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审计学(中文)_18-2 付款循环审计
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1970年代以来,经济全球化进程一直在加速, 具体表现为贸易的大幅度增长和国际间金融交 易大幅度增长。中国已经成为WT0的成员国, 这使得中国会以一个渐进的,但逐步加快的方 式逐步融入世界经济。虽然在过去的20年里 中国的出口一直高速增长,但目前中国的企业 和产业部门在世界市场上所面对的竞争是严峻 的,未来一段时间内,这种严峻的形势将继续存 在。由于大量外国企业进入中国,和大量外国 产品进入中国市场,中国的企业和产业部门在 中国国内市场也面对严峻的国际竞争
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审计学(中文)_18-1 采购循环审计
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审计学(中文)_16 余额细节测试的审计抽样
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审计学(中文)_15 完成销售和收款循环的测试:应收账款
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审计学(中文)_13 销售与收款循环
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9. The Producer's Problem a. Firms and Maximization b. Production Functions C. Supply and Profit Functions d. Cost Functions e. Duality and Producers f. Application: Urban Systems
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8. Financial Markets a. Insurance Markets b. Moral Hazard C. Adverse Selection with one price contracts d. Simple Financial Markets-Comparative Statics e. Option Pricing and Redundant Assets
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7. More on Uncertainty Prospect Theory, LoSS Aversion b. Subjective Utility and Common Knowledge Risk Aversion d. First and Second Order stochastic Dominance Asset demand and risk Aversion
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6. Choice Under Uncertainty a. Representing Uncertainty: Lotteries and Compound Lotteries b. Axioms of Expected Utility C. The Expected Utility Theory d. Empirical Challenges to Expected Utility Theory-the Paradox Business e. Application: Crime and punishment
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