceptor有氧呼吸 Anaerobic respiration-other substances as acceptors无氧呼吸 4.11 ENERGY CONSERVATION FROM THE PROTON MOTIVE FORCE 4.12 Carbon Flow in Respiration: the citric acid cycle 三羧酸循环 4.13 Catabolic Alternatives分解代谢的多样性
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犯罪学作为一门独立的学科,是19世纪中叶在资本主义社会形成和发展起来的。犯 罪学从其诞生时起,几乎就有广义和狭义之分。狭义的犯罪学是将犯罪和犯罪者作为整体 进行综合分析研究,探索犯罪发生的原因及其规律的科学。故又称犯罪原因学。狭义犯罪 学又分为两大分支,一是犯罪生物学,二是犯罪社会学。法国、意大利、德国等国家大体 如此
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一、花的组成及其类型 二、花药的发育和花粉粒的形成 三、胚珠的结构和胚囊的形成 四、开花、传粉与受精 五、种子和果实的形成 六、 被子植物生活史的概述
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一、单选题(60分 1.关于人的概念叙述不正确的是 A.人具有生物属性和社会属性 B.人是一个综合组成的整体 C.人具有多层次的需要 D.人是指单独的个体 E.人包括病人和健康人
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一、实验目的 1.能识别医学蠕虫成虫、虫卵、感染阶段示教标本的形态,并比较各种成虫的形态特点。 2.画出医学蠕虫各虫种的虫卵。 3.能初步进行线虫纲粪便查虫卵的方法
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