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一、财务报表 二、一个可行的分析框架 三、比率分析 四、趋势分析 五、结构分析和指数分析
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一、项目评估和选择的方法 二、潜在的困难 三、资金分配 四、项目监测 五、事后审计
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一、经营杠杆 二、财务杠杆 三、总杠杆 四、履行债务的现金流量能力 五、其他分析方法 六、各种方法的结合
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一.课程的性质、教学目的和要求 (一)性质和目的 《现代化学研究方法》是食品科学各专业博士生的重要基础 课程,是培养食品科学等专业高级人才的整体知识结构及能力 结构的重要组成部分。通过本课程的学习,要求学生掌握现代 化学研究的常见方法及相关内容(主要内容包括无机化合物、 有机化合物和高分子化合物的合成、性质、应用及研究方法)
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一、编写说明 本课程学分4分,总课时4x15周=60课时,必修课。 课程简介: 本课程由英语读写和英语视说组成。上课主要学习精读课文、解疑释惑、视说训练,课 后需要完成听、说、读、写等各种形式的作业
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(一)课程性质和目的 \The Business of Tour Operation\is a 2-credit course for graduate students majoring in Tourism Management in College of Tourism. Tour business operation is a combination of professional expertise and practice skill on the part of practitioners. Knowledge and techniques are both emphasized in teaching The textbook chosen for students was published in English by Longman Group Ltd. This is the first
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一 .Character, Objective and Requirement (一)Character and Objective This course is for graduate students majoring in economic information management of enterprise management and in management science and engineering. It introduce students the knowledge of Operational Research and Decision Support System. By studying this curriculum, students are able to build the mathematical models of most kinds in business decision and economic decision area, and understand the concepts and methods of DSS
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一、立体的企业和企业产权理论(4课时) 1、企业契约和契约剩余产权理论 这里需要系统和深入地认识和掌握企业作为一种契约组织,既是一般的 市场契约,又是不同于一般市场契约的生产合约,会创造剩余和形成剩余产 权,企业契约的核心是其契约剩余产权的理论
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教学目的:通过讲授与讨论,使学生掌握宏观经济学的基本模型以及宏观经济学 的研究方法和宏观经济学研究的主要问题。同时,也让学生了解宏观经济学研究的前 沿课题和进展,同时为博士论文的写作提供借鉴与启示
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Course overview This course is designed for postgraduate students whose academic specialty is tourism management. With 34 periods, it is a 2-credit course for postgraduate degree The course involves students both in the theory and in the research on the currently main issues of tourism management mlay The course covers five parts(or five subjects) prevalent in the field of tourism tourism marketing, sustainable developm tourism. tor planning and development, hospitality management, travel agency management
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